Diamonds International: Who’s Telling The Truth?

Caswell Franklyn, Head of Unity Workers Union

First let me state that I hold no brief for either Sir Roy Trotman, General Secretary of the Barbados Workers Union, or Mr. Jacob Hassid, the owner of Diamonds International. I will therefore attempt to put the recent events involving Diamonds International in perspective in an unbiased way.

During a speech on May Day 2012, Sir Roy Trotman reported that twenty workers were dismissed by Diamonds International because they held a meeting to form a bargaining unit at their workplace. If that were so I could understand Sir Roy’s anger. What I don’t understand is why a person of such eminence would stoop to using a racial slur to make a point. Not only is he the leader of this country’s largest union: he is an honourable member of the Senate. His behaviour would have brought discredit to both bodies. Additionally, it should be abhorred that someone who has received one of Barbados’ highest honours would behave in this manner. He is articulate enough to deliver of himself without offending all right-thinking people in this country.

Having brought his union into disrepute, the Executive Council should disassociate itself from those remarks, and censure him at the very least for his conduct which he made worse by saying that he has nothing to apologise for, as reported in the Nation of May 4, 2012. Also he serves as an independent senator at the pleasure of the Governor-General, who should express his displeasure by declaring Sir Roy’s seat vacant. As a person who was knighted, he is expected to set a positive example: he has fallen way short of that example for which he should be converted back to plain old Leroy Trotman.

I have been around the trade union movement long enough to have some serious doubts about the denials emanating from the Barbados Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Diamonds International. I have been an active trade unionist since 1982, and in all those years I have never seen workers join a union en masse because they were being well treated by the employer. I have no doubt that the statements issued by both BCCI and Diamonds International were merely a public relations exercise to cover the malpractices in that business that have angered the workers to the point where they would seek union representation.

My abhorrence of Sir Roy’s behaviour aside; I give no credence to the explanation given by Diamonds International for those dismissals. In order to convince me, I would have expected the statement to say that after we have given those displaced workers a number of warnings about their performance; there was no improvement over time; and we were force to terminate their contracts. Anything short of that I would tend to believe Sir Roy.

Diamonds International I do not believe you. It is a crime in Barbados, punishable by a fine or imprisonment or both, to dismiss a worker for joining or proposing to join a trade union.

184 responses to “Diamonds International: Who’s Telling The Truth?


  2. old onion bags

    The PM has finally spoken ,he has no prolblem with the comments made by Sir Roy.
    Stuart’s comment making Donville look like a …like a ….like a ..[.man a stick help me somebody] a

  3. islandgal246

    Hants ……diamonds are a girl’s best friend they say but I have to put off buying trinkets I have more important things to do like fixing my roof.

  4. Carson C. Cadogan | January 19, 2011 at 10:55 PM |

    “Today I spoke to a former Foreign Minister of St. Lucia and I asked him what he thought of Owen Arthur’s rant with regards to Mara’s nationality.

    He said that he is Personally alarmed at Mr. Arthur’s statements and the people of St. Lucia are shocked and dismayed at the statements made by Owen Arthur.

    He said that this is the same man who went up and down the Caribbean claiming to be Caribbean regionalist. This by election, he went on, shows what Owen Arthur really had in him.

    He said that the statements which Owen made will bury him, no one in the Caribbean will ever take him seriously again.”

    Sir grantley Adams is reported to havesaid that bajans have short memories and it seems that this assertion des indeed have some merit for it is inconceivable to believe that those including Mr Stuart who went the length and breadth of barbados condemning mr arthur for his reference to Mrs Mara Thompson’s nationality in the st john byelection could now see fit to lend MR Trotman their support in his public battle over his reference to an employer as an ‘Egyptian jew’.
