Adrian Elcock Rihanna Partnership

Submitted by Barbados First

What is the connection between Adrian Elcock, Chairman of the Barbados Tourism Authority (BTA) and Rihanna?

Does it have anything to do with her being given a 3 year contract to market Barbados the terms of which have not been made public?

Does this connection have anything to do with the big Rihanna concert here 2 years ago?

Does it have anything to do with her concert here later this year?

Is this why we cannot get financial results for the concert 2 years ago which we taxpayers paid for… Is there what the Trinidadians call “bobol” going on at the BTA with Chairman Adrian Elcock in place?

Why after all this Rihanna expenditure and promotion  is St. Lucia still receiving more visitors than Barbados for 2013 so far.

Read the news story in the Barbados Today which names Adrain Elcock as agent for Rihanna :

218 responses to “Adrian Elcock Rihanna Partnership

  1. millertheanunnaki

    @ LOOK | August 12, 2013 at 8:26 PM |
    “… one guy who has been traveling around the world every three weeks for the last 25 years said even the indigenous peoples who are not as psychologically damaged as most of the earth’s population are displaying serious and strange behaviors, we may have entered another dimension.”

    Is this a reliable observation or are you just letting off air?
    If what the guy is saying can be relied upon as genuinely informed from his experience and comparative observations then this phenomenon merits further and serious discussions at the metaphysical level.

  2. LOL @ LOOK

    Bush Tea…I never knew you were so in love with me
    YOU DONE KNOW the bush man Luvs ya….
    Bushie don’t have any choice, cause you and Well Well make a serious tag team. Wunna obviously have access to CIA, FBI, DEA and D/MIA (Dottin/ MIA) files, …cause the two of wunna know NUFF NUFF more than Bushie could ever know..

    Hell! ….wunna know almost as much as Pieceuhderockyearight….

    LOL…Bushie still working on the “witch” theory….

  3. @ Miller
    If what the guy is saying can be relied upon as genuinely informed from his experience and comparative observations then this phenomenon merits further and serious discussions at the metaphysical level.
    So Miller, are you saying that you have been ignoring and disrespecting everything that Bushie has been saying here on BU over the last 5 years?
    Are you saying that a Bushman is not without honor save on his home blog?
    Have you been following the global weather patterns?
    Have you been tracking the global hotspots?

    Bushie is gravely disappointed that it took LOOK, quoting second hand hearsay from an alleged observant world traveller – for your attention to be attracted….
    …you have been too distracted with the “bulling talk” to notice the the REAL shit about to hit the fan Mr Nooksie…. 🙂

  4. millertheanunnaki

    @ Bush Tea | August 12, 2013 at 9:01 PM |

    The miller would be prepared to discuss such high level things with you but you have to promise not to bring along your imaginary BBE friend as part of the discussion.
    Such play friends of yours would make the debate too puerile for intellectual entertainment.

    I tell you what. Just send your imaginary friend like the “Q” from Star Trek– the Next Generation on a long galactic journey to Andromeda. That should keep him engaged for a few light years in sorting out the problems other life forms are experiencing.
    Maybe he would have a long drawn out haggle over a business deal between the Ferengi and the logical Vulcans with the violently combative Klingon Warrior Worf as his aide-de-camp.

  5. Miller……….when i heard him say it, i thought the same thing…for the few countries i have traveled in the last 6 months there definitely is a change in behavior, makes one wonder if it’s stress related due to financial uncertainties or something else, but if you check crime rates in the major cities and metropolis’, you see some off the wall happens that are definitely not the norm and i am accustomed to seeing some weird things, just check it out.

  6. Alvin Cummins

    My Cawmere and other dredentials, credentials are authentic, and I dun wid dat. Rihanna is also genuine an I dun wid dat also. Some time ago I spoke about a “prophet being sithout honour, save in his own country” watch how so many of you have treated Rihanna from the begining. When she won her first Grammy so many of you were sceptical and called it a fluke, she now has five Grammys, and so many others.Rihanna is right to fight for what she feels is a rip-off, if she didn’t have spunk the people who “stole” her image and placed it on t shirst would have done it with impunity. She sued them and won. Just because she is from Barbados; secifically Westbury road, does not mean she is an idiot.And I dun wid dat too.

  7. Alvin…… are you darling………i heard Toronto turned real cool today, the weather is being really temperamental in the middle of august no less.

