Speak English, Please!

Hartley Henry - DLP Political Strategist

Hartley Henry - DLP Political Strategist

Granted! I have always favoured English over Arithmetic. I had to sit through Charlie Ishmael’s teachings of equations, logarithms and the like, but never got the hang of it, because I literally could not relate such to everyday life.

Indeed, thanks to the career I have chosen, I have had little need for use of half that which I learnt in Mathematics at St. George Secondary 30 years ago. Actually, the only time I appreciate the burden of such a limitation is when Valencia, my 11-year-old daughter, turns to me for help with her homework. Thankfully, on such occasions I proudly remind her that her mom is an accountant by training and academic qualification, and is better suited to assist in unravelling such Mathematical mysteries.

My seeming cop-out from things arithmetical could therefore explain my low tolerance for listening to persons fixated with communicating all issues arithmetically. I thought I was alone in this English-biased cocoon, but following the recent Estimates Debate in both houses of Parliament, I realised that a significant proportion of Barbadians share my view.

I grew up in an era of Errol Barrow and Tom Adams sharing verbal blows from the perspective of that which impacted the lives of people positively and negatively.

They and their contemporaries, such as Lloyd Erskine Sandiford, Branford Taitt, Philip Greaves, Bernard St. John and Henry Forde, to mention but a few, connected politics, at all times, to people, standards of living and quality of life. Arguments for and against a particular measure, revolved around “how it impacted the average man” or how the well-being of citizens in general would be impacted.

Today in Parliament, however, there is the tendency, indeed, the limitation of some, to reduce any and all arguments to arithmetical modules.

Each point is made through the use of economic jargon, numbers and percentages.

In order not to be seen as repetitive and monotonous, the tendency is there, I guess, to so use and portray figures and statistics in such a manner as to scare or indeed frighten the listener.

Therefore simple arguments that could be made by relating, for example, the daily experience of a housewife in the supermarket, are articulated in a manner as to confuse the listener to the point where he or she believes the entire bottom of the economic pail has fallen out. Thankfully, on the other side of the chamber are persons, equally as bright, but who are steeped in the art of communicating and not just talking.

When one listened to Owen Arthur two weeks ago and then heard the response of David Thompson, it was clear for all to see and hear who really understood the genuine concerns of Barbadians and who was seeking to “mamigie”. By the time Arthur had completed his arithmetical dissertation, one old lady from the Belle Gully called in panic stating “Hartley, ah frighten!”. By time time Mr. Thompson had finished his wrap up, the same lady called asking “But wuh was Arthur trying to do? He had me frighten enough. Thompson handle he real pretty”.

In other words, Arthur spoke arithmetic and Thompson spoke English. One talked, the other communicated. One instilled fear, the other inspired and reassured.

Barbados has not just begun to produce economists. We have had economists from day one. There were economists in Barbados during the glory days of the 1960s, 70s and 80s.

Errol Barrow was an economist and several of the leaders before him and during his era, including Tom Adams, Bernard St. John and Erskine Sandiford, had more than a passing acquaintance with economics and its associated jargon. The difference today is that some in our midst use their command of economic babble to talk their way out of addressing and explaining their omittance and neglect of vital social and developmental areas of our economy.

Little wonder that everyday we discover the scandalous state of essential services, in health, education, housing and care of the elderly, primarily because these did not appeal to or excite those pre-occupied with talking arithmetic in a manner that reassured listeners but did not solve problems.

Thankfully, in Barbados today there is a leader that is comfortable speaking to the population in English and not only arithmetic.

Thankfully, in Barbados today there is a leader who is prepared to address issues as they relate to and impact people and not from the perspective of their ramifications for print outs and balance sheets.

Anyone listening to the just concluded debate on the Estimates would appreciate the philosophical and fundamental divide between the former and current leadership of our country.

These are perilous economic times. The situation is grave but, as Thompson pointed out in that debate, there is no need for panic and there is no challenge that a focused, united people cannot overcome.

What people need in these times are encouragement and reassurance. They need someone to talk to and with them in a manner that they can understand.

They do not need the sensational and extreme interpretation of figures. They do not need percentages bandied about to serve a particular political cause.

David Thompson has said repeatedly that “the election is over. The campaign has ended”.

We need now for politicians to put away their political knives and agendas and focus on the national good. As Thompson said, they need to wrap their thoughts and mouthings in the national flag.

