Counterfeit Avastin Drug Kingpin Now Living In Canada

Submitted by M.N.Saunders
Tom Haughton

Tom Haughton

I am requesting the help of the general public in finding any pertinent information regarding Mr. Tom Haughton, Mrs. Maryanne Thorkelson (Haughton) and Mr. Kris Thorkelson owners and operators of numerous internet drug companies (All working under the main company called Canada Drugs) with web sites scattered worldwide.

Mr. Tomas Haughton had set up shop in Barbados utilizing their lax laws and reputation of skirting international regulations especially when those with deep pockets and plenty of graft monies to flaunt. Mr. Haughton was able, through his political and legal connections, escape prosecution in Barbados and hide out in Canada where he was able to sanitize any and all records of his existence (there is no public records of his existence and even with a physical search I could not find anything that even showed that he existed…..even his school records, his marriage records and those of his children have somehow disappeared from public view….what money will buy when it is spread around the right sources) thus hiding from public view.

Over the past two years I have been actively investigating the goings-on of Canada Drugs and those who operated this company distributing bogus counterfeit drugs to the unsuspecting public.

I have been able trace the activities of one Mr. Tomas Haughton who was the brains behind the operation setting up hundreds of web sites to promote the sale of these counterfeit drugs. He was able to establish an operational base in the Barbados where, through the utilization of his inflated bank account, he was able to flaunt the law and ship these drugs to the unsuspecting public without fear of prosecution.

The list of government officials who were bought off in this banana republic paid to look the other way and to lose any documents so/as to prevent any legal actions is endless. From what I have been able to discover is that close to $1,750,000 dollars changed hands (I have not been able to find a positive paper trail but through international banking records huge cash withdrawals were made but no tracing as to the disposal of these monies were to be found) with most of this being distributed in and to officials in Barbados.

When Mr. Tomas Haughton left the country (after important paperwork has mysteriously disappeared and any format of charges were dropped he seemed to disappear from the spotlight) but he reappeared in his home town of Winnipeg Canada. There he has taken on the task of running his partners business in the same mannerism that he had done with the illegal counterfeit drug business.

It seems that, with the monies that were made through the sale of counterfeit drugs and the unscrupulous business practices that he had become famous for, this criminal once again has found a way of circumstancing the laws of the land and inflating his and his partner’s bank accounts. Hiding behind his high priced legal team

(Aikins Law, re:/ AIKINS, MACAULAY & THORVALSON LLP, and represented by one JOHN B. MARTENS occupying the 30th floor of 360 Main St., Winnipeg, Canada, R3C 4G1…phone number 204-957-0050) and having a working address and heading Niakwa Park Place 200-1310 Archibald Street, Winnipeg, Canada, R2J0Z4 With a phone number registered under Thorwin Real Estate re:/phone number 204-253-1885.

Once again he has found a safe haven and with the sanitation of official records hidden from public view.

To try and bring this individual to justice might be a pipe dream given the resources that he has at his disposal. Knowing his past history of using his political and legal influence (paid for through the enormous profits gained through his internet drug business) and the fact that he has become an expert at circumstancing the law I realize that what I am trying to do will only come about with the assistance and information coming from those who he had maltreated.

Any information regarding this criminal and his activities, no matter how trivial, would be greatly welcomed.

33 responses to “Counterfeit Avastin Drug Kingpin Now Living In Canada

  1. This is very much a variation on the usual manner which threads that impune the business dealings/character of miscreants on the Barbados scene are uploaded.

    Generally they carry “background evidence” which irrevocably highlights the nature of the fraud and charlatan behaviour but, since it is David [BU] who would have ultimately taken up the gauntlet, i will believe that the bona fides of the submission have been examined, in camera, and deemed passable.

    Having said that i will now repeat the normal, customary, litany of responses that always seem to follow these scams and scamps.

    In Bulbados, as long as you have $$ and an accent and of course, is a white man, we roll out the red carpet to you without even a simple search at for a simple fee at Dunn and Bradstreet.

    This is not really a hard thing to understand and i will explain it for the female rabbits and brass bowls that abound in this cuntry.

    1. As a requirement for any and all businesses seeking to come to Bulbados, they HAVE TO GET a D-U-N-S number.
    2. To secure said number it is incumbent on the scam artists that abound across the global scape to undergo the stringent due diligence process that D&B subjects its applicants to.
    3. This simple requirement for the long list of female rabbits that we call politicians of these FDI experts to insist on. Such will place the burden of due diligence on the reputation of this leading Due Diligence Checking Entity instead of on the backs of our incompetents Darcy “cant speak a word of English” Boyce, Sinckliar, and wannabe rich overnight clowns like Ezra Alleyne, you know, the usual ingrunt suspects.