  8. Simple Simon

    @Look at 3:45 p.m. ” Barbados, is nasty…The Center for Disease Control and Prevention says “you can get typhoid through contaminated food and water there, regardless of where you’re eating or staying.”

    The CDC says about the following places:

    You can get hepatitis A through contaminated food or water in Afghanistan…

    ” You can get hepatitis A through contaminated food or water in Canada…rabies can be found in bats and other mammals in Canada:

    “You can get hepatitis A through contaminated food or water in the United Kingdom…Rabies is present in bats in the United Kingdom

    “You can get typhoid through contaminated food or water in Puerto Rico…. rabies can be found in dogs, bats, and other mammals in Puerto Rico:

    “You can get hepatitis A through contaminated food or water in the U.S. Virgin Islands, regardless of where you are eating or staying…You can get typhoid through contaminated food or water in the U.S. Virgin Islands.:

    You can get hepatitis A through contaminated food or water in Italy[Vatican City] …rabies can be found in bats and other mammals in Italy

    “You can get hepatitis A through contaminated food or water in Norway…Rabies is present in bats in Norway

    “You can get hepatitis A through contaminated food or water in Zimbabwe…You can get typhoid through contaminated food or water in Zimbabwe

    The CDC doesn’t say this but you can get a fatal asthma attack from terrorist dust bunnies while you are hiding under your bed

  9. Alvin Cummins

    Rihanna is now referred to by you as a “nutcase”?….Nuff said. I am sorry for people like you and Miller. I agree with you though…she should never have given money to the
    children’s ward. she should never have set up her
    fpoundation, she should never have given money to the Cancer institute on behalf of her grandmother. Barbados does not deserve her, that is why those who have done great things; and there are many Bajans who have achieved much in this world in all apheres, hesitate to credit their country. Edward Kamau Brathwaite is a great Barbadian Poet, I guess you will denigrate him also.. probably reer to him also as a nut-case. Sir Garfield…does he fall into that category also?and many others too.

  10. millertheanunnaki

    @ Alvin Cummins | August 12, 2013 at 9:37 PM |

    So who has a problem with Rihanna? Certainly not the miller!

    But we are surprised at your undying loyalty and admiration.
    Even in light of her mary jane habit and use of “foul” language like Cu**T you still stick by your Bajan gal. What a true son of the soil!

    PS: the miller like a true brother would encourage you to deal with that Chris Brown fella who seems to be losing it upstairs.
    Carry him to the obeah man Bush Tea and the Spiritualist GP to sort him all out with a good bush bath and spiritual baptism in the Anglican Church.

  11. LOOK | August 12, 2013 at 3:45 PM |
    I would have second thoughts about visiting St. Lucia. I also would have seond thoughts about visiting Barbados. St. Lucia at moment is not safe. Barbados though is not safer or safest. Barbados,

    look you are the kind of a-hole Barbados can do without. Good decision on your part to go Puerto Rico. If Barbados is not safe Puerto Rico is Columbia, Syria and Iraq rolled into one. Barbados is the safest island in the Caribbean by a long way. You quoting B.C Pires a born jackass. By the way what’s become of the pervert? The imbecilic dog shite he wrote should never have seen the light of day. Rumour has it he’s a long stay guest at Jenkins Courtyard off Black Rock Boulevard. It would make our day if you join him there. What a cretin you are.

  12. @ David, Bush Tea, Watching, Simple Simon & Miller

    Barbados is chioatic. It’s a mess down there. The S&P and Moody’s says so but here is ironclad proof: George Payne v Edmund Kinkinson, the Graeme Hall Nature Santuary mess, those Archcot Britton Hill Deaths (2007) also Illegal Wire Tapping/Darwin Dottin. The United Nations says there is lots of theft down there. That old woman Violet Beckles proved this as did Owen Arthur, David Thompson and Leroy Parris. The Barbados economy in 2012 had NO GROWTH, and the Central Bank predicts hardly any increased economic activity in the country this year. Clyde Mascoll and Dale Marshall, additionally says country is broke “all in the red”.

    Barbados relies on few things to survive, mainly tourism and that “tourism” is NOW breathing on life support. Detroit, Michigan (United States) even in its condition is breathing. Barbados is not doing that breathing. Detroit at moment is ill, extremely. It is being treated and will fully recover, Barbados, probably not. Detroit is home of the American Automakers (General Motors, Ford and Chrysler). Detroit is vital to the United States and likewise the American Auto Industry. Detroit on July 18th filed bankrupcy but the 299 million dollar cobo hall renovation project for the annual North American International Auto Show is still going forward, likewise the new 400.00 million arena for the Detroit Red Wings (Hockey). Why, tell me why are Barbados people looking at Detroit and not Barbados.

