Minister Of Finance Chris Sinckler Warned In The Pierhead Halcrow Matter

Submitted by AAA (as a comment)

Chris Sinckler, Minister of Finance

Attention: The Minister of Finance, Christopher Sinckler

Your Budget presentation and wrap up session was keenly observed by many. When all hope seemed lost you then addressed the Pierhead Marina saga. This was under the guise of HMBS Pelican base at Spring Garden and the faults with that design and construction. You attempted to link the Pierhead Marina designers Halcrow to the minor construction problems with HMBS Pelican although you know that reports on the issue of liability have repeatedly indicated the problems rest squarely with the contractors and developers JADA CONSTRUCTION LIMITED and or abnormal sea conditions.

It was a crude mistake made by an immature politician who already on this ice for having tried his level best to leapfrog Freundel Stuart MP for the post of prime minister, has taken on additional political liability which he himself cannot imagine and the likes of which will severely damage is political ambitions including the position of Minister of Finance. Mr. Sinckler has shown his hand the result being he will have a brand seared into his palm for all to see.

This is a man that certain special interest factions sought to have elevated to Prime Minister, its a good thing his fellow MPs realized the problem that would create and back raised him when the vote was called on the morning of David Thompson’s death.

Having defamed the reputation of a company whose annual revenue is nearly that of the total annual budget of Barbados, the Minister of Finance can look forward to lawsuit for defamation from the same company. The privilege of parliament will not protect him, remember Don Blackman and COW Williams? The Privy Council ruled against parliamentary privilege, sure Mr. Sinckler is aware of this.

Halcrow delivers planning, design and management services for developing infrastructure and buildings worldwide. They contribute to the construction, operation and maintenance of the built environment, and the protection, enhancement and maintenance of the natural environment and operate in almost every country in the world. Halcrow has been working for the Government of Barbados for over 30 years.

Halcrow are the designers for the HMBS Pelican. The Government of Barbados has paid all of Halcrows invoices and have not attempted to call in the cash bond held by the GOB nor have they attempted to bring a case against Halcrow for breach of a duty of care owed by Halcrow to the Government of Barbados.

You see, the issue of the so-called problems with Halcrow at the HMBS Pelican are just that so-called problems, no proof whatsover yet the Minister of Finance would have us believe that the GOB Barbados would have to look for bajan 20M to fix the problems there. The Leader of the Opposition has the files which includes the estimates to fix the problems created at HMBS Pelican by JADA CONSTRUCTION LIMITED, they don’t exceed bajan 1.0 M.

Where the Minister of Finance is going with this is to the Pierhead Marina project, which co-incidentally is also designed by Halcrow. That project has been the subject of much debate primarily lead by the Leader of the Opposition and which centered out the DLP contention that bajan 48 M needs to be spent to redesign the Pierhead Marina notwithstanding that GOB Barbados had paid bajan 15 M for Halcrow to design that project. All of the Halcrow designs are conpleted, tested and all that remains is for the GOB thru the BTI to build the Marina.

The allusion of having to redesign the Pierhead Marina has its origins in the fact that when the BTI tendered the project in 2007, the tender of VECO/SMI/Glyne Bannister was twice the price of the lowest tender. Remember Glyne Bannister and VECO are of the Dodds Prison fame, Darcy Boyce was the CEO of BTI at the time the Pierhead Marina was tendered and Darcy Boyce was also on the tender evaluation commitee of the DODDS Prison, remember the Nation newspaper article? Darcy Boyce and Glyne Bannister are close friends and partners in business.

This nastiness at the Pierhead Marina, the attempt to waste 48 M has already cost Sen Darcy Boyce his position. In the last cabinet reshuffle before his death David Thompson removed BTI from his responsibility. Unfortunately the Minister of Finance appears to have taken up where Darcy Boyce left off and is almost certain that he will be demoted also.

What neither Darcy Boyce or Christopher Sinckler know is that former Prime Minister David Thompson had a peer review done on the design at the Pierhead Marina, ask the former chairman, he has a copy.

