Post General Election 2013: A Time to Decompose the Rhetoric

Building a brighter future

Building a brighter future

After what has been described as one of the most bruising political campaigns in history of Barbados, the commonsense approach is for all Barbadians to quickly put our shoulders to the plough in the interest of country. There is no time for the traditional honeymoon period. Prime Minister Fruendel Stuart needs to quickly get his human and other resources in position. The current state of the local economy is well documented and should not become loss in the euphoria of an election victory.  The prospect of a challenging winter season does not bode will for the country in the short term. Restructuring the economy will take time.

The dust has not settled after 2013 General Elections but the BU household continues to be concerned about the relatively low voter turnout. The data for the 2013 General Election are (not datum) still being crunched but  according to CADRES we had about a 60% turnout in 2013. The question which Barbadians need to ask is whether this situation should continue to go unaddressed. It was interesting to listen to Mia Mottley in an interview after the general election result was known. Her focus on the need to address governance issues should align well with Prime Minister Stuart on this issue who is seen by many as a man of integrity.

Many Barbadians have chosen not to or fully participate in our democracy. Others who participate believe to place an X on a ballot paper at election day is their only requirement. BU hesitates to introduce the idea of compulsory voting in Barbados in order to promote the idea of the sanctity of the vote. Doesn’t compulsory voting shoot down the position that we are free under our constitution to vote or not vote? If not compulsory voting what? What about those in the 40% group who governments cannot boast that they are enfranchised?  It is evident – whether under a BLP or DLP administration – the political directorate continues to get an F grade concerning their ability to inspire and motivate a significant chunk of Barbadians to perform their civic responsibility. Should this be an issue?

An example of the threat to our system of governance is the increasing reports in the last two general elections of vote buying. It has become so blatant a practice that Prime Minister Fruendel Stuart felt compelled to devote a lot of time in his victory speech to the issue. In fact he stated that he saw it with his own eyes. He promised  before calling names to review the relevant laws which govern election practices. BU welcomes enforcement of the law but the concern must be the growing number of citizens who see nothing wrong in selling their votes. Some may go further to say the biggest concern of all is that those charged with implementing laws are guilty of breaking those laws without fear of challenge.

Those of us who have taken to social media to champion our views and causes must continue to be indefatigable in this pursuit. We all have a place at the table even though the traditional players may not agree. The narrow two seat victory given to the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) should serve as a reminder that many Barbadians are NOT happy about the current state of affairs in Barbados. Building a society must  sit solidly on a robust governance ideal which is successful in persuading every citizen to participate in all opportunities for decision making.

Congratulations to Prime Minister Fruendel Stuart and team on your victory at the polls.

137 responses to “Post General Election 2013: A Time to Decompose the Rhetoric

  1. @Islandgal246, wrote ” MIA is the true leader of BLP. Her oratory skills transcends ……..”

    Your time in France has made you an expert on judging oratory skill?

  2. @Knight

    yes the legislation was passed, i have not looked at it, but I think it has to be proclaimed. This will give it its legitimacyy, It was done, I think in the last quarter of last year.

  3. TTP; You might have been totally correct up to a few months ago. But check the happenings since then.

  4. millertheanunnaki

    @ David:
    First I would like to apologize for my brief absence from the BU.
    A rather sudden serious medical emergency in the immediate family took up time and focus which unfortunately clashed with the recent political outcomes which came as no great surprise to the miller.

    Without a clear and decisive statement emanating from OSA going into the final stages of the elections regarding Mia A. Mottley’s future as next leader of the BLP there was no guaranteed possibility that the BLP would have been returned to the seat of government.

    He refused to make such a public pronouncement and paid the selfish price of being rejected by the electorate to make his dream come true of being the ultimate political alpha male.

    The DLP has been returned to power to carry out the changes that are in store for Barbados. They will be asked to account to both the socially dependent quick and “privatized” dead.
    The miller will reserve further comments until a full Ministerial Cabinet is announced and a leader of the Opposition selected.

    A word of advice and warning to the BLP parliamentarians returned by the electorate:
    “The stone that you builders rejected has now become the cornerstone.”
    Don’t make a second mistake: It’s MAM or Never!

  5. @check it out

    I have no problem with what the PM siad about vote buying. This is a man with integity. He was aslo called to another riding, where he saw it first hand, and the person won big.

  6. @Miller

    hope that the illness aint to serious and your family is or has recovered. At least u can congratulate mah doh. I was accurate.

    We can on pontificate, if what u said had anything to do with the blp losing. why cant u potificate on a reason or reasons for the dlp winning. what i can say with certainity is a lot of public officers did not want back owen, They have not forgotten him for his ruthless behaviour I can say a lot about this.