    It’s no secret that Barbados over the years have stepped down several steps. It is no longer a desired destination. The flying fish has even moved elsewhere. What can you do? Just grit your teeth and take it. No place is utopia but damn Barbados is far from it. It’s true, you know it., but this North American, BA, MA I guess has to tell you..



    @ Alvin

    Roc Nation, did you know just issued that nut case Rihanna a warning. Nuff said.

  14. Alvin…………it’s good Rihanna is donating to Barbados, it will keep Uncle Sam off her back, those are tax write offs, Uncle Sam is merciless…….i am happy to see her do that for both reasons.

    Rihanna cannot afford to be dropped from RocNation, when you get dropped from a label that powerful, you become a pariah in the US music industry. It is up to her.


    @ Alvin

    The 2012 Olympics has come and gone. Usain Bolt is still lightening but Rihanna . . . . . . .

  16. Look you do know two thirds of the Jamaican sprinters have tested positive for banned substances. That means they are CHEATS in bajan parlance ‘TEEVES.’ I’m a Usain Bolt fan but wouldn’t be surprised if he cheats too.
    Stop using dated articles from dubious sources on Rihanna to prove your non existent and asinine points.

  17. @ Passing by

    It is what it is proved via those sources. She is what she is chaotic, uneducated and mentally imbalanced – A NUT CASE.

  18. The Caribbean sprinters are being set up, i am just surprised it took this long.

  19. Look……………..everyone who has access to certain information knows Rihanna was issued a warning by RocNation, how she handles it would be up to her going forward.

  20. @Look and Well Well


  21. alvin cummins

    @Look et al like him the following refers to Kamau Brathwaite: I will come back to Rihanna again

    3rd Annual Critical Caribbean Symposium 2013: Celebrating the Life and Work of Kamau Brathwaite
    by ivetteromero


    The 2013 Critical Caribbean Symposium will be held at the College of The Bahamas in Nassau, Bahamas, on November 22-23, 2013. The symposium is dedicated to Barbadian thinker and writer Kamau Brathwaite—“A Splice of Space and Time”: Celebrating the Life and Work of Kamau Brathwaite. The deadline for submissions is October 4, 2013.

    Description: Since the early 1950s, Kamau Brathwaite has been one of the leading producers of Caribbean cultural and intellectual discourses. Not just an award winning poet, the richness of Brathwaite’s verse is paralleled only by the depth of his scholarly essays in literary criticism, cultural theory, and history. With groundbreaking works including Four Plays for Primary Schools (1964), Rights of Passage (1967), Black an Blues (1976), Roots (1993), The Development of Creole Society in Jamaica, 1770-1820(1971), History of the Voice: the Development of Nation Language in Anglophone Caribbean Poetry (1986)), Braithwaite’s place as a major contemporary poet, philosopher and original literary voice of the Caribbean has been well-established.

    The 3rd Annual Critical Caribbean Symposium will not simply honor the legacy of Edward Kamau Brathwaite, the man, but we will also grapple with the grand themes presented within the body of the Brathwaitian oeuvre, including issues of Afro-Caribbean identity, nation language, history, tidalectics, creoleness, and the Caribbean African heritage, among others.

    The organizers of the symposium encourage interdisciplinary papers that analyze Brathwaite’s contributions to Caribbean politics, art, culture, language, gender studies and histories.

    100-200 word paper abstracts or panel proposals, including 100-200-word panel description along with individual abstracts for up to 4 papers should be submitted to

    The organizers also invite proposals for alternatives to traditional panel sessions; they particularly encourage submissions of creative work (visual arts, short films, performance pieces, and creative writing) exploring the theme of the symposium.

    For more information, please contact the organizers at

  22. Alvin……….Kamau is truly a one of a kind, naturally gifted intellectual who has taught as US universities, last i heard he was at NYU, he should really be nominated as a laureate.