We need in Barbados today for lawyers in politics to speak as lawyers, for economists in politics to speak as economists, for dentists in politics to speak as dentists, for educators in politics to speak as educators and for community practitioners in politics to speak as community practitioners.

This is not the time for “bamboozling” the public with ambiguous economic interpretations.

We need to know what is wrong and what it will take to fix it. We want to know that the advice coming from those we believe know what they are talking about is genuine and well meaning and not the product of hidden agendas or jaundiced perspectives.

This land belongs to us. Let us speak the language we all know and understand. Let us wrap our thoughts, words and actions in the national flag. Down with economic babble! Up with good old fashioned English!

With that will come a clearer understanding of what is wrong and a firm resolve to do what is necessary to make this land the best that it can be, under the circumstances.

Hartley Henry is a regional political strategist. He can be reached at hartleyhenry@gmail.com)

104 responses to “Speak English, Please!

  1. You either Wishing In Vain. The entire bunch of you political lackeys need to get a life

  2. livinginbarbados


    While reviewing things I read this week I came across, the following, http://www.nationnews.com/story/frank-da-silva-column-03-27-copy-for-web. It makes interesting reading. A wonderful example of very good and clear use of English. I commend its author and as no plagiarist myself, I take no credit for it.

    Have a good weekend.

  3. Wunna like dah nuh

    I wish someone would tell Mr. Henry that elections are long over, it is time for action and less talk. By the way what ever happened to the job number one “cost of living, cost of living, cost of living”.
    Politicians are all the same, but one thing is sure we know how to get rid of them!!

  4. Wunna like dah nun wrote “but one thing is sure we know how to get rid of them!!”

    I second that.

  5. livinginbarbados // April 4, 2009 at 10:31 am


    While reviewing things I read this week I came across, the following, http://www.nationnews.com/story/frank-da-silva-column-03-27-copy-for-web. It makes interesting reading. A wonderful example of very good and clear use of English. I commend its author and as no plagiarist myself, I take no credit for it.

    Have a good weekend.
    I read it friend and I think it is a good article. You see friend, you engage on ideas. Again, I bow to you wisdom, great one!!!

    In contrast, hartley henry resorts to name calling.

    That is a sign of intellectual inferiority and a desperation for social class acceptance, despite unhindered access to financial resouraces.

    Wise one, you should call him aside and teach him a thing or two, especially since he needs an image makeover.

    Before he writes you know exactly what he is going to say.

    In addition, the people of Barbados have the same opinion of him as do the people in every caribbean country he has visited.

    Isn’t that remarkable?

    So-called top-draw political consultant that helps regional governments win, yet for 14 years – could not find the magic for the DLP.

    He even ran but despite his exagerated skill/s – did not even impress the people where he lives.

    hartley henry aka wisininvain is a very sad; pitiful and unhappy character.

  6. livinginbarbados

    @Dark Knight

    I have nothing personal against Mr. Henry, but I do object to nonsense and loose thinking masquerading as intellectual argument. The opening passage betrays so much:
    “I have always favoured English over Arithmetic. I had to sit through Charlie Ishmael’s teachings of equations, logarithms and the like, but never got the hang of it, because I literally could not relate such to everyday life.

    Indeed, thanks to the career I have chosen, I have had little need for use of half that which I learnt in Mathematics…”

    What it really says is that an inabilty to see the sense and worth of something earlier in life, meant its not being properly pursued. A generation later, the ‘choice’ is nothing but a reflection of limited options. Had Mr. Henry figured out how to use Maths, who knows what careers could have opened up for him? He puts that limitation forward as a virtue. By contrast, I do not.

    Bajan children, if reading the article might think maths isn’t worth the effort and a generation later you will get the limited working choices that that approach fosters. The same argument holds with foreign languages, for example.

    Literacy is great, but so is command of mathematics and through it many abstract and technical principles. Try taking a look at Singapore and the emphasis it puts on maths teaching. Trying building a varied economy and dynamic society if you make a virtue of mathematical illiteracy. Take a stroll into many a store and see the painful process of a cashier working out simple change.

    That’s where my beef resides. It’s a short step from the core idea in the article and attitudes that many of us would despise when we are pigeon holed (girls = you cannot be engineers, scientists, etc; but be teachers and nurses, etc.; black children in white societies = you cannot manage hard subjects so get back to the easy classes).

