St. Vincent Out Front On The Domestic Abuse World Stage

Keturah Cupid recounts her life filled with domestic abuse and beatings. She is longing to know her daughter whom she hasn't seen in 20 years - Credit: The Star

Here is an article about domestic violence in St. Vincent (Note the Headline –  Is this Caribbean idyll the worst place in the world to be a woman? – about the worst place in the world for women).

“KINGSTOWN, ST. VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES—Hungary, China, Namibia, Colombia, Mexico. These are among the top 10 countries from which refugee claims to Canada are made. But one of the world’s tiniest nations has started appearing on the list, a place many Canadians couldn’t find on a map: St. Vincent and the Grenadines.”

I don’t have any comment I will leave it to those closer to the scene but the words of the Trinidad based psychologist are damning and I quote “In the Caribbean, violence has traditionally been viewed as a “normal part of the relationship dynamic,”

Often times we discuss the issue of domestic abuse through a myopic lens.

5 responses to “St. Vincent Out Front On The Domestic Abuse World Stage

  1. Thanks to BU family member Sargeant for bring this mater to the fore.

  2. Domestic abuse is also rampant here in Barbados, but much of it is not reported. Within middle and upper class families, there is much abuse but these families are too “great” to report these things.

  3. Pingback: Barbados, St. Vincent & the Grenadines: Domestic Violence · Global Voices