Time To Question The Political DNA Of Media Houses On Fontabelle

…what has been the role of the media, can the media be bought or can the media push one agenda rather than another, rather than present the truth by getting the facts, all the facts and let people decide. It is about our intelligensia having the intellectual honesty to either declare who they support or give an unbiased view …

Sandra Husbands

The quote above is timely because it again brings to the fore the role of local media in civil society. Is there a local body which can be held accountable by the public if there is a need to question ‘journalistic ethics’? As far as BU is aware the Barbados Association of Journalists ( BAJ) has not suggested it has the the mandate to perform such a task. Here is an example, on page 9A of the Sunday Sun June 19, 2011, in an article titled ‘The way to health reform’ published under the by-line Sandra Husbands (Guest Column). Blatant in its omission was the fact the Nation newspaper did not indicate that Sandra Husbands is the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) candidate to oppose Minister Donville Inniss in St. James South when the bell is rung for the next general election. The article robustly attacked her political foe which makes the omission all the more irresponsible.

Recently the Nation newspaper severed seasoned journalists Chris Gollop and Wade Gibbons. BU understands the two had signalled an interest to accept a ‘package’ when the Nation sent home the first set of employees, Adonijah et al.. The Nation management, it seems, took the opportunity to part company with the two in the most recent sending home of employees. We find the decision interesting because with the dearth of journalistic talent at the Nation and beyond one would have thought the management at that newspaper would have vetoed Messrs’ Gollop and Gibbons request to leave. The deed is done but it forced BU to share a suspicion we have about goings-on at the Fontebelle newspaper.

To what extent are we (the public) satisfied the Nation newspaper has been professional in managing its editorial policy in light of the political affiliation of key principals at the newspaper. Barbados is a small island and it is not difficult to acquirer information. The Publisher of the Nation is known to be a seasoned BLPite, the Editor-in-Chief is a devout follower of Leader of the Opposition Owen Arthur, lead columnist the decaffeinated one, a former legal guru and member of parliament and political correspondent known to be influenced by Mascoll in his writings are known to be BLPites. The question arising, to what extent can the editorial output of the Nation be separated from the political leaning of the key players named?

It is not surprising to some the news making the rounds that Sandy Lane and MQI have stopped doing business with the company. Barbadians need to start being more discerning and start to question the job our media is doing. Nothing needs to be stated about The Barbados Advocate.

… the full-extent of the damage ‘MLM’ has caused. Perhaps a good place to start would be on America’s own door-step; for it’s not just in distant lands like India where ‘business opportunity’ frauds are a problem. These cancers have been allowed to gnaw their way into small Caribbean States like Trinidad and Barbados. Fortunately, in the face of government inaction (and a mysterious lack of interest from the mainstream media), a few decent individuals are struggling to inform, and protect, their fellow citizens. Corporate Frauds Watch salutes the efforts of Barbados Underground…

David Brear

86 responses to “Time To Question The Political DNA Of Media Houses On Fontabelle

  1. Looks like Ms Husbands will rue the day she decided to publish comments under her name on the blogs. Perhaps Ms Husbands is a neophyte politician who is unfamiliar with the use of surrogates to do the dirty work.

    Live and learn

  2. Pingback: Time To Question The Political DNA Of Media Houses On Fontebelle | Barbados news

  3. Wait, BU now in bed with Sandra Husbands? I would seriously like to know what Ms Husbands feelings are towards the treatment of a senior Sister in her Party, the previous leader, by by the current Leader of the Opposition…! Is there no loyalty in the sisterhood?

  4. By the way, there is NO public Right to Know … none … nunca! Hence the role of the “journalist is moot!

  5. Pooposition Is At Sea

    Excellent article David, I have said many times before were the newsprint any softer and would be easy on the bum the paper that the Nation uses would better be turned into toilet paper it would be very much more worthwhile and usefull in the bathroom on a roll.

  6. Is it true that the Nation in the Monday 20th June edition, on the front page in bold print, stated that the Prime Minister of Grenada is Dr. Gonsalves? I haven’t seen the papers as yet since I returned to the island this evening (Tuesday). Have the proof readers been paid out also?