    But then again, given that the scam artists give kickbacks to the brassbowls of our cuntry I now see why this idea will not float in Bulbados.

  2. Oh i forgot to add that then it would only be a simple thing for Fumble, Seethru and the rest of brassbowls to do a check on the so called investors D-U-N-S number to see if they are kosher.

    It is real hard to get a D-U-N-S number and an associated passing grade from D&B

    In fact, to up the ante, one could add in two or three more D&B like entities to raise the requirements threshold for these investors who are currently jukking out we eyes and diluting the island’s FDI portfolio.

    What de france does the Central Bank Governor or that money laundering agency that government has, do again??

    Waste foops!!

  3. @pieceuhderock

    Go back to last year when this story broke about a fake Avastin importer with links to Barbados to get some background to this story:

  4. Wait a minute, is this the same “non-international issue” that one commenter on this blog was trying to mamaguy us with re the government agency requesting information on facebook about a criminal matter……….these people are definitely not bajans, not with ‘names’ like that, Piece, what next? I do believe these criminals were allowed into the island by government/immigration, we will now need to ascertain who got paid.

  5. Piece……………if you remember correctly, i got cussed by the same commenter for stating they were lying and government had to be nose deep in this sh*t, as bad as it smells.

  6. Carson…………where are you, I am also calling on my newest B***H Ross to explain all this to us, you see we are dumb and don’t know what is going on.

  7. pieceuhderockyeahright

    Thank you for the link David[BU]

    It is increasingly evident that we should change our nationality from Barbadian to Brassholian

    My gran daughter could easily do an internet search and find these scoundrels

    The minister and government agency head responsible for this should be hung at noon in Queens Park!!!

    No wonder Bajans now are seen as a cuntry of stupid swine

  8. What would be more than a little interesting and laughable, as i am sure this company was set up as a corporation in Barbados, is to find out the names of the lawyers who handled the articles of incorporation, the local people listed as Directors,etc, etc, the lawyers representing the company, etc. etc,………..wonder if the lawyers on BU would be willing to give us that info, anyone can also go to Corporate Affairs on Belmont Road and get that info, might be time for me to take a trip to Barbados….Ah well, it’s just another manic Monday, i guess they are those on the island now wishing it was Sunday. LOL!!!

    Piece…..this is the MO in Bim, practiced by and encouraged by government, the lawyers, the church, etc, etc, when anyone like myself speaks out against such practices, as you have witnessed, i am called ‘a nasty piece of work’ i will be remembered for my ‘sheer nastiness’ ………..mind you, not the criminals and culprits responsible for the crimes against others being nasty and practicing sheer nastiness, but the people who dare to speak out against such practices being branded as such, i guess you will have to get used to the corruption, etc,,,,etc

  9. Mr. Saunders

    Due Diligence applauds your efforts and your determination.

    These scammers (and dishonest politicians and public servants) have to be exposed before they totally destroy Barbados’ name as a place to do (legitimate) business.

    Given the depths to which you have dug (through international banking records huge cash withdrawals were made but no tracing as to the disposal of these monies were to be found) with most of this being distributed in and to officials in Barbados.), I am sure you will have already searched the records of Barbados Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office, for company names registered in Barbados See link below.

    I did not get match when I entered Canada Drugs in the search.

    If there is a match, you will get the registration number and date of registration/incorporation. DD has not been able to find names of Officers/Directors or anything else from the public records; but if you know how to dig deeper I would appreciate your guidance

  10. Mr. Saunders

    As Barbados Minister of Industry, International Business, Commerce and Small Business Development, Donville Inniss, is reported to have the principal behind several websites, he may be able to help you our

  11. I bet if you call one ministers/politicians/lawyers this morning about that company and it’s owner(s)/directors/lawyers, the last two being of the local variety, you will not get any answers, nor will they return calls or anything else for that matter. So where did all those files disappear to……………

  12. Carson C. Cadogan

    First things first.

    Who or what is M.N.Saunders?

    Why is he pursuing Tom Haughton?

    Is M.N. Saunders a former business partner of Tom Haughton who didn’t get his cut or something else?

    What good would it do M.N. Saunders to drag Barbados into his personal dealings?

    Why should anyone in Barbados assist M.N. Saunders?”

    “I am requesting the help of the general public in finding any pertinent information regarding Mr. Tom Haughton, Mrs. Maryanne Thorkelson (Haughton) and Mr. Kris Thorkelson owners and operators of numerous internet drug companies (All working under the main company called Canada Drugs) with web sites scattered worldwide.”