    The basic political argument did not need to be dressed in masquerade.

  7. Let me Jump in hey

    Dark Knight

    Thou hast well said!

    HH is a good illustration of why many of our young people drop out and fail to go on to further training or higher education.

    If this HH can be a leader or advisor to anyone, and yet be such an ass, why should I not expect to get further in life as an ass?

    They do not know that more than being an ass is involved. They do not know that ass licking is involved and even bulling (an ass function) is also involved also.

  8. Georgie Porgie

    Let me Jump in hey please!

    Terms like “ass licking” are not permitted on BU please!

    The polite and correct approach is to say that these fellas “ APPROXIMATE THEIR LABIAE ORAE TO THE ADIPOSE TISSUE OVERLYING THE GLUTEUS MAXIMI of those whose backsides they seek to lick!

    Please kindly use the politically correct jargon in the future!


    Speak English please! LOL

  9. livinginbarbados

    @ Georgie Porgie

    If only I had made the effort to grapple with Latin at school, I would have had no difficulty understanding your comment. Now, I have to think it’s all Greek to me.

  10. Georgie Porgie

    LOL, my Jamaican friend

    LABIAE ORAE = oral lips
    ADIPOSE TISSUE == fatty tissue

    GLUTEUS MAXIMI = muscles of the behind

    just having some fun with the Anatomy there man LOl

  11. livinginbarbados

    @Georgie Porgie
    Crede quod habes et habes

  12. Hartley don’t need to know maths cuz he can’t begin to comprehend his huge bank accounts filled with innocent tax payers money regionally.
    Nor can he count the numerous affairs he threads about with every woman of every nation regionally.
    He is a regional political strategist and a regional whoremonger.

  13. Cut to the chase… soon taxes will triple and benefits/payouts will be cut in half in order to make government ends meet.

    Of course, Parliamentarians will get their usual annual increase and tell the blathering village idiot public that the tax hikes are “affordable”. And – as usual – we will believe them…

  14. I agree that we should speak English because if we do, Barbadians would suddenly become aware that things are really bad and that this country is racing towards the IMF.

    Talk about change!!!

    Since the DLP does not have a clue about the management of the economy and sound economic forecasting, perhaps were it to speak English, Barbadians would become aware that – because of his bad decisions and poor judgment, thompson will have to do the following:

    1. raise taxes even further;

    2. change the law and borrow more

    3. send home people

    4. freeze wages next year

    5. cut social programmes

    6. print money.

    Remember, massive job loss means less revenue from taxes and could lead to a buyers’ strike on prices: deflation – consumers stop buying as a strategy to force prices down.

    Stop hiding behind the global financial crisis!!!

    Let us hear the DLP speak English, especially since that knows absolutely nothing about the management of the economy or macro finance.

  15. Dark Knight

    hartley henry is at it again!

    This week he is trying to do damage control on his confession last week that he is a “klown” who cannot justify being paid $155,000, especially since he is not equipped to give advice at a time when the economy and management thereof – is critical.

    As predicted, henry tries to gravitate towards the social side.

    Hear the joker:

    “While others take pride day in and day out brandishing crime, violence and sensational, though somewhat harmful, commentaries on happenings that would not make us proud as Barbadians, the Barbados Advocate has consistently sought to promote, portray and embrace a Barbados that we can all be proud.”

    Having call for a gag order on economic thought last week, is hartley henry this week calling for a gag order on crime reporting?

    Hear him:

    “local newspapers are bought by visitors while in Barbados and on their way out of the country, rather than on their journey to our shores.

    Some recent headlines splashed across local newspaper front pages would send a chill to the spine of a family coming to Barbados to holiday or to invest hard earned money.”

    It gets worst.

    hartley now tells us that DLP Ministers are eager, perhaps even impatient, to get the job done.

    Aren’t these the same jokers he told us on January 16, 2008 – had hit the ground running?

    Aren’t these the very one who were recently fired for non performance?

    He then blames public servants for the fact that DLP Ministers do not have a clue and are not producing.

    He wants us to accept that public servants are to blame for the fact that Thompson was the only Prime Minister to have reshuffled his Cabinet, within a few months of saying that theose same Ministers were up to the task and were specially assigned.

    henry alleges that: “Ministers are on their knees every day urging and beseeching workers to step up to the plate and make Barbados work for Barbadians.”

