Movado And Vybz Kartel Should Be Told; Stay The Hell Out Of Barbados!

Vybz Kartel and Mavado

The Barbados Youth Action Programme, a Government affiliate under the chairmanship of Member of Parliament Hamilton Lashley, has scheduled performances of the Jamaican duo Movado and Vybz Kartel [SIC] for a reggae show on March 27 at the Midway House carpark, Bay Street, The City according to the Nation newspaper. The foregoing quote is instructive to shed some clarity to the current debate in Barbados about whether Movado and Vybz Kartel  should be allowed to perform in Barbados.

Another quote which is instructive is extracted from the Jamaican Gleaner newspaper of the weekend: Olivia Grange, minister of youth, sports and culture, responding to this latest saga in dancehall, said: “I am concerned and I have expressed concern about the content in some dancehall songs. I believe strongly in freedom of expression, but that comes with great responsibility. We can do without some of the lyrics, not only in dancehall recordings, but soca and hip hop too, and that is why we took steps to clean up the airwaves. This is an ongoing process.

We have two contrasting positions, a naive member of parliament Hamilton Lashley who believes adding Movado and Vybz Kartel to the entertainment mix of Barbados will help the youth of Barbados to reject violent behaviour. Bear in mind the two dancehall artists have developed a reputation built on violence and smutty lyrics in Jamaica, although they much publicized peace treaty has been getting a lot of air play.  The view expressed by Grange, the minister of youth tells a story of an embattled Jamaica currently battling with the negatives of the dancehall culture.

In light of Barbados’ current challenge with tackling deviant behaviour in the wider society and particularly among the youth, it seems a no-brainer to BU that as a country we should take a deep breath, take a step back and tell the Jamaican dancehall duo to stay the hell away from Barbados at this time. Of concern is the fact Commissioner Darwin Dottin who is responsible for maintaining law and order in Barbados has expressed distaste at the staging of the reggae show which has been dubbed a peace concert. Clearly a public relations scam by the promoters of the show to deflect the criticism by many who are concerned about the gaza gully conflict which  Movado and Vybz Kartel have been embroiled in Jamaica. Yes the gaza gully conflict is relevant to the Jamaican culture but who cares, it is what the two dancehall artists represent, crime and violence!

Minister of Education Ronald Jones has also publically expressed his displeasure at the staging of the show. It was only last week Jones held a meeting with principals of our schools to map an approach to stamping out deviant behaviour in Barbados. It is therefore very surprising that the promoter continues to advise Barbados the show is still on. By whose authority?

Part of the problem in Barbados has been our willingness to be politically correct. There is the argument proffered by Wickham et al, the liberals, that in a CSME arrangement Barbados would be violating the spirit of such an arrangement. It seems that there is an acceptance that if the balance of payment situation is threatened; Barbados has the ‘out’ to implement policies contrary to the economic and partnership agreements. However on the flipside if Barbados feels that its moral positioning is being threatened, we have to sit with our hands between the legs and do nothing.

There is great interest being shown by many to see how this matter will play-out. If the show goes forward it becomes a slap in the faces of Commissioner Dottin and Minister Jones. It does nothing for how these two important figureheads in our society would be perceived by Barbadians. Already the two are battling beleaguered positions.

BU is aware that Prime Minister David Thompson and family are fans of dancehall and there is nothing wrong with them liking this genre of music. In this case we believe the banning of  Movado and Vybz Kartel by the Barbados authorities given what they represent becomes a symbolic gesture which sends the message, this is our society and we intend to fight back. Obviously one single act will not do it but in light of the many weeds and cracks which have started to appear on our lawn; we have to fight back.

Yes the deviance must be tackled in the homes but guess what, we have many children who don’t live in homes. This means the government by proxy must play the role as step-father, or stepmother for that matter.

179 responses to “Movado And Vybz Kartel Should Be Told; Stay The Hell Out Of Barbados!

  1. @Technician

    Actually we are tugging the tail of the lion.

    Note there is a callin show on VOB at this moment (11.13AM) dealing with this matter.