    Why is M.N. Saunders investigating anyone or anything? Are you Police, F.B.I., MI5.

    If you are then you ought to be directing your inquires to the Royal Barbados Police Force and not BARBADOS UNDERGROUND.

    If you have not directed your concerns to Local Law enforcement, then why not?

  13. Please note this message was sent to dozens of media outlets and individuals across the world.

  14. i have yet to understand that this guy has done.

  15. Carson C. Cadogan

    “please note this message was sent to dozens of media outlets and individuals across the world.”

    So what?

  16. CCC

    Who or what is M.N.Saunders?

    He says ‘[Over the past two years I have been actively investigating the goings-on of Canada Drugs and those who operated this company distributing bogus counterfeit drugs to the unsuspecting public.”

    He may just be a guy following up on media reports including in the Wall Street Journal and The Globe and Mail at

    Which includes

    Canadians linked to U.S. probe of fake cancer drug

    The Globe and Mail
    Published Wednesday, Mar. 07 2012, 7:14 AM EST
    Last updated Thursday, Sep. 06 2012, 1:08 PM EDT

    U.S. authorities have identified a supply chain that may have allowed fake cancer drugs to reach U.S. clinics and Canadians are connected to the investigation, The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday.

    The dealings of two Canadian businessmen, one in Winnipeg and one living in Barbados, are being examined by federal officials, the newspaper reported.

    One of the businessmen, Thomas Haughton, acknowledged his companies shipped a fake version of cancer drug Avastin late last year but said he was unaware the drugs were counterfeit.

  17. CCC

    I meant to also say that I assume that, given the rather serious allegations or inferences in Mr. Saunders’ submission, David (BU) did his own due diligence, before posting it, to verify there may be some basis for it.

    BTW, while we are chatting I wonder if we could hear something from you on the Pickering discussion at

    Pickering Project Goes BOOM!

  18. Carson C. Cadogan

    Due diligence

    “David (BU) did his own due diligence, before posting it, to verify there may be some basis for it.”

    That is what you hope but I am not so sure judging from some of the foolishness which he has posted recently.

  19. @DD

    Thanks for your support but stay with the points of the submission. Don’t be distracted from the discussion if you hear braying.

  20. CCC

    Please read this story in the Wall Street Journal.

    Be sure to click on View Graphic to note that Barbados is highlighted.

  21. Carson……… you remember this calypso, don’t know if you are old enough, but here goes………”woe is me, shame and scandal in the family”, can’t remember the Trinidadian who sang it, might have been Sparrow, it slips me, but it was a favorite of mine.

  22. The U.S. crackdown reaches beyond Canada Drugs. Andrew Strempler, a former Internet-pharmacy rival to Mr. Thorkelson and a fellow Canadian, was arrested in Miami in June on charges related to allegedly importing and selling foreign and fake drugs, such as Lipitor. Mr. Strempler, who faces 60 years in prison if convicted, sold his company, RxNorth, to Mr. Thorkelson in 2006. He has pleaded not guilty.

    Does the Barbados government ever contact Interpol or RCMP for background checks on these people before they let them into the island to ‘do business’………..who i forgot, the contact facebook for information…LOL!!

  23. Shoudl read:

    Oh, I forgot, they contact facebook instead for information on criminals…..LOL!!!

  24. Carson…………..just in case you don’t like all that reading, i copied some for you, you have to note that Barbados is listed as the company’s headquarters as well.


    ” Thomas Haughton, Mr. Thorkelson’s Barbados-based brother-in-law, said in March that he owned the overseas companies that shipped the fake Avastin, and business records for those companies list him as a director. He said he was “horrified” to learn the drugs were fake and that his businesses were “separate and distinct” from Mr. Thorkelson’s. He added that he considered his businesses “safe” and “legal.” He didn’t respond to requests for further comment.

    Brock Gunter-Smith, chief business development officer for, said in March that doesn’t sell Avastin and is therefore not connected to the counterfeiting case.

    The FDA said it has always considered businesses such as Mr. Thorkelson’s illegal because they sell medicines to American customers that aren’t made for U.S. sale at FDA-inspected facilities. A bigger worry, though, is that fake or tainted medicines could slip into U.S. supply and potentially harm patients. The fake Avastin, for instance, contained cornstarch, acetone and other chemicals, but no active ingredient to fight cancer.”

  25. Carson C. Cadogan

    Well Well

    Do you have a point to make?