    Wasn’t that what was said by Haynesley Benn in the Senate when Kerrie Symmonds gave him some lectures on agriculture, having had to point out to him that agriculture is about more than rat poison; African snails, sweet peppers and 4H?

    So “everybody” is to blame for the mismanagement of the Barbados economy except the DLP.

    hartley is really wising in vain.

    In 15 months the DLP has brought a powerful developing country (Barbados) to its knees, but blames the global crisis for their trademark blunders.

  16. that’s so typical of Hartley . He finds a way to blame everyone else except the current administration. Truth is the DLP blames their stagnant s state on the economical climate when they raelly son’t know whats happening,

    Thompson is relying on advice of junoir students of economics.

    Hartley don’t know maths as he clearly stated.

    Owen the economist-Thompson the student!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Wishing In Vain

    Wasn’t that what was said by Haynesley Benn in the Senate when Kerrie Symmonds gave him some lectures on agriculture,

    Parro In A Suit, Please tell the Public Who exactly is the BOOLANI person that we heard Minister Benn keep referring to during the Estimates Debate, he kept asking Symmonds to tell the public about this person BOOLANI, but we are still at a loss as too who this BOOLANI person maybe and exactly why Symmonds was being prodded to tell the public about BOOLANI, seeing you know everything this should be an easy one to answer for you, even if you answer as per a lie as you would be expected to do.

  18. Wishing In Vain

    Parro In A Suit this is the only time that I eagerly await seeing a comment from the Voice Of The BLP The Parro In A Suit joker on who exactly was Minister Mr Haynesley Benn speaking about when he kept referring Symmonds to tell Barbadians about who BOOLANI was, maybe if you are so well informed you should know the reason for the Minister’s call to tell us all about BOOLANI.

    I trust that this is not yet another scam like the one that Symmonds pulled when he had Johnny Tudor another dishonest one, who created a document with a date for a car belonging to Symmonds that misrepresented the true age of the vehicle stating that it was a newer car than it really was so as to beat the age restriction to obtain funding for the new buyer to get a loan to buy Syommond’s vehicle?

    Surely BOOLANI did not buy a car from Symmonds nor did he pay him any money for services to be rendered, as this would suggest a trend and a style of dishonesty.

    I will wait to hear more from The Parro In A Suit Greenidge as it is being reported that the other joker Wuk for Wuk Bovell has fallen out of favour with one of the leaders of the BLP not sure which of the leaders it is, be it the Chairman Pain, the Marshall, the Owing or the Shell Shocked Mottley but reports reaching me state that he is no longer a happy camper and is now looking for a real job, after sponging off of the Taxpayers for 14 years and doing nothing meaningful for even one month of those 14 years.

    His role as a messenger to Mottley is really a step down for this sick one, who knows he maybe able to marry the job of messenger with that of Mottley’s maid, that surely would give him plenty to talk about with her type of Rendezvous.

  19. Wishing In Vain

    Parro In A Suit this is the only time that I eagerly await seeing a comment from the Voice Of The BLP The Parro In A Suit joker on who exactly was Minister Mr Haynesley Benn speaking about when he kept referring Symmonds to tell Barbadians about who BOOLANI is.

  20. Kerrie Symmonds

    My understanding is that there is a feeling being expressed by Benn that I took $ 15,000.00 from someone to get them a work permit, actually it was only $ 12,000.00.

  21. If wanna beg me hard enough I gun get Dale Marshall to sign on… but I din’ bring Kerrie wid de beef head


  22. It seems that personal attack and abuse of another person is equal to $155.000.00 a year.

    Can anyone produce a better result?

    Perhaps there should be a big cuss out competition with a big prize of $160.000.00.

  23. No amount of gossip by hartley henry will change the fact that he is being paid $155,000 at a time when persons are forced to decide whether to buy food or be evicted.

    If they buy food they run the risk of being evicted and if they pay the mortgage, they could starve.

    It must really hurt people who have gone home from Sagicor that a man who cannot add, is getting $155,000, while they are now on the breadline.

    When the Birds decide that you are too corrupt and that they want nothing to do with you, then some ting wong wong wong wong!!!!

    Imagine, a man who has a reputation in Dominica and Antigua now has the temerity to offer lessons on decency and ethics in Barbados.

    Work permit!!!

    hartley, tell the people why you were paid thousands in Dominica for a official document for a known criminal?