  2. Ban Dem has sarcastically asked why not ban a number of presumably objectionable activities and objects. There is actually a law against loitering! That it may not be enforced does not dispute the fact that such prohibition exists. Some years ago a man acting alone was arrested and charged with holding an unlawful march. There are more than a few who would support the “banning” of some or all of the things on Ban Dem’s list. E.W Barrow once prohibited Stokely Carmichael from entering Barbados. Mr Carmichael at the time was at the forefront for civil rights for Black people in the USA. Tom Adams had Ralph Gonsalves declared persona non gratia. So the agents of the State can and do apply sanctions when in their opinion the security of the state is “threatened”. I really have no concern with Movado or Vybz Kartel per se. I am not at all knowledgeable about them or their songs. However I am interested in reading both sides of the debate on the suggested determinants and limitations that should be looked at in deciding when the heavy hand of the state should intervene. If I understand opinions already posted, AC has stated that we must be very conservative in giving the State the ability to proscribe who and what we can listen to. Bush Tea on the other hand believes it is incumbent for the State in the interest of good and orderly development to intervene regardless of the tastes of the citizens. So where would a rational and democratic position fall?

    We will really be chasing tails when I write ban A and you say ban B and there is no attempt to provide objective parameters within which our position falls.

  3. ''''''FIRE''''''


  4. ''''''FIRE''''''


    Where did I used expletives ?
    What do really call expletives ?

  5. @Anonymous

    Having rights is not an option. It is a right that must be respcted and enforce by the government. THey are some of us who take those rights lightly as if like changing one clothes . Today it is o.k. then tomorow a different way. When those rights are taken away even however well intended society as a whole suffers even more.
    I am not willing to sacfrice my rights for the minority.
    When is it wrong to adress a group of people?
    I am sure the government can attend as well as listen to the speeches.

  6. If Mr. David Eliis feels so strongly about the direction the current callin program should go why did he not host the program? His intervention is reminiscence when he did a similar thing when Kim Young hosted a callin program during the last general election campaign.

    The policeman on the panel quite rightly indicated we have two issues, the threat posed by allowing the two dancehall performers to come and the bigger issue of finding ways to enrich our society.

  7. OK AC I respect your consistency. However non-citizens of Barbados have no right of entry to Barbados. What might be a more relevant and appropriate scenario would be the State not allowing internet access to specified sites such as is done in Cuba or China. Do we have a right to view say porn sites, hate sites, or sites that provide instruction on terrorist activities?

    Your alarm is pertinent and reasonable. As I write I am hearing Minister Stephen Lashley on the radio calling for prohibition of certain “types of songs”.

  8. bud avid = twitter.

  9. @ David…

    We don’t want to copy America in some instances but the influence coming from it is one of the reasons we are in this position yes?

    One of the laws that I see in the USA right now, is one that I have raised in discussions in Bim many times.
    Look at serving alcohol to minors. You have to be 21 to purchase alcohol or the business can lose their license. What is the age limit in Bim?
    I have seen some of the lewdest behavior in popular nightclubs on a regular basis and Movado or Vibes Cartel had nothing to do with it.
    Instead of banning, why not look at enforcing the laws that are already there.
    I am sick and tired of seeing teenagers in clubs drinking until they are drunk without any consequences to the bar owners who are only interested in the $$$.
    There is a fete at a well known club called Models and Bottles, ladies pay $2 and drinks free all night. How many underage drinkers are served alcohol?
    At one of these fetes, a number of police officers were hurt in a fight.
    The thing is that uniformed officers walk through these bars but does nothing. What is the use of having laws if they are never enforced?

  10. @Anonymous

    Your question was pertainng to a persons right of Free Speech and I answered accordingly. Yes I am persistant because nothing trumps my civil rights, Too percious . Too Few.

    Like i said previously citizen groups working along with the government can resolved these type of social issues.

  11. @ ac…

    Nicely put.

  12. @Technician

    There is no doubt we have procrastinated as a society and we are beginning to see the negatives as a result. BU side with individuals on the subject of safeguarding our rights but is always cognizant that the state has always stepped in to compromise those rights when it is perceived that the bigger issue of national security is in play. We all are painfully aware as travellers how individual liberties have been encroached in the interest of national security in the post-911 period.

    The reality of any situation and we believe it applies here is the occurrence of several events in the Barbados society which has acted to become the tipping point. There is a sense by conservative Barbados that we are at the tipping point and the time has come to act. As a sovereign nation that should be our right and as Minister Lashley stated today, just appointed, he will be assessing the current state of things in the coming days before he announces a policy direction from government.