  26. Do we get any of these fake drugs at the QEH? This is a massive scandal.

  27. in Canada we use the fake drugs all the time, we give them to people with fake injuries…….usually govt employees. We also found that they work great for birth control if the girl will hold one of the pills tightly between her knees.

  28. Carson C. Cadogan | September 23, 2013 at 3:59 PM |

    Well Well

    Do you have a point to make?

    Yes Carson……………..why would you want to drag the Barbados Police Force into this, if government ministers and ministry officials are involved, what can the police do seeing that they are now struggling to survive since their pay cut and/or overtime pay cut, and besides, the police in Barbados cannot arrest any of the ministers/politicians/lawyers………..was a new acting police commissioner just recently appointed by your administration?? care to tell us why?? we still have not heard why the old one was fired.

    Anyway, no need to involve the local police as i am sure the FBI, INTERPOL, RCMP will be doing their investigations, a regular alphabet soup, the DLP can have you as their guard dog to represent them and answer questions when the guys from the alphabet soup agencies come a calling, you can tell those guys who is what and where to get off. See Carson, i had a couple points to make, would not want to disappoint you now, being my favorite and all.

  29. Carson C. Cadogan

    I am still asking the question, Who or what is M.N. Saunders?

  30. I were you, i would contact Interpol and ask them who or what is M.N. Saunders…..i am sure they will be happy to assist you Carson.

  31. @PODRYR “and wannabe rich overnight clowns like Ezra Alleyne”

    Poor Ezra will never, never be rich…and we all know why.

  32. Michael Saunders

    Just Who Is This Michael Saunders?????? Wouldn’t you like to know?????

    One Mr. Tom Haughton Pissed me off….tried to intimidate me with his legal, social and monied connections……BIG MISTAKE!!!!!!!!!. I just happen to be the one person who he shouldn’t have messed with!!!!!

    I was not impressed with his hired legal team….his social connections were nothing but high classed snobs who think that their S$%^%$ doesn’t stink….and his monied connections…..well I don’t have a pot top piss in nor a window to throw it out of but I am richer than Mr. Tom Haughton will ever be…..I have my values and self respect ….something that he will never have with all his monies, bought friends and hired guns.

    I started this quest when a friend of mine invited me to the funeral of his wife who died of cancer. She had been in remission controlled with a drug called Avastin but this all change when she was administered a counterfeit Avastin supplied by One Mr. Tomas Haughton…….her cancer, which was under control, suddenly came back with a vengence which she died of shortly afterwards.

    Yes I have been able to obtain information that is not available to the average person!!!!!
    Yes I have been able to get into files that are closed to the different police officials who have to follow strict rules of engagement!!!!!
    And yes I have violated every international law governing the accusation of personal and business information!!!!!!
    Yes I have been able to get into records and transactions that are buried and out of reach of the local and international police departments!!!!!!
    But most of all I am putting this criminals Name And Face in every media outlet that I can get into……..
    You wanted to know just who or what I am??????? Or what I am????? and what I have to do with this criminal???????
    Well I am just a simple citizen who doesn’t like it when these Narcissistic Animals think that they, because of their inflated bank accounts and bought social and legal connections, are above the law and can do as they please…….but most of all I have no fear of these criminals….something that they cannot understand.
    So…..if you want to bring these animals to justice then lend me a hand!!!!!!! Just maybe the next person who dies from their counterfeit drugs will be your loved ones…..or You yourself!!!!!

  33. Michael Saunders

    To Follow Up To My Previous Statement…….I am posting this world wide so/as to have this criminals face and name known worldwide.

