Tag Archives: Economic and Social Development

Solving Our Own Problems

Submitted by William Skinner
Lloyd Best -

Lloyd Best

Sometimes in our collective wisdom, to demonstrate our intellect, we lose focus of the very same problems we are feverishly trying to solve. The failure of Caribbean thinkers to develop creative and sustainable models of development is now clear to all.

The future of vibrant and prosperous Caribbean economies will not be found in copying: Singapore, Cyprus or any such economies. The problems of our Caribbean educational system and more directly the University of the West Indies will not be solved by how universities in America or the United Kingdom are managed.

We have to recognize our unique position as a region that is slowly, and in some cases, successfully emerging from colonialism. Accompanying this desired emergence is a culture and approach to development that has not been properly analyzed. One of the few Caribbean thinkers, who tried to analyze this emergence and culture, was the late Lloyd Best of Trinidad and Tobago. There is a Caribbean civilization but we have opted to reduce it to how others define us and think we should be developed and managed.

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