  13. I am not in favour of Gov’t intervention in every aspect of our lives, however I am in favour of certain industries policing themselves as it relates to their professional conduct. I listened to Ronald Clark who is the Program Manager of some of One Caribbean Media properties and in his stations defense he stated that artists rerecord some songs on their playlist with objectionable lyrics. The program manager shouldn’t be allowed to hide behind that explanation, the station has a responsibility to cease playing the song when it becomes aware that there is another version with obscene lyrics in the public domain and as far as I am concerned the stations are aiding and abetting these artists with the playing of a “tame” version of the songs which are really promoting the lyrics the artists really want to get out to their fans. These are the same stations that won’t hesitate to stop playing songs that are critical of politicians.

    Why can’t these media Corporations e.g. CBC/VOB etc.establish some standards that is a reflection of Community standards rather than having the Gov’t dictate what is acceptable. The stations should not be concerned about what is playing on the VRs; they should be focused on what they are playing.

    When I was in primary school some teachers would inspect our fingernails to make sure they were clean and our hair to ensure it was combed, looks like some people want the Gov’t to take up that role again.

    Welcome to the Nanny state.

  14. Sargeant the Government must set the standards just like in Canada.We have the CRTC to regulate broadcast industries.

    Some of the Barbados Radio stations promote partying and rum drinking.
    DJs driving from Rumshop to Rumshop, Karoake contest, etc.
    Why? It is what their Advertisers demand and pay for.

    Without Government regulation the stations will play anything that helps them
    drive up listenership numbers.

  15. Hants

    Agree with you about the CRTC but the CRTC is supposed to be an independent body that is not influenced by political considerations. I wasn’t about to recommend another agency staffed by people who get rich on the public’s dime. Seems like a lot of this debate is about the Gov’t stepping in and applying sanctions, however I just don’t get it with the constant calls to ban something, some of the bans are akin to using a sledgehammer to kill an ant.

    Remember some of what is written here also causes some discomfort to some politicians and other folks in positions of influence, what if they start calling for banning of the blogs too?

    Ooops I forgot the Leader of the Opposition once mused about that possibility.

  16. BadMan Saying Nuttin

    It is interesting to note that in Jamaica the police have banned any pre and post National School athletic fetes. Note carefully this is not a case of stopping artistes from entering and performing, it is much more severe. Any fetes around that time or associated with that event are banned. Yet we quibble over whether we should ban Vibez and Movado. We have to draw a line somewhere. You can’t police every suggestive song or performer out there but Vibez and Movado are so blatantly out there it really is not a judgment call with them. We should not take a North American stance in these things. Let me draw a parallel. In the USA burning of the flag is a freedom protected by their constitutional right to free speech. In Barbados we have legislated that no one has the right to deface a Barbadian flag and while we turn a blind eye to minor infractions like the wearing of flags as scarfs or tops or hats We would not tolerate the burning of our flag. The same principle applies with Vibez and Movado. We are not so stentorian that we would seek to ban or prohibit every suggestive song out there but in excessively lewd, vulgar, crude or violent, misogynistic examples action MUST be taken.

  17. @BMSN

    So what is the problem . If one is banned why not all?What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
    The example of burning of a nations flag is not a good example , Try again.Think!

  18. @David
    We are not talking about terrorist. These are two bit entertainers whose sole purpose is to make a quick buck and who might not have longevity artistic wise, and how some people are willing to give up their rights in favour of not having them to perform.How smart can that be?We are about to kill two birds with one stone.When in fact only the latter one matters.

  19. Look let Movado and Vybes Kartel come, but on one condition.

    The same group who are bringing them will be required to send Sister Marshall and Joseph Niles to Jamiaca.

    That way Bajans get to enjoy some of the best of Jamaican culture; and Jamaicans get to enjoy some of the best that Barbados has to offer.

    The jamaicans make some money, the Bajans make money too.

    That way everybody happy.

    And tobesides since the honourable Mr. Lashley is paid out of the Barbados taxpayers purse, should his job be to promote Bajan artistes, and let his Jamaican counterpart do the same for the Jamaican artistes.