    A short while ago the wife of a good friend of mine was diagnosed with cancer. She, at the advice of her doctor, went into treatment using a drug called Avastin. For six months her treatment went along just fine. Her cancer was under control with her symptoms being reduced on a daily bases.
    Then, all the sudden her cancer returned with a vengeance……the drugs that she had been taking had suddenly stopped working and her cancer started to spread uncontrollably. It was then that rumors of counterfeit Avastin being shipped to the USA to unsuspecting doctors and clinics. With this knowledge her doctor had the Avastin checked and found out that what he had been administrating to my friends wife was counterfeit and contained NO active ingredients.
    A month later my friend’s wife, like a lot of those who were treated by this counterfeit drug, died of advanced cancer. We do not know if she would have survived if she had been receiving a non-counterfeit drug and this would be very hard to prove in court…..therefore, due to the costs involved and the legal blockages put in place by Canada Drugs and their numerous internet drug companies scattered worldwide (and outside of the American Judicial System) any legal or civil charges were not activated.
    I am requesting the help of the general public in finding any pertinent information regarding Mr. Tom Haughton, Mrs. Maryanne Thorkelson (Haughton) and Mr. Kris Thorkelson, the owners and operators of the hundreds of internet drug companies (All working under the main company called Canada Drugs based in Winnipeg, Canada) with web sites scattered worldwide.
    At one point Mr. Tomas Haughton had set up shop in Barbados utilizing their lax laws and reputation of skirting international regulations especially with those who had deep pockets and plenty of graft monies to flaunt and spread around to the numerous politicians and government officials who readily stood with their greedy hands outstretched. Mr. Haughton was able, through his political and legal connections, escape prosecution in Barbados and hide out in Canada where he was able to sanitize any and all records of his existence (there is no public records of his existence and even with a physical search I could not find anything that even showed that he existed…..even his school records, his marriage records and those of his children have somehow disappeared from public view….what money will buy when it is spread around the right sources) thus hiding from public view.
    Over the past two years I have been actively investigating the goings-on of Canada Drugs and those who operated this company distributing bogus counterfeit drugs to the unsuspecting public. I have been able trace the activities of one Mr. Tomas Haughton, who was the brains behind the operation, setting up hundreds of web sites to promote the sale of these counterfeit drugs. He was able to establish an operational base in the Barbados where, through the utilization of his inflated bank account, he was able to flaunt the law and ship these drugs to the unsuspecting public worldwide without fear of prosecution.
    The list of government officials who were bought off in this banana republic, paid to look the other way and to lose any documents so/as to prevent any legal actions is endless. From what I have been able to discover is that multi dollars changed hands (I have not been able to find a positive paper trail but through international banking records and coming from the scuttle bug there was talk about huge cash withdrawals being made but no tracing as to the disposal of these monies were to be found) with most of this is said to have been distributed in and to officials in Barbados.
    When Mr. Tomas Haughton left the country (after important paperwork has mysteriously disappeared and any format of charges were dropped) he seemed to disappear from the spotlight but he reappeared in his home town of Winnipeg Canada. There he has taken on the task of running his partners business in the same mannerism that he had done with the illegal counterfeit drug business.
    It seems that, with the monies that were made through the sale of counterfeit drugs and the unscrupulous business practices that he had become famous for, this ???criminal???once again has found a way of circumstancing the laws of the land and inflating his and his partner’s bank accounts.
    He,hiding behind his high priced legal team, RE:/
    and represented by one JOHN B. MARTENS
    occupying the 30th floor of 360 Main St., Winnipeg, Canada, R3C 4G1…
    phone number 204-957-0050)
    and having a working address and heading
    Niakwa Park Place
    200-1310 Archibald Street,
    Canada, R2J0Z4
    With a phone number registered under Thorwin Real Estate re:/phone number 204-253-1885.

    Once again he has found a safe haven, with the sanitation of official records, hidden from public view. To try and bring this individual to justice might be a pipe dream given the resources that he has at his disposal. Knowing his past history of using his political and legal influence (paid for through the enormous profits gained through his internet drug business) and the fact that he has become an expert at circumstancing the law, I realize that what I am trying to do will only come about with the assistance and information coming from those who he had maltreated.
    These fugitives from justice might have found a safe haven hiding out in Canada but they are not forgotten. Just how many people, how many loved ones, who went to their doctors for treatment and were given not the treatments that would have saved their lives but a counterfeit drug being sold by a company whose main objective was inflating their bottom line??????? And how often have these criminals gotten off through them bribing or paying off government officials and the justice system allowing them to go scot free????? Just how many people have had their hopes and dreams shattered through the criminal actions of these predators who preyed upon the innocent sick and dying human beings who needed the help that this drug would have given them….that is if they had received the drugs that they needed not the counterfeit knockoff that was sold by these criminals who hide behind their lawyers and bought off politicians.?????? I feel that it is time to give them a taste of their own medicine!!!!!!!!
    Please have your office write to him and their highly paid legal team who protects them from prosecution and let them know that they might be able to run but they will eventually get caught……They might be able to buy off and bribe those living in a third world banana republic but they will not escape just punishment……let’s make their miserable lives pure hell and give them an example of American Justice!!!!!
    Any information regarding this criminal and his activities, no matter how trivial, would be greatly welcomed.
    Please forward this message to any and every person that you can…..Lets get this criminal off the streets. Send this letter to everyone that you can…..
    Contact this A.Hole and let him know that he can run but he cannot hide.
    He may hve bought his way out of his problems with his very deep pockets and by buying off thoise in power….
    He may be able to avoid prosacution by fleeing the country and hiding in Canada,,,,,,
    He may have used his social and legal friends to protect him but as I stated…