  7. wunnah think Mia easy. I worked with her for four years, and did what she wanted to do, and got promoted who she wanted, and she got emplued youth commissioners with no skills and qualifiactions and then we had to arrange for them to do the certiciate form place in guayana. She promoted a postman to a high paying job and we graduate were amazed that we had to burn the midnite oil and them come and get almost as much money as we.

  8. Knight of the Long Knives

    Does anyone know if vote buying is common worldwide or even in the caribbean?

  9. Youth Commissioners were nothing more than political pimps.

  10. TTP,

    Before elections I decided to ignore you, I mean you win and come back here to annoy me. Cant you be gracious in victory? Good lord man and I would appreciate if you would type me moniker right.

    I have not denied that the money was spent on both sides but you Dems took it to a level not seen before. You Dems knew the poll was right and so to win at all costs, you poured the money into the St Michael areas to counteract CADRES poll. Just say that you Dems played extra nasty to win.

    You have won, get on with the business of governing this country. One thing I do knowi that you Dems cannot now blame the BLP nor every time you open your mouths talk about 14 years of mis-management, you now have your own record of 5 years of big spending and mis-management.

    By the way, was the work going on all around Warrens and Cost you less ever been tendered? Was a contract ever awarded, if so,how much was the contract for and are there cost over runs? We would like to know!

  11. @Miller

    Sorry to read of your situation. Look forward to your insights.

    BU is very concerned about this vote buying affair. Yes the prospective candidates use to buy corn beef and biscuits but it has mushroomed you think?

  12. @ millertheanunnaki I wish your family member a speedy recovery.

    With regards to MAM.

    Until such time that Bajans especially us bloggers stop referring to all homosexuals in derogatory terms we cannot expect acceptance of all people
    as equals.

    During the course of this election the attacks on people who you all want the public to believe are bullers resonated on this blog.

    It is time to put an end to the homophobic rants. You cannot cherry pick which gays can stay in the closet and which can be outed.

    I expect the BLP to be a formidable opposition and either Owen will attend every session and show the people of Barbados that he really cares and is not just an opportunist.

  13. David this has been happening for a very long time. In the glory years there were people asking for appliances and getting them.

    It seems that this time around people were so desperate to win that the idiots succumbed to temptation of trying to buy votes openly.

    Barbados as a society is in trouble because the young people are resentful of those of you driving Bimmers an Benzes.

    Wake up to the reality of the modern world (Barbados) where the youngsters role models got nuff bling and hard rides.

  14. @Peter Asquith

    Or a populace that is ignorant about civics?

  15. X marks the spot

    Congratulation to the DLP. But as a DLP supporter, i would say this to the leaders: this economy is now yours. No more of what Owen did, no more ” greatest recession in the world”, no more “wait and see”, plain and simple no more excuses. I don’t expect robust growth but i do expect simple, pragmatic steps to ensure that we live our lives in dignity. If there is no improvement in the economy as a result of your policies, eat humble pie and make changes. and don’t , like the Minister of Finance, talk down to us. I’m not a yardfowl, so my vote was one of expectation for what can come from you and remember that many people did not vote. That needs to be address as you cannot build a country with so many people tuned out of the political process.

  16. @Millertheanunnaki: I have to agree with you regarding the point of Owen Arthur’s non-response to the note and its political ramifications. I don’t however suspect it was selfishness that prevented a response. Given the circumstances surrounding the generation of the note, Owen Athur was either betraying the BLP by seemingly attempting to avert a plausible DLP self-implosion or betraying Mia when, even though she was not a happy camper over the power grab, she nonetheless remained loyal to the party.

  17. @Millettheanunnuki: Correction. I have to agree with you regarding the point of Owen Arthur’s non-response to the issue of BLP deputy leader as it involved Mia Mottley and its political ramifications.

  18. Hants | February 23, 2013 at 5:01 PM |

    @Islandgal246, wrote ” MIA is the true leader of BLP. Her oratory skills transcends ……..”

    Your time in France has made you an expert on judging oratory skill?

    Hants…embrassez mon derrière! Cockez vous! Salope!

  19. @prod

    of what a tangled web we weaved. The dlp did not have meoney to dish out. Your party, with the help of white corporate barbados would have done anything to secure success, similar to Romney and Ryan. But the lord was on our side, and evil could not have prevailed. We have enough talent to restructure this economy, and that is what we will do yah hear.

    To understand the present, u must reference the past. the fact that ur party was unmasked showing it did not do what it said it did. See Estwick’s presentation.