  7. Careless Bunch at the Nation

    I know their reporting to be so bad that they reported on the results of the golf as a Trinidadian having placed 3 rd In The Barbados Open when in truth and in fact the person who place 3 rd is very proud Barbadian.

  8. Pooposition Is At Sea

    And it gets better !

  9. @Chuckles

    These were the headlines on Monday which you referred:


    Grenada’s Gonsalves asks LIAT chairman not to go yet

    Daily NATION – Monday 20th June 2011

    Perhaps the proofreader was sent home.

  10. Well it is good to see that you guys are taking the bull by the horns.

  11. In the know

    Chris Gollop is being considered again for the pick at the BGIS. That department is crying out for leadership as is much of the public service. Has anyone noticed that there are a number of acting appointments within the public service. Where are the unions in this Hollywood affair>??

  12. Carson C. Cadogan

    You fellas amuse me.

    Don’t you know that the Nation newspaper was started in the early 1970’s by wealthy Barbados Labour Party supporters?

    So what do you expect?

    Because of the battering the Barbados Labour Party was getting from the Democratic Labour Party in the 1960’s and early seventies , the Nation Newspaper was started by the BLP to give them the edge over the Democratic Labour Party. It had nothing to do with “Journalistic purity”.

    Simply tow the BLP line and help keep them in power.

  13. @CCC

    What about government’s relationship with the Advocate?

    What about appointing Eversley as head of news at CBC after he would have acted in the role as communications manager for the DLP last general election?

  14. Carson C. Cadogan

    This over at Barbados Free Press:-

    “barbadosfreepress.wordpress.com is no longer available.”

    “This blog has been archived or suspended for a violation of our Terms of Service.
    For questions or concerns, contact WordPress.com Support.”

  15. islandgal246

    Have they no shame at all? How can they call themselves a newspaper and can’t get their facts straight? Is this a reflection of our education system?

    @Chuckles….”Have the proof readers been paid out also?”

    They never had any proof readers before! A few years ago I went to put an ad in their classifieds. I wanted a picture in the ad. I was told that they do not have too many pictures, I asked if they had any clip art programs to go with their classifieds. I was told no. I told them that they can download free clip art from the web and I was asked to send them the link. I will never advertise with them again. There are too many email based businesses that are cheaper and more effective. And there is also FB. Their classified days are numbered.

  16. St George's Dragon

    Apart from the politics aspect, at least the Nation does attempt to report the news and do some investigative journalism. The Advocate, on the other hand, just recycles press releases and publishes “good news” stories.

  17. @St. Georges Dragon

    Should we understand you to be benchmarching the Nation to the Advocate?

    BU understands Chefette has stopped doing business with the Nation to add to Sandy lane and MQI.

  18. People who do not know otherwise, might come to the conclusion that there is only one media house on Fontabelle.

    How it go look, that you castigated the Nation and letting Bryan feel that he is in the clear.

    Where is the balance David?

  19. @Raw Bake

    The Advocate is not a media house.

  20. The addendum to the article suggest that you should also state the facts as it relates to the Advocate. No?

  21. checkit-out

    David; What is a media house?

  22. Star Trek: The Next Generation

    Space… the Final Frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.

    Surely BU is not the West Indies, do not drop the ball now David.

  23. David

    I think you must be misinformed. you still see the massive advertising piece when cheffete does it full page charity ads. not to mention the advertising for wing dings. Now for sandy lane. there still post job opening in nation so that is buisness.

  24. sam cooke and duppy

    the nation is a blp rat nest

  25. It is very scandalous what the Nation is doing. Their articles are brazenly political and skewed to the side of one party over the other. They have a right to report on what is happening in a political environment. However, they should be fair and give both parties a fair opportunity to be seen and covered.

    I would even go further by saying that the sensationalism in their articles are very deliberate to stir up political tension. Really, we do not need that kind of atmosphere in Barbados. The opposition BLP wants the rest of Barbados and even the world to believe that Barbados is experiencing a serious doom and gloom situation. The Nation’s headlines since the last election have tried to portray that image.

  26. Let me see if I got this thing straight.
    The BLPcentic Nation owned DLPcentric Starcom. It was then “given” to OCM, who accepts the status quo and see no need to derail this gravy train.

