Tag Archives: Reckless Drivers

Time to ARREST Reckless Drivers on Our Roads

Submitted by Posh
Acting Commissioner of Police Tyrone Griffith

Acting Commissioner of Police Tyrone Griffith

Hi everyone, I’ve contributed some articles here before, and they have been met with nice civil discussion. I like to shed light on things which might be affecting people but which are not yet topical in the media. Today’s article is all about drivers, our roads, their behaviour and what are we doing about it?

I was very saddened to hear of the tragic loss of life of the drainage division worker. Who in the twilight of her life, and looking to soon reap the rewards of retirement, was cut down by reckless driving. I don’t need to go into too much detail about the constant reckless behaviour and indifference on our roads. Most of us either drive cars, drive in them or in public service vehicles and see the behaviour of some drivers on our roads.

Daily people are using the expanded ABC highway as their personal speed zone. It is funny in a not so humorous way when you see someone zip past you at 120km, nearly clip your bumper and several other cars, then only to be right behind them at the next round about. After having placed so many lives in danger.

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