    U cannot ignore me, as i Know what I speak about. have a happy five years complaining as u r a fortune teller..

  20. Just for you islandgal246 from the great philosopher the Mighty Sparrow

  21. @Miller
    Hope your family member is doing well, for a moment I thought that you had taken a powder like your compadre OOB. I too am looking forward to FJ Stuart’s cabinet some time ago if you go back into the annals of this blog I was promoting a smaller cabinet and was disappointed when Stuart kept Thompson’s crew intact.

    My reports (from credible sources) informs me that the last cabinet was born of compromise, this time Stuart is his own man and should be able to tinker and move his pieces at will. Despite the slender majority I believe that even if an MP is disappointed at his assignment he will not try to upset the applecart as I think the public will punish any politician/party that forces an Election.

    I am inclined to disagree with you regarding Arthur’s relationship vis-à-vis Mottley, while Mottley may be personally popular among a segment of the populace I don’t think the fortunes of the BLP rose or fell on her position within the Party.

  22. Hants…..LOLLL man you are something else!

  23. islandgal246.

    Elections done. Time to relax an mek sport.

  24. @miller

    sorry to hear about the sudden illness in the family. However after two years of abuse by you i just can help but run salt in the wound you recently received by the DEms.
    Question how does it feel to have PM STUART stick the middle foot up the BLP rear end…..
    BTW as fuh MAM if the christian voter has any thing to do with her becoming PM her chances of that coveted title becomes slim.
    Sorry David i broke the gloating RULE!

  25. I believe that good luck will smile on the DLP and thus Barbados. With the general election out of the way, corporate Barbados is already gearing up to embark on a number of major projects. There will be much activity in the construction, retail and tourism sectors. Corporate Barbados has been sitting and watching for too long and has decided that now is the time to proceed with plans for new investment in a number of areas.

  26. Gabriel Tackle

    Less we forget.The record of the DEMS 2008-2013
    Highest unemployment 12%, in donkey years.
    Highest deficit spending in donkey years
    Highest negative growth in economy in donkey years
    Highest embarrassment,suffering 2 big able downgrades by Standard & Poors and Moody’s,another first ever for Barbados.
    Biggest embarrassment,named one of the most indebted countries in the whole wide world,another first for this once proud nation called Barbados.
    Wasted money on a Hammi-La crossover that nobody using
    Wasted money on a big able sign by Lime building at Wildey pointing to no where.
    Wasted time on renaming about 10 schools/buildings.
    Wasted money on a COI at AX school
    And I could go on and on.Bajans voted and bajans will be punished again in the next 5 years,if the 16 last that long.

  27. @AC

    dont mind david gloat as long as u like, the detractors still putting their spin, until they step back enjoy it. We were called yard fowls, but i prefer the name free reign chickens. How yah like mah.

    Even David did refer to us as DLP yard fowls, u remeber, but I still have some respect for he.

    ANY how, as kellie say, we have to have import substitution, but i dont want where the lacal farmers and manufacturere are given the license to rip us off.

    I want to see any concessions grnated to the hotel industry tied to the import substitution concept, that is. they should buy local and produe the proof, else they would have to repay the value of the local concessions granted.

    NEXT, I want to see that all scholarship winners study in the caribbean, for example, only when the discipline is not done here in the caribbean, should they be allowed to study overseas. That would save some fx exchange

    what say ye ac?

  28. @tackling gabriel

    u cant be gracious and take a rest, repaeting the same shoite all the time. Go look at the slide estwick produce, showing what the employment rate was when the dlp handed over to the b’s and that there was a surplus.

  29. Observing(...)

    The level to which vote buying went is not concerning, its frightening.

    The DLP bought their fair share. Indisputable fact.

    Wish you and the family better. I agree, owen’s non-endorsement of Mia meant a few Mia-uncertains stayed home. I don’t think it made him lose, but that fact coupled with the note and the Barney wobble definitely kept him from winning.

    The DLP must be commended for sticking to the campaign plan. I still think the BLP had the better one though, despite their 2 seat loss. What was clear though is that different seats behaved differently. Individual constituency/candidate analysis over the next few weeks is the only way to find out why. Or we can ask those who sold their vote to mail in the receipt for statistical analysis.

    Again, I am proud…the PEOPLE have spoken.

    Just observing

  30. good comment TTP. but i want to see the entrepreneur those with vision given access to finances to have their dream become a reality.Putting money in their pocket would also take barbados closer to self reliance leaving an enduring legacy for the youth to follow and most importantly giving the average bajan a real spirit of hope knowing that someday he can become one of the many who help to rebuild and develop this country.

