Tag Archives: Immigration Swearing in Ceromony

I Swear that I Will Be Faithful and Bear True Allegiance to the Queen

Caswell Franklyn, Head of Unity Workers Union

It never ceases to amaze me, the amount of time and energy the Government puts into trivial pursuits. The country is hurtling from one crisis to the next while Government seems to be fiddling while our economic Rome is burning.

The recent ceremony for the swearing in of 120 new citizens of Barbados is one such unnecessary waste of time and effort which serves no practical or even sensible purpose. All we have achieved is to demonstrate that we are a nation of copiers by parroting what takes place in the USA, but to what end.

I could understand if Barbados were a republic and new citizens were required to swear allegiance to this country. However, that is not the case: those who were sworn in would have been required to swear allegiance to Her Majesty the Queen. My understanding is that most of the persons who were sworn in were already Commonwealth citizens who already carry the burden of allegiance to a foreign monarch. In some cases those who were sworn in were already citizens of countries who have Queen Elizabeth as their head of state and as such were already loyal subjects of the Queen. Other than copying the US, what has the Government achieved with the elaborate ceremony?

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