Tag Archives: fbi

What is Reality?

Submitted by Pachamama
The founder of Lavabit, the encrypted email service used by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, has said he's not planning to relaunch it from outside the US - theguardian

The founder of Lavabit, the encrypted email service used by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, has said he’s not planning to relaunch it from outside the US – theguardian

There are no hard distinctions between what is real and what is unreal, nor between what is true and what is false. A thing is not necessarily either true or false; it can be both true and false.’ Harold Pinter (1958).

In philosophy there is a branch of thinkers who consider themselves as critical realists. Critical realism seeks to separate what is real from what is false. At the same time we live in a world where many people have been labeled as ‘conspiracy theorists’, for decades, even after they have been proved correct by the passage of time, studies, official admissions and insider exposures. However, this term persist as a potent weapon of disparagement. We now have clear proofs that the FBI invented the term ‘conspiracy theorist’, in the early 1960’s, as a device to deflect criticisms of US government’s involvement in the death of Robert Kennedy (POTUS).  Our duplicitous existential reality suggests to some that we must therefore question all utterances by ‘official’ sources. This questioning mindset must have, as its point of departure, the assumption that we live within a tapestry of lies.

Today in the news, a future king of Barbados and most of the Caribbean, Charles ’Mountbatten’, from the House of ‘Windsor’ (HOW) is reported to have had several secret meetings with senior government ministers, and prime ministers to insulate his personal interests from government actions, or influence government, to operate in ways that would be beneficial to him. However, the reality that has always been fed to us always purported that the political elites where accountable to the people who voted for them. We always believed that there was a firewall between the political mechanism and Buckingham Palace. That meetings between Buckingham Palace and the political elites where merely informational and nor strategic or operational. That the Guardian Newspaper has had to go to court to get information about elected official having ‘working’ relationships with the HOW about their personal commercial interests may tell us that the artificial separation we once presumed is not real. Many people have been making this argument in the past. Other unofficial statements range from claims of ‘reptillianism’ or ‘shape shifting’ to a Royal conspiracy within the HOW over the death of Princess Diana to questions as to whether the second son of Diana was fathered by Charles.

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Jagdeo Ally And Top PPP Financier Ed Ahmad Dragged Off Delta Flight By FBI

Submitted by Rickford Burke


Ed Ahmad, Guyanese-American Realtor and businessman

Brooklyn, New York: United States FBI Agents yesterday forcibly dragged Queens Guyanese-American Realtor and businessman, Ed Ahmad, off a Delta Airlines flight that was bound for Guyana, and arrested him on mortgage fraud charges.

Ahmad is a close political ally of Guyana’s President Bharrat Jagdeo and a top financier of Jagdeo’s ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP).

Ahmad, who owns major businesses in Guyana including, Building Materials and Appliances Depot and the entire Leonora Estate Management residence compound, which the Bharrat Jagdeo administration ostensibly sold to him below market value, is also a person of interest in at least one other ongoing FBI probe. Reports are that “Ahmad had already boarded Delta Flight 383 at JFK International Airport heading to Guyana when Federal agents boarded the aircraft and forcibly removed him in handcuffs.”

The US Justice Department in a criminal complaint filed in the Eastern District of New York alleges that “Ahmad conducted an extensive scheme to commit mortgage fraud; regularly lying about applicants’ income and using straw buyers to conceal his involvement.” He was released on $2.5 million bail.

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FBI Counterterrorism Agents Blocked From Going Public On The 9/11 Affair

wtc-small54 The current state of the American financial market which prompted the US Secretary of the Treasury to sound the alarm by asking for $700 billion dollars to buy bad debt in the system has shattered a widely held perception.  In the Caribbean we have been indoctrinated to believe that the financial expertise available in Washington should be sought after, often times at the expense of local talent. The meltdown of the American financial system  has seen several investment and banking entities on the chopping block. Despite the ‘bail-out’ package which the US legislative houses were finally able to pass many financial analysts remain unconvinced that it maybe the solution.

Another age-old perception help by many in the Caribbean that the USA intelligence community i.e. the CIA, FBI and the other agencies operate in tandem to protect the interest of Americans is now being questioned by some. The Barbados media is always quick to dismiss news reports which probe the motives of the US intelligence agencies as engaging in conspiracy theories. Our local media has perfected the art of delivering sanitized news and it is the standard which their passive audience has come to appreciate.

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