    Even in the BVI, the leader who was advised by henry was removed for corruption.

    You have that thug henry; a pure whipper snapper who is struggling for social class acceptance – speareding rumours about a work permit, as a counter to Kerrie saying that within months of becoming Minister, Benn gave his former employer $1.3 million.

    hartley, listen Klown!!!

    Everyone know that you cannot even meet Barbados’ lowest standards.

    Your claim to fame is that as part of the deal, in every country where Clico buys a government – you become the advisor.

    In the eyes of the brightest and most respectable in Barbados, you are; has always been and will always be – a dishonest thug and a pure whippersnapper, who – despite became a millionaire through fraud, will never be respected!!!!

  24. Wishing In Vain

    You have got to be the most stupid person on the face of this earth Parro, the facts are the same person Kerrie Symmonds is a known fraud with a bad reputation of money grabbing.

    Let’s start with his forward dating of the car that he wanted to sell aided by Johnny Tudor both should be before the courts for fraud.

    Now more recently he takes $ 15,000.00 from this person in exchange for a work permit, the elections come and go and his gov’t gets thrown out thru the door and so to he, then this person BOOLANI goes to him and ask him back for his money a number of times without success, finally having to revert to the legal route and swearing in an affidavit that he paid Symmonds $ 15,000.00 to obtain him a work permit, which he failed to provide and he also failed to return BOOLANI’s funds.

    So when Minister Benn spoke in Senate the other day he spoke with full authority because he was in possession of that affidavit and he knew exactly what he had in his care.

  25. Wishing In Vain

    The Parro In A Suit are you having trouble defending your partner in crime KERRIE SYMMONDS from the BOOLANI FRAUD CASE???

  26. Wishing In Vain // April 15, 2009 at 9:03 pm

    The Parro In A Suit are you having trouble defending your partner in crime KERRIE SYMMONDS from the BOOLANI FRAUD CASE???

    let it go@
    All of you do the same!

    Some immigration officers promise the same to see the foreigner’s private details.
    you at some point in time may have been introduced to this too>
    you are no saint WIV.

  27. Wishing In Vain

    The Parro In A Suit are you having trouble defending your partner in crime KERRIE SYMMONDS from the BOOLANI FRAUD CASE???

    More question than answers for the Parro and Kerrie to answer.

    Although I see above some one reporting in as Symmonds states that it was $ 12,000.00 not $ 15,000.00 if it were even $ 5.00 it would be $ 5.00 too much.

  28. Again this week Barbados biggest fool, hartley “the known” henry – confirms why this description of him is accurate and why it is a national scandal for him to be paid $155,000 while senior citizens cannot get their pension cheques despite the high cost of living, which is causing many to starve.

    At least Mr. Obama gave tax cuts whereas in contrast – David Thompson imposed $180 million in new taxes.

    In his column in today’s Barbados Advocate, Wishing In Vain aka hartley “the klown” henry writes: “In cricketing parlance, President Barack Obama is set to play a big innings.

    He is doing and saying all the right things… What we can already deduce from his near 100 days in office is that President Obama has cleaned up America’s image abroad, by mastering the art of winning friends and influencing people.”

    Nothing is wrong with that observation but what a contrast to David Thompson who Standard and Poor and regional head obviously have no confidence in his capacity to even contribute anything meaningful furthermore advance the CSME process or manage the Barbados economy.

    Look klown!!!

    Mr. Obama’s success merely highlights Thompson’s and the DLP’s failure to implement its 90 and 100 days promises which were nothing more that a loose set of proposals which were unworkable because they were not clearly throughout and could not have been financed.

    hartley the klown added: “We are witnessing a gradual return to world supremacy by a country whose immediate past leaders did much to propel the country in the opposite direction.”

    Note that the opposite is true of Barbados.

    Thompson is known to tell the OECS – Barbados’ largest trading partner which also represent a large potion of our tourism market – “ever so welcome wait for a call.”

    What is Mr. Obama was a stupid as Thompson and had told the G20 that crap?

    What if, instead of his immigration reform where he seeks to regularise the status of over 12 million – he rounded them up like Thompson and the DLP for deportation?

    You see why hartley is a klown???

    “Hear that fool: “This country suffered immensely in the recent past as a result of such.

    Barbados became an irritant to many, as a result of the “puffed-up” attitude of some who flew its flag.

    There were instances where persons refused to attend conferences and to participate in discussions, merely because of the caustic and abusive attitude of some.