  31. every time a BLP yard fowl open up the mouth a picture conjure up in my mind of a dog fighting with a leather shoe cant get the damn thing tore apart but some how belives he could and the stupid dog keeps fighting and fighting with the shoe with no end in sight. Gotta be Stupidity!

  32. @Observing
    The level to which vote buying went is not concerning, its frightening
    Again, I am proud…the PEOPLE have spoken
    Something incongruous about those two statements, If all that bribery went on why are you proud?

  33. what is the difference between buying votes with money and buying votes with houses

  34. When will the country know who is the Leader of the opposition? When? does anyone know for certain? Government cannot be fully form if there is no LOTO.

  35. @ Observing(…)

    One of the most famous pictures in 1948 is of Truman holding the Chicago Daily Tribune, with a headline that reads, “Dewey Defeats Truman,” the day after the 1948 US presidential election which Truman won.

    The gaffe above was posted before elections to warn BLPites to discontinue not only their misplaced overconfidence but also to desist from counting eggs in the fowl botsy. Observing(…) observed this was 2013 and not 1948 and Dewey/Truman could not happen in Barbados. Well it did Observing.

    I am hearing the Nation newewspaper came out late the day after elections because the newspaper was geared up to announce a BLP victory then had to do adjustments to carry the unexpected DLP triumph. Mind you discerning DLPites were quietly confident of victory but listenting to the media, CADRES and assorted politcal ANALYSTS including BU bloggers the DLP was dead and buried on Feb21. It did not happen and Fruendel and the DLP are happy campers today as Owen and the BLP cry in their soup with rotten egg all over their faces.

    Observing what do you have to say?

  36. Observing(...)


    Not incongruous at all.

    I am proud that the people have presented a virtual “tie” in our government. Given the powers that be a wake up warning. Rgetoric, money, advertising, smear, scandal, issue dodging and the whole shebang just isn’t cutting it anymore.

    Girl gave a glimpse into my thinking about “vote buying.”. I have many other thoughts on it but will wait to see the PM and AG’s further words and actions about it. It is not a “black and white” cause and effect issue. And yes, it is very frightening.

    Just Observing

  37. Ping Pong wrote:

    I believe that good luck will smile on the DLP and thus Barbados. With the general election out of the way, corporate Barbados is already gearing up to embark on a number of major projects. There will be much activity in the construction, retail and tourism sectors……..

    If anyone (including any Central Bank governors) is counting on Harlequin’s Merricks development to be one of those much needed, employment boosting, construction/tourism projects, it ain’t looking too good just now.

    3,000 Britons fall victim to £250million fantasy villa fiasco: Holiday home scheme promoted by Pat Cash investigated by fraud police

    Investors fear financial ruin after they were persuaded to part with cash
    Financial Services Authority issue ‘alert’ on Essex-based Harlequin Property
    Company promised to build 6,000 Caribbean villas but only 300 constructed
    Show village for Barbados resort ‘a building site’

    By Martin Delgado, Russell Myers and Sharon Churcher

    PUBLISHED: 22:03 GMT, 23 February 2013 | UPDATED: 22:03 GMT, 23 February 2013

    Up to 3,000 Britons have poured up to £250 million of their savings into a controversial Caribbean property scheme which is facing the threat of legal action.

    Several investors say they fear financial calamity after being persuaded by pension advisers to put large sums into projects run by Essex-based Harlequin Property. It has promised to build 6,000 luxury villas in St Lucia, St Vincent, Barbados and the Dominican Republic. So far only 300 have been constructed.

    The Financial Services Authority (FSA) has issued an ‘alert’ about the company and the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) has been asked to investigate.

    Read more:

  38. hi Austin! i was strolling down the blogsphere and stumbled upon your last article ridiculing the DLP as nothing like Obama’s DLP Party. After reading the article butterflies race up and down my stomach and i had a serious attack of the gloat as in gloating and to my relief i discovered that i was having a Romney moment ! just wanted to share it with YOU1!

  39. @Observing
    If both Stuart and the AG spoke out against cash for votes it must be because they believe their hands are clean yet a few here are saying both Parties are guilty as charged.

    Vamos a ver.

  40. @observing

    i cant stand pretenders for too long. You were disappointed wernt you. Regardless of what u think. We will prevail. We have to. Do u think that owen is the only person that can manage this economy. Go come again. Stop the pretense. Game is over.

