Tag Archives: socialnetworking

New Social Networking Website Launched Which Targets Barbadians

IonBarbados Local Social Networking website

IonBarbados Local Social Networking Website

Sometime ago BU family member ROK made some reference as to why Caribbean people couldn’t invent their own messenger system like MSN or Yahoo. Some family members wondered why Caribbean people have to flock to social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace and Hi5. Don’ t Caribbean people have the ability to create for ourselves? We normally are very selective in the websites we highlight on BU but we feel the young Barbadian who has started this social networking website called IonBarbados should be given all encouragement.

But then again we have a long history of not supporting our own!

For those who are interested, an online social networking site is a place where friends, family and others can meet and exchange information, pictures, play games etc as well as sample ‘goodies’ which the social networking website has on offer. For example if we joined IonBarbados and we had a friend or family member in St. Lucia where the St. Lucia Jazz Festival is currently being hosted, the St. Lucian member would be able to post pictures and chat with others about the Amy Winehouse disaster which occurred if they had snapped a few pics with their camera :-).

We wish the Bajan social networking site all the best!