    Whether BLP, DLP, PEP or PDC, whenever and wherever the opportunity presents itself, they will all form partnerships with our beloved Fourth Estate.

    I am old enough to have noticed the same alleged white shadows and dark shadows prospering under both the BLP and DLP.

  27. Truthman Burton

    @David | June 22, 2011 at 7:43 AM | @CCC

    “What about government’s relationship with the Advocate?

    What about appointing Eversley as head of news at CBC after he would have acted in the role as communications manager for the DLP last general election?”

    David, there are occasions when you become an enigma to me! I am probably the only one on this blog who has repeatedly made mention of The Advocate’s journalistically contemptuous, distasteful, relatonship with the DLP.

    I have also pursued Eversley’s inappropriate appointment at CBC DLP TV and RADIO, immediately after serving as communications manager of the DLP’S general election campaign. The main tenet of his appointment was to specifically transform CBC into a fiercely political extension of the BGIS, and more importantly, to block out coverage of anything to do with the Opposition, no matter how beneficial or valuable those views would be for the country’s progress. On those rare occasions when there was Opposition coverage, EVERSLEY would deliberately select those small, 2-second clips of any speech, that either had little impact, or were not germane to the particular discussion.

    The point I am trying to make here is that not once have you, David, uttered a single word in support of my contentions. Is it because that maybe you now find yourself a little bit on the defensive, that you are responding this way to CCC?

    The reason this man CCC behaves so snappish and crabby whenever you mention the Press, The Advocate, or CBC DLP TV, is because CCC is REUDON EVERSLEY HIMSELF!

  28. At least The Advocate is consistent, when the BLP was in power it was pro BLP now the DLP is in power it is pro DLP, they know where their bread is buttered.

    The other piece of fish wrap called the Nation was pro BLP and when Harold tried to show he had a pair and assert some independence he was called a Negrocrat for his brashness by the esteemed former PM.

    Never a dull moment where politics in Bim is concerned.

  29. BFP really pushed the envelope recently with too much anti-Muslim rhetoric and even I was cussed by them and they wanted to try and discredit me for daring to speak pro-Islam

    But the real deal is when they attacked the USA’s new Charge D’Affaires here and used WikiLeaks accusing him of trying to strongarm the Vatican, saw it in my e-mail alert this morning – went to check and found them gone…

    BU has to be concerned because if it can happen there? It can happen here…

  30. Pooposition Is At Sea

    Truthman Burton, what utter rubbish, so we can claim you to be the wife beater with a charge sheet in Kerrie Symmonds ?

  31. Truthman Burton

    @Pooposition Is At Sea | June 22, 2011 at 12:44 AM |

    “Excellent article David, I have said many times before were the newsprint any softer and would be easy on the bum the paper that the Nation uses would better be turned into toilet paper it would be very much more worthwhile and usefull in the bathroom on a roll.”

    POOP-AT-SEA, You persist in miss-spelling your name. Let me remind you again … It is NOT “Pooposition Is At Sea.” It is POOP-AT-SEA, and with a name like that, it’s no wonder that your mind is always consumed with bums, toilet paper (any kind of paper), toilets, and all those things that toilets are used for. Get serious man!

  32. To those suggesting BU is not balanced by excluding pro-government The Barbados Advocate and the government owned the CBC that is fine. Do a search of BU and pull up the blogs about the two.

    A media house is not only the physical space but should embody the tenets of the Fourth Estate of the Realm.

    While the business’ mentioned might still be seen doing business BU’s position stands if applied in a comparative sense.

  33. Truthman Burton

    @HAMILTON HILL | June 21, 2011 at 9:34 PM |

    “@Truthman Burton………Have I been promoted? or is it a fact that your attention has lost its value?Even to those faithful to your cause you are now laughable.Wheel and come again .Try BICO, for ya CLICO ting doan seem ta be going naway.Every time I read ya, I remember Mr.Dale….I DOES HADTA LAUGH.Ya laughable.”

    I am pleased that there is a forum such as BU which allows me to get a better insight into the thinking of those certified morons operating out of George street.

    HAMILTON HILL, do you and your cohorts, actually believe that the CLICO matter is laughable?

    Do you all believe that it can be reduced to comedy, to buffoonery, even suggesting we try talking about BICO instead?

