Tag Archives: Barbados Defense Force

Questions Asked About Ordinary Seaman Ronald Harvey Butcher’s Death While On Duty For The Barbados Coast Guard

Submitted by Shelly

Ordinary Seaman Ronald Harvey Butcher aged 23

The Late Ordinary Seaman Ronald Harvey Butcher, dead at 23 years old (click image to read obituary)

It is now 3.33 am, Tuesday 29th March. I am unable to sleep because I am thinking deeply about a young soldier that died in the hands of the Barbados  Guard who did not have to die so young and in the  manner in which he did. On Friday morning, March 4, 2010, Ronald Harvey Butcher took ill while at Sea. The ship returned to base.

This young man remained at the Coast guard headquarters for the entire Friday and was pronounced drunk by the Coast Guard. This conclusion was reached because he was speaking incoherently, stuttering; wrenching with pain from an excruciating headache and vomiting, He was given drips  intravenously and put to rest.

As time passed the condition of this young man became worse. Twenty four hours had elapsed before this young man was taken to the Queen Elizabeth hospital on the Saturday morning to get professional medical attention. When he was given a CT scan of his head doctors diagnosed that he had had an aneurism and he had massive bleeding to the brain. This young man lapsed into a coma and was place on life support. His heart continued to beat for ten days. He died on the 15th of March 2011.

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