Dark Side of the Rich in Barbados Part 1

BU is not sure where this series is going but we have decided to give the author some leeway to make a point – David (BU)

Submitted by P. Burton Hinds
What about the dark side of rich Barbados?

What about the dark side of rich Barbados?

Have you ever wonder, how some of these persons become rich. Some of the women stalk older men, only to use their fortunes to enrich they own life’s and that of their family. The families of the men lose all that they have built up over the years, and these women treat the old men families, so bad that even when the older men become sick, they families are blocked from seeing the patriarch of the family.

And then you have some of these women, who enhance their wealth, by taking goods and services and don’t pay for them, but yet driving around in expensive cars and jetting off to the big cities, just as often as we change our undies and don’t even care anything about the workers around them.

We have some men with all they wealth, are still treated like a little boy in his own house, because the wife who is from any other Caribbean country and does not care anything about him only his money.

And then we have some men, because of their position use their power when building a home to get all the material free for the big house.

Part one only touches the surface of what to come later, but “ them is the ones”.

48 responses to “Dark Side of the Rich in Barbados Part 1


    We have our own Idea . We heard we have the most persons with Billions per in the World. Might have start out good and ended with fraud to reach that level.

  2. learn your grammar. you meant to use ‘their’ NOT ‘they’.

  3. robert ross


    The style is colloquial but the sentence construction is perfect – in short a literate person writing as if relatively uneducated.

  4. Well Well.

    This person really needs to speak more of the wealth being acquired by those through all manners of bribes and scams ably instigated by the political class, the author also seems to be bordering on sexism.

    Plantation……….contrary to popular belief, the only billionaire bajans in Bim are the ones who arrive from outside the island, these local or transplanted wannabe scam artists trying to act like billionaires are merely bordering on millionaires through 40-60 years of scamming and political interference on the island, and in the current financial climate, they are all looking to foreign venture capitalists for liquid cash through sales of questionable land deals or whatever they can conjure up.

  5. just asking

    Why not put some light on the old men, who want to feel young again? They are the one who should be subjected to ridicule. They leave their wife of 30 or 40 years, who have given him good service over the years, help him to become a millionaire, and then running after younger women, so they deserve whatever they get.

  6. islandgal246

    The author of this blog seems to be a scorned woman….what a load of crap!

  7. Islandgal
    …you would know. …It takes one to know one… 🙂
    Your EX.

  8. islandgal246

    Bushie ……You were waiting for that nuh LOLL….One little fact that you have missed…remember I was the one who dumped you

  9. 什么是负载屎

  10. To the Author:
    How much inches of pipe ya want? how much inches of pipe…


    Well Well @ Agree,,, most spend so much of the money from the land, that they need to keep selling to keep there pocket full,(like a crack head) They never look to stop and do some thing different , After now 27 years of on going fraud there is still more land leave over than what they took,
    mmmm just think,
    We not building and ARMY for this we building Marines.
    When the truth be as comfortable as the lies then we will see movement to the right path.
    Both men and women will change camps ,We have to do what we know , and we see this all the time
    Older people come To Bequia in St Vincent and get who or what they want base on money,Men and Women alike ,get the older sex and then marry or just have one child , and then leave the man ,Now to put him in court for support to run him to the grave as they go back to their age group.

  12. Carson C. Cadogan

    A lot of these old men and Bajan with foreigner wives have only themselves to blame for the situation that they find themselves in.

    I know of many cases where I do not feel sorry for the men at all. Especially those with Guyanese women and wives.

  13. millertheanunnaki

    @ Carson C. Cadogan | July 2, 2013 at 7:32 PM |

    Does that list of men with foreign wives include the dead David and the one alive playing the part of the silenced pit bull?
    What about Sir Lloyd, and the late EWB?
    Of course we know you will certainly include Seethru, Tom Adams and the late Sir Richard Haynes.
    If you hate foreigners and people of other races so much why not ask for the resignation and deportation of Mara Thompson or even Bjerkham ?

    You are just one ‘sicko’ of a racist ignoramus.

  14. Carson C. Cadogan


    You are entitled to your opinion UNCLE TOM.

  15. Carson C. Cadogan


    …..and you continue to call a Black person RACIST?

  16. millertheanunnaki

    @ Carson C. Cadogan | July 2, 2013 at 8:47 PM |

    …..and you continue to call a Black person RACIST?”

    Not a Black person but a Black IDIOT!

  17. Carson C. Cadogan


    You need RE-EDUCATING. I am taking it for granted that you were educated in the first place.

