Should Barbadians Care?

Wow how time flies! It has been more than two years since the news broke of a cyber piracy ring which implicated the respected media practitioner Linda Waldron. Ms. Waldron was employed at the Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) at the time. There was a statement issued by the US authorities which indicated that they would be seeking the extradition of Ms. Waldron to appear before a US Grand Jury.  We would appreciate if someone out there in the blogosphere can enlighten the BU family.

What is funny, we did a search using keywords Linda Waldron’ of the Nation’s Archives and came up with zilch.


Now that Jippy Doyle is safely where he belongs at the Dodds facility for raping a 13 year old girl what about Roy Morris? How long will the case of the former Editor of the Nation newspaper languish in the system? Whether he is guilty or not as the saying goes justice delayed is justice denied. We see that the Chief Justice is about to get a spanking new building on Whitepark. What would Jippy say about pouring new wine in old skins? – “Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved.”Matthew 9:17

Will our Judges in 2009 have to record evidence in long hand? Will there continue to be a backlog in cases in the traffic court? When our Court System is moved to the new Judicial Centre will the fRoy Morris file go missing at the Registrar’s Office?


Last month we highlighted that the Barbados Light & Power Company had an improved net income in 2008 of 48% or 58 million dollars. Now it is the turn of Cable & Wireless, we read today that C&W achieved a 14% growth but importantly performance in its broadband platform increases by 43%. We are not questioning the profit which C&W continues to make or should we? We prefer to question the fact that it has been several years since deregulation in the telecommunications sector and Barbadians may not yet be benefiting from the change. Many households in Barbados continue to receive separate monthly bills from C&W for fixed line, ADSL, Netspeak and, if you have a cellphone you can add that to the stack of bills.

Should the Barbadian who has contracted the full suit of C&W services not be able to benefit from a good price which is linked to a more efficient C&W billing system that rewards loyalty? So what is the role of the Fair Trading Commission?


Roman Abramovich

Roman Abramovich

West Coast Blog has reported the rumour that Russian Roman Abramovich may have purchased The Sands. For those of you who do not know the gentleman, he is said to be the world’s 15th richest man.  Barbados is rapidly becoming the play ground of the rich and famous. While we welcome foreign investment we are forced to ask, where is the balance?


On behalf of the BU household we want to thank the BU family for your support. We also want to thank all those new visitors who have been logging-on to BU. The tidbits which we have posted in this blog were submitted by BU family members in recent days.

17 responses to “Should Barbadians Care?

  1. BARBADIAN broadcaster Linda Walrond (57) is not off the hook.

    The clock is still ticking on Walrond, who United States (US) law enforcers indicted, along with 18 others nearly a year ago, for allegedly being involved in a $13 million internet piracy ring.

    However, while the charges and an arrest warrant in the US still hang over the head of the Barbadian, American prosecutors are playing very close to their chests.

    Additionally, yesterday Attorney General Dale Marshall said there was no truth to a rumour that the US Department of Justice had contacted his office to initiate extradition proceedings against the former radio programme manager of the Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation.

    It was in early February last year when US Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois Patrick J. Fitzgerald, and Special Agent-in-Charge of the Chicago Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Robert D. Grant, announced Walrond and 19 others were indicted on federal charges for pirating copyrighted computer software, games, and movies through non-public Internet sites.

    Since then most of the accused have been had hearings in the US District Court in Chicago, but the Barbadian and the suspected Australian ring leader Sean O’toole (26) have not.

    Pravin Rao, the Assistant US Attorney prosecuting the case, told the Barbados Advocate there was still a warrant for Walrond and that other accused were scheduled to make court appearances later this month.

    He said, however, no contact had been made with her.

    “There is no new information to report regarding Walrond and O’toole. A number of the defendants in this case have pled guilty and there is a status before the Judge on January 24th for the remaining few,” Rao said.

    The Attorney General said up to yesterday there were efforts via Government to pursue Walrond, but he said any such undertaking would not be secret.