  20. David wrote “a naive member of parliament Hamilton Lashley ”

    David you are wrong man. Hammi-La is a big-able hard back man. Naive what!!!

    The concert is all about making money for the singers, their managers, and the organizers.

  21. On March 16 at 7:11 p.m. Curious asked “this is way off topic, but can someone please define what a “yard-fowl”, is please”

    Richard Allsopp’s Dictionary of Caribean English Usage defines yard fowl as “a political lackey; a person who makes himself available as a party hack in return for political favours on which his livihood depends” Allsopp says that the term is derogotory.

  22. @ J I thought that was standard practice in the Caricom . Even before the CSME issue, work permit was only accessible to academics, journalist, athletes, entertainers and artists.We need to mingle more in the caribbean especially in the department of cross culture exchange.One of the main cause of caribbean insularity is our isolation.Jamaica music culture was developed by contribution made by other West Indians. As a matter of fact the Barbadian Jackie Opal was one of the original member of the skatalite band that introduce the ska riddim in Jamaica. To me he was one of or not the best voice of the era.I have all his recordings. Also, Trinidardians of the like of Lord Creator and Lynn Taitt was also pioneers in the development of the early form of reggae. The only reason why Jamaica is not big in calypso is that in Ja calypso is a uptown affair re-introduce into Jamaica by Byron Lee . Not to mention in the 1950s when calypso went global with Belafonte Album, the Trinis used to complain back then saying Jamaican stealing them music and only a Trini can sing original calypso everybody else is copycat. I have recording of the Mighty Bomber singing in the1950s in London castigating Jamaicans who sing calypso as copycats.

  23. I fully agree with ‘ac’, civil rights are never to be given up easily.Tyranny is waiting at the end of that road. I really don’t take its a good idea to encourage government to play with them willy nilly. Governtment is too far from perfect to mess wid my rights as far as i’am concernen.We need to look at the roots of these problems confronting us and do way with this type of knee jerk solutions.

    Enforce the existing laws …..if the performers break the law while on stage …then act ……… not keep wunna tales quiet.

    Most Governments do this ‘banning’ thing when they have run out of ideas and want to appear to be ‘doing’ something. Check it out . There is a Jamaican Minister speaking out strongly against Dancehall…..and this may be quite warranted. However , I hope people are aware that the two main Political Parties have done much to encourage the Garrison mentality and the arming of ‘Dons’ when it assisted their Political objectives.

  24. Even if these two singers are allowed to come smutty lyrics and all why are we letting them talk to our children?

    Even in Jamaica they are starting to become severe on actions directed at the dancehall culture, let us wait until our society falls flat. The signs are already appearing.

    Rights are rights whether it be terrorists who bring bombs or terrorists who infect morals.

    Did anyone hear when the promoter of the show referred to Hammi la as a minister? All of them are a pack of illiterate backward set of people.

  25. 555dubstreet

    39 year old Zion referred to the following musical artists who played “revival style” music which is still popular today available and re-released on CD and MP3
    (a) Jackie Opel
    (b) Lord Creator
    (c) Lyn Tait
    (d) Byron Lee
    (e) Skatalites

  26. Daddy Kool said that the trouble with an anti- terrorism indoctrination mindset is people start labeling rebel kids terrorists. The public have lost all their rights to protest or do what they want in the Nanny state. Big Brother is watching and Auntie Moral teaching and controlling you 24-7-365.

  27. Well aparrently de show off, lololol

  28. ''''''FIRE''''''




  29. Jamaica has issues, even more than we do and we do not wish to import same.

    I see a news story reported that Bruce Golding has allegedly made two excuses for not extraditing a certain drug lord to the US?

    Interesting ‘reasons’ that he has given! Interesting indeed.

    As for Movado and the other idiot….put them right back on the same plane, as they arrive.

    Who don’t like it..can lump it!

    National Security always trumps!

  30. Seems like we have our locally raised Movado And Vybz Kartel in the House. Gun men as Ministers! WOW! An indication of the path this country is going down.

  31. @ Fireman…

    Are we going to ban them too?

  32. Is it accurate to say under the revised Treaty of Chagoramas and by extension CSME that entertainers from other Caricom countries cannot be denied entry to Barbados?

  33. @ Technician
    We cannot even thing of banning the Jamaician guys if our leaders are the same or even worst. Thugs in suits!