    Indeed, there is at least one Caribbean leader whose failure to visit Barbados or support any initiative proposed by Barbados in the last four years, was not coincidental.”

    What utter nonsense!!!

    Then why were Guyanese and other national pushing to get into Barbados and did not want to leave?

    When the BLP was in office, Barbados was a land of hope and opportunity for not only Barbadians.

    Furthermore, nobody ever ganged-up to remove Arthur or question his competence as it relates to CARICOM and the CSME.

    You now have the brightest people in the region – people like Professor Norman Girvan and others – talking about a reshuffle of the CARICOM portfolios because they recognise that David Thompson is as much a klown as hartley henry.

    Hear the idiot henry: “Leaders who are in office too long have a way of ticking people off.

    Many become “giddy” with power.” Look fool, if the BLP was in office none of what is happening now would have happened.”

    For sure the Barbados economy would not be dangerously mismanaged neither would anyone be calling for a reshuffle within CARICOM.

    The leaders of CARICOM have good reasons to feel that Thompson is a klown.

    They have already said that Barbados is now a mere pedestrian at CSME and CARICOM gatherings, with the Barbados Prime Minister speaking on matters of finance and economic and reading.

    Barbados has become a mere shell within CARICOM.

    Little wonder that Barbadians are no longer well received when they travel.

    Hartley henry’s deeds within Antigua and other Caribbean countries do not help how Barbadians are perceived, neither does thompson’s weak leadership or silly statement to CARCOM national: “ever so welcome wait for a call.”

    It is an insult to even seek to compare President Obama with Thompson.

    But desperation has no limits. And henry column has to do with Thompson’s upcoming budget.

    Unfortunately, “the klowns” in the DLP have not yet worked-out that unlike Mr. Obama, they are totally responsible for the “triggered meltdown of the Barbados economy.”

  29. Wishing In Vain

    Parro In A Suit who wrote all of the above for you? Was it Mottley or was it Owing as it is sadly lacking in substance and content which would lead me to believe you were incapable of writing so many sentences at one time and the other because it lacks substance or content it is a toss up betwwen Mottley and Owing as to which could write with less substance or content.

    Must share this even die hard blp persons who Bree bought out their properties to give them a nice little nest egg to retire on are now full of praise for how this country is being managed and the first key point is they are saying well done on cutting out the blatant level that corruption had reached under the BLP in this island.

    That to me is a great compliment to the gov’t of the people and the Prime Minister The Hon Mr David Thompson, for in 15 short months people are feeling better about their governance.

  30. @ Wishing In Vain

    “praise for how this country is being managed and the first key point is they are saying well done on cutting out the blatant level that corruption”
    You seriously want to talk about corruption. Well, here goes:

    David Thompson who was the Lawyer for Clico for 14 years, becomes Prime Minister with the $15 million the DLP got as campaign support from the same Clico.

    Parris becomes Chairman of CBC while Thompson puts a lady from his law office on the Central Bank Board.

    Thompson flies on Clico’s private jet – the company in which he and the Barbados government has a financial and other relationship.

    Clico get into trouble becaus it does not have the $93 million the law says it should.

    To help out a friend Thompson needs to give Clico money by stealth so he fires 3S so that rayside can get road contracts.

    he holds the promised Agriculture Protection Act so that he can change clico’s agriculture land to building.

    Thompson give his friend Parris and Clico $10 million without guarantees.

    Thompson’s wife Mara and Parris’s wife Faye forms a company : MAFA and buys a house cash for $925,000 – money skimmed off from the insurance premiums of poor people in St. John.

    Standards and Poors warns Thompson to act or Barbados credit rating will be down graded. Thompson does nothing.

    Tell me hartley “the klown” henry, a.k.a, Wishing In Vain, does it seem as if I understand the corruption in Clico as it relates to Thompson and his wife, as accurate as I can?


    does nothing.

  31. Wishing In Vain

    Parro you are both sick and a sad excuse of a piece of trash.

  32. @dark knight
    the klown can’t answer

  33. The Thompson/Clico Scandal and Cover Up

    In a calculated plot to save his skill, Mr. Squeaky Clean himself – David Thompson – turned his back on 40,000 Barbadian families who have policies in Clico and instead – is doing all within his power as Prime Minister and Minister of Finance (both legal and illegal) to protect his long-time “social and other friend,” Leroy Parris.