    Every time you read me speaking of the seriousness of the CLICO debacle, it makes you laugh like Mr.Dale?

    I challenge you to say that to Mrs.June Fowler and her Policy Holder’s Group who are on the precipice of great losses and undue suffering.

    I challenge you to say that to the poor senior citizens at BARP, who are in danger of losing their million-dollar investment in CLICO, their entire life savings on the edge of a headlong plunge into nothingness.

    Why not call up Mr Leroy Parris, and tell him that the REAL LAUGH you got, was when you read that he has petitioned the court for TEN MILLION DOLLARS from CLICO, BEFORE any of THE POLICY HOLDERS AND PENSIONERS CAN GET A CENT, but AFTER he and others appear to have plundered the company for years on end?

    Did you laugh when you read that the bonus agreement under which that court claim was persued, was brokered and signed by his No.1 pal, the late great David Thompson, but apparently in a way to obscure the fact that so much money was to paid as bonus at a future time?

    Did you laugh to read that a humongus bonus was due, NOT for outstanding performance, but for failure, many years hence?

    Why not tell PARRIS and the POLICY HOLDERS about the laugh you got when you read that he received payments in 2010 of over THREE MILLION DOLLARS, during the time there was an embargo against such payments to Directors etc of the company?

    Why not prepare yourself for a great big “MR.DALE-TYPE” laugh, WHEN AND IF, the Judicial Managers undertake a Forensic Investigation, and discover the details of the multi millions of CLICO funds that went into the coffers of the DLP and Families First to fund lying and deceitful election campaigns, ESPECIALLY the one of 2008?

  34. David the regular BU Family is well aware of your views of the failings of our Fourth Estate.

    Newcomers are unlikely to know that you regard the Advocate as so despicable you cannot bear to mention its name.
    It is a dirty job I know, but you have to keep exposing shit for what it really is, lest others mistake it for chocolate cake.

    You ever bought a 45 from Linda’s that only had one side.

    The title of this particular blog is “Time To Question The Political DNA Of Media Houses On Fontebelle” but it really should be; Time to Question The Political DNA OF The Nation Newspaper. That is all that I was trying to say.

    BTW, I think Fontabelle in the title spelled wrong.

  35. @Raw Bake

    One sentence in the blog made mention of The Advocate. That is all it merited.

  36. @ CCC
    Apparently there’s a technical problem which accidentally shut down BFP so not much concern at all.

  37. Trained Economist

    I think that Sanka price should do a follow up piece on the drug service reform in light of the letter published by Prof. Henry Fraser. Price has taken a particular interest in this issue and taken a strong stance on the issue. An experienced medical practitioner has put out a view on the issue and I think it begs a response from Mr. price.

  38. Carson C. Cadogan


    Soit would seem.

  39. Carson C. Cadogan


    I don’t know that the Govt. has any relationship with the Advocate.

    The Advocate is just doing its job as any good newspaper would.

  40. @CCC

    Are you happy with the non coverage given to the matter of the appointment of a CJ?

    Are you happy with the non coverage given to the CLICO matter?

    The two questions apply to the CBC as well. of a CJ?

    Are you happy with the non coverage given to the CLICO matter?

    The two questions apply to the CBC as well.

  41. This piece does for the DLP exactly what Sandra Husbands’ article does for the BLP., ie push the politics of the particular party.

    It is hypocritical in its analysis while trying to give the impression its fair. We all know by now that the Advocate is the mouthpiece of the DLP.

    If you are going to critique at least be unbiased.

  42. The competition’s back, WordPress goof is the blame…

  43. The WikiLeaks is there too

  44. David I realise that BU is a haven and heaven for the intellectually endowed, but must you always make it so difficult for lesser folks like me? 🙂

    If the Advocate is worthless, hopeless and beyond redemption and cannot be considered a member or the Fourth Estate, then why should lesser minds be taxed to exhaustion to determine this?

    If there is concern that the Nation will end up like the Advocate and we the people will be poorer for it, then say so upfront.

    Perhaps, given that it is perceived that the Advocate and CBC are doing a disservice to the country, the Nation is trying to ensure that an alternative hymn sheet is made available to the choir.