  34. @ Fireman…

    Then we wonder how the youth get so.

    Not so long ago there was a stink made by the grown up folks in Bim about a Senator with corn rows. I am glad to see that it was the ‘descent’ folks with the nice cut, all educated and lettered, who acted like true gangsters.

    Keep blaming Reggae and dancehall along with North American influences for the youth, all the while ignoring the hypocrisy right in our own yard.
    As Sizzla says…’dance a yard before ya dance abroad…’

  35. ''''''FIRE''''''

    my big guitar is sweet

    its silky smooth and round

    come feel my big guitar

    slip it , slide it

    here comes my big guitar

    every inch i have for you

    The above represents extracts from a song I heard on the radio this morning. That song should be BANNED !!!!

  36. whats happening in the Police Force especially with DOTTIN and his DEPUTY ???

  37. What is the duty of the Government in this matter. The reality is that the Government is mandated to guide the laws and rule of law, indeed morals through Parliament and it policies and actions.

    A further and more specific duty, if no more critical, lies in the interests of protecting National Security, which, as noted above, trumps other considerations.

    It is clear that if the Government perceive that ANY overseas persons coming here to present are threatening ‘public morals’ and more specifically National Security, the Government has not only a right but a duty to act thereto.

    Playing devil’s advocate (no pun intended), if a foreigner comes here to publicly present a case for the banning of religion in schools, what will be the reaction?

    Do we have the testicular fortitude t make the tough decisions or are we going to stand aside and say ‘cuh dear, but he could come and sing a show and see that his lyrics are okay’?

    No, we send them right back from whence they come. That is what the Police and Defence Force are for, waiting at the plane steps.

    On the point that some refer to i.e. the lyrics, it is not only are relevant here, it is the whole lifestyle projection of these characters.

    Lastly, if a citizen projects a specific image, that can be viewed as negative, certainly one may demonstrate against social ills or present a case for an alternative lifestyle, but equally, one will fall foul of the law if one is perceived as being a danger to National Security.

    The answer is to refuse entry.

  38. Crusoe

    It is being said by some that under the CSME arrangements CARICOM entertainers cannot be refused entry. I have asked for clarification on this point before but there has been no response. I agree with your post (although I do not think that the two entertainers in question actually constitute a “national security threat”). Anyway, it is the suggestion that CSME somehow trumps concern over security in the matter of entry to Barbados by non-nationals that I find incredulous.

  39. I am less than impressed with the stated concerns of the Police Force in this matter. The same Police will give a license to a shop or bar owner to regularly (e.g. every Friday or Saturday night) play loud music from a sound system set up outside of a building. The hired DJ then plays the songs of the same Movado and Vybz Kartel and others with accompanying dialogue for a whole night thereby disturbing nearby residents! In fact the local DJ format is worse given that the explicit, smutty versions of songs are often played whereas in live performances these are not allowed. Further my children (and all other children) in the surrounding areas cannot avoid hearing these unwelcomed songs that are so “broadcasted” into their homes disturbing rest and sensibilities.

  40. The issue of these artistes travelling under CSME has been dealt with in the traditional media. While entertainers are exempt as far as requiring work permits under the revised treaty of chaguramus Barbados as a sovereign country can refuse entry on certain grounds to anyone entering our borders i.e. corrupting public morals, threat to national security etc.

  41. David
    Thanks for your response. I hardly access the Barbados “traditional media” anymore! Would it therefore be reasonable to conclude that in spite of stated concerns by the Police, certain politicians, Ministers of Government etc, the Government does NOT perceive these two entertainers to be in anyway corrupting of public morals, threatening to national security etc? What then is the fuss all about?

  42. Once again the DLP has allowed Hammie Lashley to embarrass them. Why should a person who sits as an independent in the House be given so much responsibility? Is the ruling government (DLP) short of quality M.P’s to do the parties work? It looks bad when so many government M.P’s and big-wigs could be against a show that is part sponsored by a arm of the said government . Worse is that that arm of government is headed by an independent sitting M.P. Mr. P.M is this also politics of inclusion? I personnally have lost respect for Hammie Lashley from the last time he jumped ship and went over to the BLP

  43. @Crusoe

    Whether the show goes bad or not there seems to support disciplinary action. Bear in mind all of Barbados have been aware of this disharmony between the two for sometime.