    According to Clico’s long-time Attorney David Thompson, CLICO is a regional problem and so he will not watch idly when the situation could undermine the country’s financial system. That or the DLP?

    Hear David Thompson: “from the outset Barbados felt there was only one way to deal with this issue and it had to be a regional approach.”

    Which is it joker – that Clico is well run and deposits are safe or it is not well run; deposits are not safe but is it a regional problem?

    Mind you, every government where Clico operates has placed in under judicial management.

    In addition to allowing Clico to break the law by not coming up with the $93 million it owes in order to meet its Statutory Fund Requirement – David Thompson is seeking to protect himself and has therefore given Clico $20 million plus without the approval of Parliament.

    All of this in a desperate effort to protect his friend Leroy Parris and to hide the shady deals that both he and his family are in, as regards Clico Holdings.

    Hear David Thompson: “We are not proping up a business, we are seeking to save pensions . . . owners of annuities, people who have life insurance policies, people who have medical plans and people who have jobs in what is a large enterprise in our region employing 1 600 people.”

    Well, why did you not save the jobs of the people at Four Seasons or the thousands who have lost their jobs because of the flawed policies of the DLP?

    Look Liar!!!

    Where is the DLP’s job creation and job lost prevention plan?
    Wasn’t it you who increased the price of diesel by 77 per cent, dangerously mismanaged the economy and increased professional fees significantly?

    So what nonsense about protecting jobs?

    David Thompson now credits the operations of CLICO Barbados Holdings for keeping the company going in the current environment of deep financial troubles in the parent company CL Financial and several of its regional insurance entities.

    Is Thompson Prime Minister of Barbados or CEO of Clico?

    Hear the joker: “We will seek other options that will keep it as a going concern.

    We would like to avoid other arrangements that will impact on the rest of the insurance sector because once something happens to Clico; people will start looking at the whole concept of insurance.”

    My question is: apart from Clico, is David Thompson allowing other insurance companies to break the law?

    Is this the DLP’s idea of good governance?

    Now tell us, who or what is the biggest risk factor to Barbados getting on the black list of the OECD?

    We already know that Marion Williams gave Clico $10 because she wants her contract renewed and that David Thompson’s actions have to do with the $15 million in campaign contribution Clico gave the DLP.

    Were Clico placed under judicial management and someone who understands Insurance assigned by the Court as Manager, having promised declaration of assets; good governance and integrity – every Cabinet Minister of the DLP would have to resign.

  34. Which law firm represents CLICO business now? Thats all I want to know. I thought that all these things were sorted out and things were back to normal.

  35. @ Foolbert

    Thompson Associates.

    Let me Speak English: David Thompson and his law firm represent Clico.

  36. DK not Drift Kid

    @ Foolbert

    Thompson Associates.

    Let me Speak English: David Thompson and his law firm represent Clico.

  37. DK not Drift Kid

    Here is proof that hartley “the Klown henry a.k.a, Wishing In Vain tell lies and cannot be trusted:

    Nation Newspaper, January 26, 2008:

    “Antigua PM thanks Arthur ”

    ST JOHN’S, Antigua – Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer has thanked his former colleague Owen Arthur for the role he played in strengthening the regional integration process.

    Arthur failed in his quest to secure an unprecedented fourth term as Prime Minister in Barbados after his Barbados Labour Party (BLP) was trounced 20-10 by the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) in the January 15 general election.

    In his letter, the Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister made special note of Arthur’s key involvement in the establishment of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Single Market and Economy (CSME) that allows for the free movement of skills, services, labour and goods across the region.

    “I am compelled to record my deep appreciation to you for the service you have given to the Caribbean Community.

    “The dynamic leadership you provided to the CSME process and to the integration of CARICOM into the world economy has served the people of the Caribbean well.

    I have always been impressed by your urgent desire to secure the interests of the region against all comers.”

    Spencer said he was confident that Arthur possessed the skills and expertise to continue his work in the regional integration process.

    “As the clamour of election politics recedes, and you reflect on the future and your own role in national and regional affairs,

    I am confident that you will find the right niche for your obvious zeal and talents to allow you a special place in Caribbean development,” he said.

