Tag Archives: GTUC

Human Rights Protection Guaranteed By Inclusion Rather Than Exclusion

By Lincoln Lewis, General Secretary Guyana Trades Union Congress

The self-serving anti-progressive agenda of government must stop and fundamental human rights must be respected through urgent constitutional change geared towards guaranteeing inclusion rather than exclusion. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 10th 1948 is perhaps the single most important universal standard for the safety and security of humankind regardless of race, colour, class, creed, religious, political, or other fundamental differences. The continuous violation of these freedoms, as witnessed in Guyana has produced a state of hopelessness and willful systemic deprivation of those who are perceived not to be supportive of the status quo and not belonging to the same group.

The nation of Guyana was founded on the motto “One People, One Nation, One Destiny” by earlier, progressive thinkers and leaders who recognized that together we can build a united Guyana where all are treated equally, for all are one and there truly is no division that surmounts that which binds us as a people dependent on each other for individual and group survival. As we move further away from the ideal of One People, One Nation, One Destiny, and grow apart, as we fail to embrace these simple tenets and give them meaning and life, we are witnessing exponential increasing evidence of human rights violation, of good governance and nation building.

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Media Threat Intensified By PPP Administration

Lincoln Lewis, General Secretary Guyana Trades Union Congress - Press Release

In the wake of an attack on the media by President Jagdeo and the recent threat by Gail Texiera of reporting certain media houses to the United Nations, GTUC urges government to go right ahead without delay. We are assured that the blanket control and domination of state media, restriction of broadcast licenses, suppression and intimidation of independent media, economic destruction of the media by targeting of advertisers to deny media freedom, use of the media as a wedge to divide society and create ethnic tensions and violence as well as disseminate PPP propaganda, will make for interesting analysis before an independent arbiter of the United Nations. Additionally the consequence of fear of expression forces media self censorship  in order to survive ;job losses and increased prices also result as media houses increase prices to offset advertisement suppression would make for interesting disclosures. These too relate to efforts and consequences of media suppression that the UN would be interested in.

GTUC has a direct interest in media freedom as this is foundational to free, fair, transparent and credible elections and forging a society where the rule of law and good governance can prevail. It is the media’s role as a pillar of democracy to protect the rights of every citizen and where necessary expose those who violate the laws of the land and the rights of others. The PPP government clearly does not desire that their activities be exposed for they would prefer that Guyanese live in ignorance of their misdeeds and corruption, their lies, nepotism and their criminal associations such as Roger Khan.

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GTUC Calls On Opposition Parties Not To Participate In Elections

Lincoln Lewis, General Secretary Guyana Trades Union Congress - Press Release

From the outset GTUC sees this issue bigger than the ego of any politician. It is about the people, the children, and generations to come, and no quick fix can be applied to this with the intention of rushing into an election with the expectation of entering parliament to serve any one’s self satisfaction. Conscious of this human short coming the PPP has used this as the carrot to divide the politicians at the expense of the citizens and nation and it is time the people’s interests be put before any self serving interest.

The PPP government has consistently used state media and other machinations to create for themselves an unfair advantage and to make it difficult for contesting parties in national and regional elections. The suspension of CNS television station at elections time is a calculated and deliberate act by the Jagdeo/Ramotar partnership to deny the citizens of this country an opportunity to access the views of all contending parties. This act is a denial of the right of citizens to access information pertaining to their wellbeing and the future of Guyana and to enable them in making the best possible choice of which party or candidate will form the government.

In a country that talks of democracy and in an era where people the world over recognize that democratic reforms are fundamental for peace and stability the PPP must not undermine the democratic will of the people by denying them a fundamental tenet of democracy which is free and accessible media. Guyanese citizens must not accept the denial of a fundamental element of free, fair and credible elections. To do so is to accept the denial of your right to be heard and your right to information that is empowering and liberating.

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President Jagdeo’s Suspension Of CNS 6 Abuse Of Power And Violation Of Rights

Lincoln Lewis, General Secretary Guyana Trades Union Congress

The decision by President Jagdeo to suspend Mr. Sharma’s CNS 6 comes as no surprise to the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC). We were reliably informed some months back that a decision was taken within the political hierarchy to silence this station in the run up to elections to contain its exposure of injustices and prevent the opposition from getting their messages out. Mr. Anthony Vieira’s May 4th commentary was an excuse, not the cause for Jagdeo’s decision, which is the most vicious form of Machiavellian politics of the end justifying the means.

The charge brought against Mr. Sharma and the guilt pronounced by President Jagdeo is a flagrant disregard for the course of justice for it is still to be proven by the court of this land that Mr. Vieira’s statement constitute libel and in the instance where such is considered bad taste to President Jagdeo he must know that in this diverse society this is not a yard stick for his action. The question therefore remains: ‘has it been established that a crime was committed and does the punishment fit the crime?’

It is no accident President Jagdeo made himself Minister of Information. For he thinks he has immunity to violate the sacred right to freedom of expression by abusing Article 182 Constitution which grants the president protection from civil and criminal prosecution for acts committed during the stewardship in office when in fact he is violating his Oath of Office to serve the people, respect their rights and uphold the law without fear, favour or ill will. The PPP must hear from us for. They must be held accountable. They must know enough is enough.

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RUSAL General Manager Threatens Workers With Physical Violence

Submitted by Guyana Bauxite General Workers Union

Workers of the Bauxite Company of Guyana Inc (BCGI) have lodged a complaint with the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) that on Sunday May 8th the company’s General Manager, Mr. Ruslan Volokhov, carrying a spade in his hand threatened to bash their heads and faces then bury them. This threat was made to the workers when they were in the company’s bus at the camp site. On investigating the matter the workers advised that the threat was sparked from their inability to attend work on time on May 8th since there was no water to shower because the pump at the site was cut off, due to some problem, and supply did not return until approximately 9:00 a.m. on Sunday 8th May. The fact that the company failed to ensure there was water supply, from the afternoon of Saturday 7th May to approx. 9:00 a.m. on Sunday 8th May, for workers to adhere to personal hygiene was of no concern to this general manager.

The Guyana Trades Union Congress is very disturbed by this new development and threat to the workers of this country. This is not plantation slavery for the general manager to dare to think he can come to this sovereign country to violate workers like this. For him being given the courtesy to come and exploit our natural resources and to dare to think the exploitation of our natural resources is equal to the exploitation of our manpower and laws, and the violations of the citizens’ rights and dignity we find totally unacceptable. We call on BCGI to sanction his actions, and call on the Government of Guyana to sanction BCGI to protect the rights of Guyanese labour.

The Russians are taking their cues from government’s actions and inactions and their violation of the rights of bauxite workers by giving tacit support to BCGI lawlessness and disrespect for local and international laws, declarations and conventions which bind labour relations. The refusal of the Minister of Labour to enforce the Labour Laws on this company is exacerbating the situation.

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