  18. Simple Simon


    Why you don’t make miller and Carson behave themselves?

  19. Work hard and save yah money. Nuff said.

  20. Simple Simon

    @P. Burton Hinds “Have you ever wonder, how some of these persons become rich. Some of the women stalk older men, only to use their fortunes to enrich they own life’s and that of their family. The families of the men lose all that they have built up over the years, and these women treat the old men families, so bad that even when the older men become sick, they families are blocked from seeing the patriarch of the family”

    Have you ever wondered how some of these people become rich? Some of the women stalk older men, only to use the men’s fortunes to enrich their own lives and that of their family. The families of the men lose all that they have built up over the years and these woman treat the old men’s families so badly that even when the old men become sick their original families are blocked from seeing the patriarch of the family.

  21. Simple Simon

    Pokey does mek a lotta people do a lotta foolishness.

  22. Colonel Buggy.

    Simple Simon | July 2, 2013 at 9:47 PM |
    Pokey does mek a lotta people do a lotta foolishness.
    Ya ain’t lie. Like,ignoring all dangers, and putting your life on the line .

  23. De Higher De Monkey Climb


    You got that right

  24. who’s money is it? the person who earned it or his offspring who think he should save it so they can use it for their fun.As I tell my kids if there is anything left you will get it only after I die so you dont put me in a home and forget about me while you are enjoying my money For the old guys with young chicks…. great….its true money does make a great deoderant .For those kids with their hands out get off your ass and earn your own, so you can afford to pay for companionship like your old dad.

  25. The difference between the Black and other races is that the other races create wealth for the family which weans dependence on a ‘salary’.

  26. millertheanunnaki

    @ Amused:

    Why should I? Why not offer similar advice to the same Bushman and CCC who both have an agenda. As long the Bushman seeks to attack people who have views on the way forward for helping this country out of its current mess that is consistently blame on factors or agents other than the actions of this administration whose legitimacy is rather suspect the miller will speak out in the interest of TRUTH & JUSTICE.

    You too are attacked left right and centre for expressing your views and scathing condemnation and criticism especially on the judicial system in Bim, the incompetence of the Registrar, the DPP and most recently the CoP blaming them for the country losing out on billions of foreign investment over the recent years.
    You too have been told on numerous to shut your bloody trap and have been called most insulting things under the Sun.
    The miller never once told you to heed that kind of advice. It’s you right to free speech so you must be prepared to offer to others that same inalienable right.

    Let the Bushman talk sense and offer “reasonable’ solutions to the challenges facing the country and you would see a different approach from the miller.
    It’s always easy to talk and criticize but when it comes to doing things and putting one’s shoulders to the wheel it calls for another set of “doable” skills.
    The Bushman has been offering all kind of airy fairy BBE inspired solutions to this country’s problems but it seems he is just spitting up in the air and being totally ignored by the same ruling administration he seeks to defend.

    He has his agenda to see that the BLP never runs this place again the miller has his to witness this “illegitimate” vote buying government is removed from office as soon as is legally possible within the four corners of the Constitution for the lies and deceit told to the electorate during the last elections.

    As a man who tries to project an image of integrity and high morality you should be supportive of the position that this administration cannot continue to govern unless it gets a new mandate to execute any plan to lay off public sector workers, privatize any existing public sector function or even ask Bajan students at the UWI to pay.

    Sorry Amused, the miller is not prepared to trade his moral principles just to please the crowd and that includes you.
    “I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it” ought to be your guiding principle even if overruled by the SWMBO.

    Laws control the lesser man. Right conduct controls the greater one.

  27. @Miller

    I think the above post is on the wrong thread.
    You can ask David to move it over to where ever it should be.

  28. miller you call selling off the island to the highest or in this case to the next possible bidder a solution.
    you call putting thousands of people out of a job who got family some of them single family heads of household with mortage ‘rent’ and bills to pay a a solution
    miller you really asking fuh trouble cause if this a plot to create blood and gore in the street. well let me tell you sumting negro .it not going to happen.
    Barbados import bill has a stranglehold on the govt purse including the rising cost of fuel . let’s start their on getting rid of those dependencies . not cutting left and right like a psychotic axe wielding murder.

  29. Simple Simon

    David July 3, 2013 at 7:23 AM…”The difference between the Black and other races is that the other races create wealth for the family which weans dependence on a ‘salary’.”