    Members of the choir are still free to decide which song they will sing, if they should even sing a song, or simply sing a chorus at the service, because everybody loves a good chorus and they are even well known to non members.

  45. @Raw Bake

    Never was there the intention to challenge you though all know you deliberately underestimate yourself: -)

    Seriously though, why waste time critiquing what has already been established? Both governments have abused the CBC and Bryan and the Advocate are best left alone. What the government and Bryan are doing is an embarrassment but have you heard the BAJ acknowledge it? Then gain the President of the BAJ is employed by the CBC!


    Is your slip showing?

  46. Carson C. Cadogan


    “Are you happy with the non coverage given to the CLICO matter”

    How much more coverage you want given to the CLICO matter?
    It is a matter which is being worked on.

    Do you remember the old saying, “an ounce of prevention is better than a ton of cure”?

    If under the Owen Arthur administration the Supervisor of Insurance had done his job properly and the then PM had insisted that everything was above board, then CLICO WOULD NOT BE IN THE POSITION THAT IT IS IN NOW.

    MARK MY WORDS IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN AGAIN. I was watching the news on CBC I think it was last night and there is new company launching new investment policies and the CEO asking Barbadians to to buy these implements “because the banks are paying two and a half percent interest” and his company is paying ten percent. I said to myself,”here we we go again, TRADE CONFIRMERS AND CLICO all over again”.

    I am waiting to see how many “wise” Bajans will again take their hard earn monies from safe havens and invest in this company. Then when it goes belly up demand that the Govt. repay them.

    I am waiting!

    We are getting older but NOT WISER.

    Then again it would give DAVID something to write about.

  47. @CCC

    We are long passed discussing cause.

  48. Carson C. Cadogan


    “We are long passed discussing cause.”

    Then that is why we will be forever discussing effect.

  49. Carson C. Cadogan


    We will always be trying to shut the stable gate after the horse has bolted.

  50. Carson C. Cadogan


    …because we do not care about cause.

  51. I see the “silly season” has come early to Barbados.

    It’s a bit like Christmas. But without the joy….

  52. jujst only asking

    @David et al

    could anything be worse than the appointment of Davis Simmoons as Chief Justice?,

  53. @ Halsall

    It surely has started. Why else would a Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of HEALTH, who is NOT an MP, be featured prominently at the renaming of a school in St. Andrew?

  54. old man river,

    hello again from de river,not the one by de river side located in bridgetown, let me thank s de press, for letting we no bout, de old lady in dean village that really need help with she house, how come in this day people could charge de old girl. $5 ah week for rent, what hah shame, to treat de old people like that i call on dereck alleyne from urburn development will come out and help de old gale with ah new house.read today nation de 22 jun for more inform,under home sweet home,bu people let me hear from u pun that,

  55. I am Back in little Bajan land … I miss velly velly much …no?

  56. Pingback: Time To Question The Political DNA Of Media Houses On Fontabelle | Barbados news

  57. just only asking

    @Old Man River

    @Where are the politicains for that area. They should have seen the condition of that house. Has she got family that allowered her to live in such deplorable conditions and has any of her neighbours refer her to one of the social agencies? Are we no longer our brother’s keeper.

    Only today i had to call the welfare about a situation where a gentlemen has no place of abode and sleeps at the place he watches at night. Welfare promised to help him and the officer just would not hurry up and resolve the matter, it is a pity that some of us who know how to deal with the system to reduce the redtape dont get involved. I refer the matter to a senior officer and if i dont get a resolution shortly i shall put the case in writing.

  58. @Enuff

    It surely has started. Why else would a Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of HEALTH, who is NOT an MP, be featured prominently at the renaming of a school in St. Andrew?

    Did you omit that she is a past student of the school and would not have had control over the invitation probably?

    Would it not have come from the school?

  59. @David,

    No David,
    Slips are an unnecessary cover up these days, people want transparency, ( pun intended). LOL

  60. David, do you know if the elected, and presumably still living, representative for St. Andrew was in attendance or invited?

    Coverage of events by the media in St. Andrew since 2008 gives the impression that the Parliamentary Secretary in the MOH, is the de facto representative of the parish.

    That might very well be so, but the public can only speculate because there is never any indication that the MP was contacted for comment. but he declined.