    “Whatever that role may be, I am sure that it will redound to the benefit of the Caribbean region as a whole,” Spencer said, expressing his personal appreciation for Arthur’s assistance and support during his tenure in office. (CMC)

  38. Seems Prime Minister David Thompson has been told by Regional Heads: “Ever so welcome…wait for a call.”

    In the Nation Newspaper of January 18, 2009 two regional academics accused Barbados of dragging its feet on the CARICOM Single Market & Economy (CSME) of being anti-integration and called for a reshuffle in CARICOM’s quasi-Cabinet.

    University lecturer Dr Tennyson Joseph has labelled the David Thompson administration “not pro-integration”, while Professor Norman Girvan said CSME was currently “paralysed” because of a general lack of enthusiasm among present CARICOM leaders – including Prime Minister Thompson.
    Perhaps it is because of their lack of confidence in the ability of David Thompson – that Regional Heads have picked President Bharrat Jagdeo of Guyana to be their spokesman when they meet with American President Barack Obama in Washington later this year.

    Following the vote of no confidence by regional academics; then the Opposition Barbados Labour Party, and now – his Regional Counterparts, this must be a very crushing blow for Prime Minister Thompson – who is said to have a big ego.

    And to think that CARICOM Leaders will be meeting in Washington with President Obama to bolster closer ties with the Region!

    Furthermore, these are the issues which will be discussed:

    (a) the global crisis,

    (b) the offshore financial services sector,

    (c) trade,

    (d) energy (including renewable energy),

    (e) Security and climate change.
    All of these are issues which are critical to the CSME.

    Has David Thompson been fired? We need to know!

    After all, Barbados – under the DLP – must not be viewed regionally as: “The New Banana Republic of the Caribbean.”

  39. @ Dark Knight // April 23, 2009 at 2:02 pm
    Then you didn’t read the article in today’s advocate-under the microscope by Hartley Henry.
    I smell fear, pre-budget syndrome.
    This is clearly a bunch of people who have no idea what they are doing, and whats even worse is tha they don’t seem to care about other people’s perception of them. Blatantly arrrogant and narcissistic>

  40. @ Anonymous

    I agree!

    The question is, how will Prime Minister Thompson finance his $745 million deficit?

    I think Americans, including McCain – were accusing Obama of moving from Capitalism to Socialism.

    Given Obama’s tax cuts, that “tea bagging thing” was just silly.

    That is Fox News’ idea of a grassroots movement but nothing more than an anti-Obama campaign.

    In contrast, everybody in Barbados gave the DLP a honey moon. That they cannot deliver and do not have a clues, is shameful.

    Hit the ground running and what – unworkable policies that cannot be financed.

    Now Mr. Thompson – how will you finance your $745 million deficit?

  41. @ Dark Knight
    Hit the ground running and what – unworkable policies that cannot be financed. NOR COMPUTED.
    We are still waiting on things to happen from the last budget, can’t wait to see this one.

  42. I really dont understand why you guys are so surprised at the inability of the DLP to deliver. Everyone knew that the DLP was/is incompetent. People voted for them because they were not happy with the BLP.

  43. Here is what is published in the Trinidad Guardian today:

    The person speaking is the Governor of the T&T Central Bank:

    “T&T will experience increasing unemployment this year as layoffs and job losses continue and the poor outlook for the recovery of energy prices calls for another revision of the country’s economic prospects, Central Bank Governor Ewart Williams said yesterday. Delivering the bank’s semi-annual Monetary Policy Report, Williams said the economy was slowing down faster that the Central Bank had expected.

    He said that whereas the bank had forecast that economic growth would slow down from 3.5 per cent in 2008 to between one and two per cent this year, the bank was now projecting no growth for this year.

    He said T&T was still not in a recession, but in stagnation. Williams warned that as bad as the local situation was, the other islands in the Caribbean Community (Caricom) were in worse shape.”

    Madam hartley “the Klown” henry a.k.a., Wishing In Vain – is this true?

    Is Barbados in a worst shape than “Mr. Squeaky Clean” told us in the recent Estimates?

    Did the DLP not say that it will not cheat; it will not steal and it will not lie?

    Did the Central Bank Governor of Barbados not say that the Barbados economy is sound?

    Was the Central Bank Governor in T&T able to make that statement based on information that might have caused T&T to contribute TT$315m (US$50m) to that Bailout Fund for BA and Clico?

  44. Bajans the most educated and literate people in the Caribbean/world? !!!!
    Gosh! This one bigger than the bomb that wrecked Hiroshima.