    This as a myth David. In the world as a whole the 99% of people black, white, red, yellow, rainbow are subsistence farmers or wage earners.

    In Barbados the majority of people black and white are wage earners.

    In Barbados the 1% of rich white people did not become rich by “creating wealth for the family”. Most became rich because they inherited land.,money, house, and/or status and then they were able to build on that.

    Please note that those white people Bajans and others who did not inherit land, money, house etc. are just as dependent on a pay check as the rest ‘o we.

  30. millertheanunnaki

    @ Pat | July 3, 2013 at 3:53 PM |
    “Miller: I think the above post is on the wrong thread.
    You can ask David to move it over to where ever it should be.”

    Thanks Pat, for spotting the mis-post! Owe you one LOL!!!

    By the keenly spotted error on Pat’s part the miller is kindly asking the blog master David to help the miller correct this silly error by transferring it to its correct post box next to that piece posted by Amused. on July 3, 2013 at 2:16 AM to the post box titled
    “No Pain No Gain: Barbados Economy On Life Support”

    Thanks David BU in advance!

    The indebted miller.

  31. @Miller

    Post it to the blog of your choice, it can be deleted then.

  32. I do not believe that the older men deliberately go to get involved with those Guyanese women. They target the men and go after them after which they draw them to themselves. When you overhear these women talking to their Guyanese sisters, you hear about how many or the kind of spirits that they put on the man to turn him foolish. They breathe, eat, sleep and wake obeah. When they visit your workplace, business or home, they drop cents at your door. May the Spirit of Christ possess them!!!

  33. Simple Simon

    Since these Guyanese women are so god at obeah, and since they have so much money that they can afford to throw away their spare change, how how the obeah does not work on the Guyanese men? or on the Guyanese economy?

  34. Simple Simon

    The truth is it ain’t obeah that turn the heads of the Bajan men. It is young pokey, and lies.

    Any women who is willing to give a man 20 or 30 years her elder some of her pokey, and in addition tell him that he is the best fooper in the world can get anything she wants ffom the old fools.

    It worked in the days of Sampson and it still works today.

    Men are fools when it comes to young pokey and sweet lies.

    No obeah or spirits required.

  35. Simple Simon

    Of course no man in man enough to admit that his head was turned by young poke and sweet lies.

    So we hear ’bout obeah.

  36. @simple Simon.
    I ask yuh what suh foolish bout young pokey?

  37. millertheanunnaki

    @ Simple Simon | July 6, 2013 at 8:36 PM |

    But S S, things are not always that one-sided. There are a few men out here who got what its takes to make most women worship the bald headed serpent telling a tale of lying obedience (not obeah).

    What do you have to say to that cobra-like stance taken by the miller’s foot?

  38. old onion bags

    …wait wha is this watless talk pun d rum shop counter tonight?….. BTW wait till Islandgirl tell wanna about Bushie anaconda…..or is it “a nue nue coma”…Bushie come n represent boi….D blowgoats back pun Shoal bank eatn moss……whaloss!

  39. It can’t be only about the youthful nature of the feline but the fit as well.

  40. Georgie Porgie

    WHAT IS young pokey?


  41. What the shirt!
    …so how Bushie get in this bassa bassa bozie? The bushman is a decent family man…..
    …except of course when it came to Islandgal…

    Unfortunately she has become apprehensive about the prospect of having to handle the Bushman’s ….ahhhhh – fit,…. 🙂 (according to Bossman David)…and she got scared and took a rain check….
    …..of course she will give a different story…but wunna can trust Bushie on this 😉

  42. Georgie Porgie


  43. islandgal246

    Bushie my lips are sealed so I won’t tell anyone except “it is not about the size of the ocean …… it is in the motion of the ocean. RFLMAO I had to run for a very good reason …. Life jackets were limited and the captain told me to brek fuh muh self. LOLL

  44. old onion bags

    ……….you sure you din mean size of the dip stick, but the motion of the ocean dear?Cuz either way…Bushie has a problem .LOL



    Is against the law for Guyanese or anybody to go into various stores an offer to buy dutyfree goods for Barbadians who live here and who are not taking the items out ?
    Something seems wrong about this
    Who is suppose to police this

    Is this not robbing the country revenue ?


  46. Simple Simon told a story about some people selling their wares,
    Which spurred the men to invent tall tales about short subjects,
    There must be a moral somewhere.

  47. BAFBFP | July 2, 2013 at 3:35 PM |

    谁的屎? it may seem as feces to you but I believe he/she has something deeper they want to speak about