  23. alvin cummins

    BQASED ON YOUR WRITINGS, YOU DON’T KNOW ZILCH ABOUT Barbados DESPITE WHAT YOU TRY TO PORTRAY AS KNOWLEDGE. yOU ALSO DON’T KNOW ZILVCH ABOUT rIHANNA; WHAT SHE HAS ATTAINED IN THE MUSIC industry the fashion industry, her popularity with leading fashion magazines such as Vogue, and other areas.Where ever she performs all over the world she draws huge crowds. I have spoken with many young people in Canada who purchased tickets and went to her concerts that she is extremely popular among them. Older people who do not understand that the world is constantly changing and setting and accepting different standards. What was good for us older folks is not acceptable to these young people, so while older folk are shocked by some language in today’s world it is acceptable.

  24. millertheanunnaki

    @ alvin cummins | August 13, 2013 at 12:39 PM |
    “What was good for us older folks is not acceptable to these young people, so while older folk are shocked by some language in today’s world it is acceptable.”

    Alvin, is that you talking? Is this the same dye-in-the-wool fogey that got on his septuagenarian high horse and downright condemn the use of marijuana in any form whatsoever?

    Don’t you Alvin, the moral pedant on drug taking, know that marijuana usage is rampant among the youth especially in Barbados and is their drug of choice even ahead of alcohol?
    You need to get with the programme and not cherry pick the moral menu for the youth.
    So the question to you Alvin is: Are you prepared to accept Rihanna in all her “habits”, marijuana using and all, for who she is and what she has achieved and continues to achieve thereby promoting the ‘image’ of Barbados abroad, in whichever light?

    Now please Alvin, if you are able to respond you should note I am in both the Rihanna and the mary jane corner.

  25. what image do rhianna have, all she does is smoke and expose herself, is that how she is promoting Barbados? she isnt even all that good looking anymore.

  26. maybe tourists is not coming to the island because of the high cost of living, and when you buy something you still have to pay VAT, not every tourist have money, they would rather go somewhere else that is more reasonable, they not going to come because of rhianna, barbados should save their money they spending on her. If she shout out barbados at the grammies, that dont mean plane full of tourists is going to come either , when rhianna is in the US or England, she is up against lots more celebrities, in barbados, its like she’s the only celebrity.


    @ Alvin

    Rihanna right now is walking on broken glass. RocNation may soon give her the boot as did Nivea and it would be deserving. Oh, and Alvin that Nanci (poster) knows what she is talking about. Rihanna abroad has competition but nobody in Barbados. Rihanna is apparently not happy that Drake released and dedicated a song to Beyonce saying that she’s desired by everyone. According to Rihanna on instagram, not all girls love Beyonce but tickets for her Auckland, New Zealand show sold out in 15 minutes. Rihanna I know is performing in Barbados, November 2013. Tickets yet sold out for that show? According to, tickets for that show were available since August 2, 2013. Celebrities come and go. Rihanna is not the best the music world has ever seen. Agree or disagree, Rihanna is no match for Adele, Celine Dione, Jennifer Hudson, not even Miriah Carey.

    You slapped me in the face with Kamau Braithwaite. That was deserving. Is there more, more Barbados fine china? Barbados first competed in the olympic in 1968 and has participated in each games since then, missing only the 1980 Summer Olympics. The country’s only olympic medal to date is a bronze won by sprinter Obadele Thompson in the men’s 100 metres at the 2000 Summer Olympics. It’s only a bronze but kudos for Obadele Thompson. Barbados is way down the line behind the United States and China but does have an olympic winner, one.

  28. Here is yet another one, another singer Rihanna can’t handle – Christina Aguilera

  29. @ Alvin

    Your girl Rihanna gets booed at a recent Chanel Fashion show.

  30. @LOOK August 13, 2013 at 11:05 AM…”Barbados is chioatic…but this North American, BA, MA I guess has to tell you.”

    BA, MA, and yet you can’t spell chaotic?


  31. @ Alvin

    Awaiting your response, tickets for Rihanna’s November concert in Barbados sold out yet? Beyond Kamau Braithwaite, Is there more Barbados good china? Just in case you want to get down in the dirt, 119 individuals in the United States were awarded the Nobel Prize including Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (1964) and Barack Obama (2009). The United States though has more really good china. Colin Powell is the 65th United States Secretary of State, the first African American to serve in that position, a retired four-star general in the United States army and speaks perfect Yiddish (Hebrew language). Condoleezza Rice, Ph.d, additionally is an accomplished pianist, also an American political scientist and diplomat, the first African American secretary of state.