  41. @Sargeant

    Listening to the Prime Minister’s victory speech it was obvious he felt great passion about what he thought saw. Let us give the PM the benefit of the doubt, so far he has attempted to deliver on most of what he has promised. This can’t be said for most politicians.

  42. @AC

    yah on a role, yah like yah roller skating, Gloat girl, these hyporcites and pretenders are getting acid reflux from the defeat. They cant stand to see that we outperformed and out witted then at every event. They were relying on whhite corporate to take them to the finish line.

    Heard that the pollster get a quater millions dollars for the 2nd poll, and Harold advise him not to print the 2nd poll.

    Just stating what ah hear. Sandy lane gave the blp 500 000 and RPTT about the same.

  43. St George's Dragon

    Is it true that Fumble has gone back to the countryside and is even now asleep again?

  44. I just read page 4 of BarbadosToday.

    Is Peter Wickham so influential in Barbados that his criticism of the PM and the DLP is important to the country?

    What is your opinion of the article David or anyone else who read it.

  45. @Hants

    As you know BU has written several articles about Peter’s mouth and the need for him to shut up about some matters given his roll as a pollster.

  46. @Hants

    peter will soon become a spent force, he burnt his candles at both ends. he cussed the dems and he could not deliver as promised for the b’s. Wonder if he will still be retianed by starcom.

  47. Just read that there is a band in Barbados called BRASS SOUL.

    They were playing at Cost u Less today.

    Interesting name for a Bajan Band.

  48. Hants
    WIckham trying to wear too many hats, he can’t decide if he is a political scientist/columnist/analyst/talkshow host or Pollster.

    Can he as a talk show host separate his opinions from his research, does his opinions drive his research or is it the other way around?

  49. David your advice to Peter is sound.

    It would solidify his credibility and make him very successful.

  50. @ TTP
    Observing and other BLP yardflows gonna have to live five years of denial unless thet enter a detoxification program to unload some of the pressure which they had put on themselves looking for the DLP to go the way of the dinosaur. Notice how quick they have rolled out a new platform and a message entitled “ADVICE FOR PM STUART ” LOL

  51. @ Parkinson and Corrie Scott

    May I have a word, ef wunna listening. There is to be a new Cultural Industries Development Authority headed by a CEO (probably a PhD with some dance instruction experience). Tax payers money will be spent to employ even more academic types when there is already a Min of Culture which is charged with the exact same responsibility and an NCF as a begging and event planning arm.

    Again I say to you, what will it take before you recognize that you and your kind have been, are being and will continue to be taken for a ride. Already the development of the Bill has resulted in the gainful employment of a series of lawyers and public administrators to the tune of close to twelve MILLION dollars. And now we are to have another public servant refer to herself as a CEO, with a company car, a spanking new passport that is ready for loads of immigration stamps, lots of staff, professional of course, and all to serve in your name…. Stupse! Man say something …

  52. I love Mia’s “gangsta” hand signal in BarbadosToday. That should resonate wid de

  53. BAFBFP who is this new CEO. You friten to call names.

  54. PETER and Starcom . i predict that his tenure with starcom would soon be over. Advertising dollars are at stake and his credibility has been blown to bit like the space shuttle would be indeed a challenge for Starcom to have to defend its name and reputation on a daily basis at the expense of losing audience because of Wickham. Wickham has once again proven that a person can indeed be their own worst enemy.First wikileaks and now the POISION POLL!

  55. @Hants & Sargeant

    Wickham is on record stating that his research drives his positions.

    On the day after election when asked by DJ the very same question on the afternoon talk show he said something to the effect that we are an immature society if we can’t separate his role as a social commentator, pollster and political scientist. Is is like Mascoll saying we should separate his role as an economist and politician. Yet his substantive title is that of Chief Economic Adviser to the BLP.

  56. @Hants

    I love Mia’s “gangsta” hand signal in BarbadosToday. That should resonate wid de

    Did you see Mia’s hat?

  57. over 40 years ago, i used to work in reveue collecting agency, and was told by an indian lady after refusing to be bribed, that every person could be bought, i still ponder about that statement

  58. Hants

    I mek the comment to get David back pun the Cultural Industries trail seein’ as how the poor Industrialists may have to be dealing with the Hon Mr Lime Lite once again. Look I know of a couple women in the Public service who are busy trying to complete higher level degrees in Cultural type topics … you know the history of kite design and so on … but they are public servants.

    If there is to be an effective CEO of any enterprise they must come with practical experience in hard selling because they are to be operating in the revenue department. But as usual this whole exercise will be about finding a job for some lonely party hack in need of official status.

  59. Hants

    David trying to say to you that Mia is the likely candidate to cross over … 🙂