    “If an extradition proceeding is to be done it is something that will be done publicly through the courts. You don’t do extraditions in secret, so there is no sense in which anything like that could be done surreptitiously. You would have seen extradition hearings happening in the courts before so there is no reason to think that anything other than that would happen,” he said.

  2. Adrian Hinds

    ha ha ha ha ha ha Ian Walcott have you contacted Linda?

  3. Banned Again From BFP

    Had sex with a 13 yo, was about 12 at the time, thought she was 18. She had all the right bits. In my time jailbait was indistinguishable from legal.

    As for Roy, never seen a more effective leader. He literally got things done. Wish there were ten more of him. If found guilty, it means of course that there was a serious flaw that came with the package. But what a package.

    And why should the US have access to Barbadians like Lynda that live in Barbados because they believe that these people are guilty of some trading violation. These people send the most violent convicted people to our shores, without warning, because they happen to be born here or of Barbadian parentage. If found guilty, should they not send Lynda back to Barbados as well?

  4. BAFBFP, you actually come on here and admit to a criminal offence? You should be banned from BU too, but that is not my decision.

  5. Give him a break, he was 12!

  6. It has been our experience on the blog that you should respond to those comments which you think add value to the discussion. With time if we are forced to will do what we have to do.

  7. Carson C. Cadogan

    I just don’t get it.

    America is trying to get every country in the world to sign treaties to exempt Americans albeit servicemen from prosecution for any crimes which they might have committed in host countries while serving there. Yet they want the privilage of extradicting citizens from other countries to America to stand trial for crimes which they believe affected America.

    And the beautiful thing about it, Governments are willingly handing over their citizens to the Americans but the Americans are not handing over any body to any foreign Government.

    I must be missing something here.

  8. @Carson Cadogan

    Remember that the deportees were born in the region, one does not ever give up a birth right. Shouldn’t America have the right to deport the bums if if they want?

  9. Carson C. Cadogan


    I was not writing about deportees.

    What bothers me is America insisting on extradicting our citizens from the region and elsewhere to stand trial in the USA.

    As far as I know America does not send any of its citzens to any country in the World to stand trial for wrondoing.

  10. Reluctant immigrant

    How much jail time did Jippy Doyle get ? Hooper former manager of Coalition also receieved dreaded guilty verdict for drug running. What was his sentence? The media sometimes misses very important info in their coverage of court cases like verdicts and sentences.

  11. @Equity

    There is no sexual crime committed between children. It is called rudeness but is just promiscuous behaviour.

    @Carson Cadogan

    You are right. The US is prohibited under some obscure law (I am assuming a laws exists) to extradite any of its citizens to another country to face justice.

    @Reluctian Immigrant

    Jippy Doyle was remanded to Dodds to be sentence later. They could not risk freeing him in case he disappeared. I am not sure when he was supposed to return for sentencing.

  12. Roland A Waithe

    A quick question. Why do we remand people for so long when they have already be found guilty of an offence. Jippy Doyle is a prime example. What are we waiting for ” his god to free him” orare we afraid of some unseen demon coming to get us if we imprisoned him. Please sentence the man or let him go. This is a waste of the courts time and tax payers dollars just to remand him and then bring him back for sentencing. All probation reports etc. would have been heard by now. Please let justice prevail and at the same time let it be transparent.

  13. Bajan to the Core

    Mia Mottley

    is the one who should be extradited along with Chris Hawksworth. Mia knows why she does not want him extradited.

    We are a patient group and will wait for any attempt by her and a few other Bees to run for office and will lay our case and evidence before the Bajan people.

  14. Try searching for Linda Walrond, not Waldron

  15. Banned Again From BFP

    Bajan to the Core


  16. Banned Again From BFP

    “It has been our experience on the blog that you should respond to those comments which you think add value to the discussion. With time if we are forced to will do what we have to do.”

    Sounds like both an insult and a threat. Oh he who worships America, which one is it?

  17. No threat at all!

    Running a blog which invite comments is not easy. We try to appreciate all views.

    We take the opportunity to thank Green Monkey for proving the alternate view on world politics, we appreciate it.