    @ Alvin
    Your show girl Rihanna did not pay her grandmother’s funeral bill in full and may not have to. She does have to pay $47,000 legal bills for defendants in her lawsuit against them on file in the Manhattan Federal Court (New York) – Court Order. She should lay off some of that marijuna don’t you think.

  33. teefing,and whoring?lol

  34. alvin cummins

    @ Look
    Here is another slap for you apart from the Nobel Laureate who is at Cave Hill:
    Inventor of the Week Archive

    Browse for a different Invention or Inventor


    Optical Information Processing Technology

    Dr. Cardinal Warde, a professor of electrical engineering at MIT, is considered one of the world’s leading experts on materials, devices and systems for optical information processing. Warde holds ten key patents on spatial light modulators, displays, and optical information processing systems. He is a co-inventor of the microchannel spatial light modulator, membrane-mirror light shutters based on micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), an optical bistable device, and a family of charge-transfer plate spatial light modulators.

    Warde grew up on the small Caribbean island of Barbados. As a young boy he started making his own toys. In Barbados he attended St. Christopher’s Boys School, Boys’ Foundation School and Harrison College, and was a sprinter on the high-school track team. His parents demanded excellence of him in school, but gave him lots of freedom and support so he could engage his inquisitive mind outside the classroom. By age 16, he had converted his father’s unused carpenter’s shop into a chemistry and physics laboratory, and with his high school friends he was launching homemade rockets (with mice aboard) from the beach near his home. Fortunately, he says, none of his rockets escaped earth’s gravity and most of the mice got their freedom when the rockets crashed.

    After finishing high school in 1965, Warde boarded a plane for the United States. He received a bachelor’s degree in physics from the Stevens Institute of Technology in 1969, where he was also a member of the school’s varsity soccer team. His passion for physics continued into graduate school at Yale University where he earned M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees in 1971 and 1974.

    While at Yale, Warde invented a new interferometer that would work near absolute zero temperature in order to measure the refractive index and thickness of solid oxygen films for his Ph.D. research. This experience stimulated his keen passion for optics and optical engineering. Immediately after earning the Ph.D. Warde wrote letters to several of the leading engineering and science universities inquiring about possible appointment to their faculties. MIT responded to his inquiry, and he joined its faculty of the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in 1974 as an Assistant Professor.

    At MIT Warde’s interest shifted toward the engineering applications of optics. He became involved with other members of the faculty in the development of devices for enhancing the performance of optical atmospheric (wireless) communication systems to improve communication performance in inclement weather, and on the development of photorefractive materials for real-time holography and optical computing. To date, he has published over one hundred technical papers on optical materials, devices and systems.

    Today, Warde’s research activities are focused on the development of optical neural-network co-processors that are expected to endow the next generation of PC’s with rudimentary brain-like processing; transparent liquid-crystal microdisplays for display eyeglasses and novel cellular phones; membrane-mirror-based spatial light modulators for optical switching and projection displays; and spectro-polarimetric imaging sensors for remote-sensing applications.

    In addition to his research and teaching duties, Warde is also an entrepreneur: in 1982 he founded Optron Systems, Inc., an incubator company dedicated to developing novel electro-optic and MEMS displays, and light shutters and modulators for optical signal processing systems. Then in 1999 he co-founded Radiant Images, Inc., a company engaged in the manufacture of transparent liquid-crystal VLSI microdisplays for digital camera and camcorder viewfinders, portable telecommunications devices, and display eyeglasses.

    Dr. Warde has also dedicated himself to working with Caribbean governments and organizations to help stimulate economic development in the Caribbean area. As such he lectures frequently throughout the Caribbean at scientific and government meetings on the role of technology and education reform on economic development. He also serves, informally, as a scientific advisor to the Government of Barbados. In addition, for the last ten years Warde has mentored students in the Network Program of the New England Board of Higher Education. The goals of this program are to motivate and encourage minority youth in the six New England states to consider majoring in science and engineering and to pursue careers in these fields. He has been recognized with a number of awards and honors for his work, including the Renaissance Science and Engineering Award from Stevens Institute of Technology in 1996.

    [February 2001]
    @Miller I am supportive of Rihanna as an entertainer caught up in the life of the entertainment industry.

  35. @ Alvin

    Thank you for that slap in the face but I have slapped you more than you me, Right? We’re not even. Your girl Rihanna, still a nut case. Nuff said.

  36. @ Alvin

    Know I have to slap last, this is it, Dr. Benjamin Carson