  44. How could it happen

    “Memba di two drop a blood pon yuh frock
    Yuh tell mi yuh madda ago beat yuh fi dat
    Two day lata me seeyuh come bak
    Yuh tun big woman yuh come fi tek cock”

    “Dem wah fi war mi so mi send fi mi army
    bullets a spray dem like itsy miaki
    dis de empire coppa shot a go fire
    mr palmer got de rifle dem weh taller than palm tree”

    What an affront to people’s sense of decency. The people advocating that this man who sings these songs could never be aware of the lyrics to Vybz Kartel’s songs. If they are, then they have misplaced values and ethics. I fail to see how someone who sings about ‘tekking way’ a young girl’s virginity and taking pictures of a girl on his ‘c…k’ with his blackberry should be seen as some model to speak to children in a school. What was the PM’s aim some time ago in having this said person at the the PM’s residence? The authoritative is issued to ZR drivers not to play these types of songs/music on the vans but we bring the said artistes here to perform?

    Who listening to these lyrics could conceive that this is somebody fit to speak to their children? Which puny brain came up with this idea? Is this a sign of disintegration in society and less shared values?

    As for freedom of movement, freedom is not absolute and there is no unbridled right to freedom of movement.

  45. So the knight in shining armour finally gets the show cancelled.

    When a private promoter, staging a show for adults, can be force to cancel that show because of an outcry from a hypocritical society, I say dark days are ahead.

    Obviously, these people are unaware of the numerous strip shows and skinout competitions, held at various locations around the island. The probability is high that they are also unaware of dog fights, cock fights, illegal gambling or big hardback men sleeping with and impregnating schoolgirls. Of course they do not see what occurs during the state sponsored wuk up festival.

    The whole thing becomes even more amusing, when one remembers that not too long ago, one of these same performers was the headline act, at a show held by the same knight in shining armour.

    I predict that there will be a dramatic increase in the popularity of these two performers among the same youth he now claims he is protecting.


  47. ''''''FIRE''''''

    sorry for the ANON -MIX-UP

    I AM ”””’FIRE”””
    and dont you forget that———–bun dem wicked people

  48. The big question is “has there been a similar attempt made in Jamaica for these same two individuals to come together and talk to the youth there? Remember, people are being murdered because of these two guys and I’ve always heard “charity begins at home.”

  49. Since these two guys are to tell our youth that what they are doing is just entertainment, can we then get two of our notorious thieves in Barbados to also address our youth and tell them not to follow their style because it’s just a job?

  50. Never fear the Minister of Education is going to wash all the calypsonians/entertainers mouths out with soap. If they know what’s good for them they won’t write or sing any trash, rubbish or foolishness.

    If you think I’m lying he is pictured with the pipe that he is going to use for that purpose, all I’m waiting for is the bar of “blue soap”.


    Man ! dont mind Jones talking crap !
    Barbados gotta be careful. This is a dangerous development. If this crap that he is talking is allowed to flourish Art is Art and Art will come under attack if it does not favour certain people and yuh really cant have that-Man !!!

    MAN ! We need to get rid of all the ills including the socalled alternative lifestyle , if yuh can call um dat -Man !

  52. Bajans are in for the ride of their life with that ignorant dictator minister of education

  53. Ronald Jones keep up the good fight ignore the detractors.

  54. Y is it that as soon as a person is in the public’s eye whether as an enteratainer or politician they are considered a “role model”

    I find that to be alot of nonsense….

  55. If you want Bajan society to denigrate into British society, then let these performers, and those like them, into the country. The people that defend their right to ‘entertain’ are perverse. It’s not just about the effect of these lyrics on children, the lyrics influence adults too.

  56. If you really want to understand what is really going on I suggest you do as I have and research the puppet masters and their hidden agenda.As you progress you will start to clearly see what it is all about.VYBES CARTEL,JAYZY and Co. etc are just puppets under the ‘UMBRELLA’ of those puppet masters.Somebody help RIHANNA!
    Check out:,, and take it from there.

  57. Pingback: Do We Have A United Police Force? |

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  59. “Dr, Dr, pon mah soul dun put injekshun in de wrong hole.”
    Ent like tings sah changeup.

    Yelow Bird