133 responses to “Minister Of Finance Chris Sinckler Warned In The Pierhead Halcrow Matter

  1. de hood
    ya doin mo damage dhan Tomas man. ya misquote me fa ya own selfish reason. I say if she is de panty you is de shield. ya too dang’rus. Oh lawdddddddddddddddd.
    you up very late doe? you bed in dry yet? I glad. dah is wah ya get fa pissin ya bed evry nite.

  2. Under-Disguise

    “Barbados is a vicious gossip society, people seem to get pleasure from pulling down each other. There seems to be no brotherly love or forgiveness for any one who stumbles, no one is perfect and we all make mistakes.”


  3. @Under-Disguise

    What is your contribution to the very sites you criticised? Going under disguise does not absolve you from responsibility :-).

    Would appreciate if you can email us leader of the opposition reply to the budget.

  4. @BP

    You said:- ” you up very late doe? you bed in dry yet? I glad. dah is wah ya get fa pissin ya bed evry nite.”
    But Bon, yuh en know how um is wid we ol folk yet? A l’il dribbble here an a l’il dribble there! But I is still giving mih tanx to de good Lord fuh bringin’ mih so far, doan mine all ah de aches & pains eva day now. But ah knows we is like two peas in ah pod, neh! Dah is why ah is luvs yuh summuchie.
    Yuh mekkin’ a mistake doe. Bajan Panty is male not female! Unless he pullin’ a transgender act. Peace & luv, sweets. πŸ™‚

  5. Thanks Peaches ,and to as well I extend the same . We could go all week on this and never accept each other’s point of view , so I close in this simple way . AND THEN HE CHOSE TO JOIN THE PARTY HE CLAIMED TO OPPOSED FROM A BOY .hmmmm . Rats love cheese don’t they .

  6. Hamilton CHill
    shows how BAD the DLP iz

    You think Mascoll had it easy with Dem Liared People . You think Dem people easy. Some of the most vicious political pitbulls and piranhas reside in the bowels of the Democratic Labour Party

  7. Ace of Spades

    People don’t waste wunna time with the likes of Bajan Panday. All of his blogs are identical. Owen, Owen, Owen, then Mia, Mia, Mia with no substance at all. He sounds like a stuck record from St. John who will vote for Mickey Mouse if he is chosen as the DLP candidate for that parish. Every man has his cross to bear. All of them snipers who were part of the ousting of Mascoll will get what is coming to them. David already got his. The question is who is next? When the dust has settled Mascoll will be the last man standing. Let them continue to focus on Owen while the economy suffers. This is what we call the Obama model “Bash the last Guy Economics”. We all know where that got him.

  8. What is the latest on the so-called legal action against Minister Sinckler (the only thing it could be is an action of “elder abuse”) for having effortlessly “D’SKINNED ” Owen Arthur in the recent budget?

    Here is something else:

    The Nation Newspaper today reports that Opposition Leader Owen Arthur has asked Government to set up a special commission to help it fix economic problems.

    Wait a cotton-picking-minute! Why does that sound familiar?

    Did Mia Mottley not made this call long ago? So if it is now such a good idea, to the extent that it is being echoed by Owen Arthur, why was Mia Mottley ousted?

    Let’s call a spade a spade! I have always maintained that Owen Arthur might be an economist but Mia Mottley is bright. It is not difficult to see that she displays pure natural brilliance on a sustained basis – and my comments have nothing to do with gender.

    Here is more of what Arthur (the so-called great economic magician) now calls for, according to todayβ€˜s Nation newspaper:

    Arthur said Government needed to explore options such as β€œselling something” if it has β€œa revenue problem and it’s only temporary”.

    Wait another minute! On September 29th, did Mia Mottley not say at the BCCI luncheon that the government should mobilise the savings of Barbadians to save Barbados?

    Did she not asked what is the difference between the government owning the air or sea port; the Hilton or BNOC or it being owned by Barbadians?

    I tend to recall that her speech prompted a senior editor at the Financial Times of London to have said that it will come to be regarded as the best post-independence speech given by any leader of Barbados.

    But tell me again, why was Mia Mottley’s ousted as Leader of the Opposition and Political Leader of the BLP, if the so-called economic wizard Owen Arthur, is now merely repeating what she said when she was leading that party?

    Now you see why it was so very easy for Owen Arthur to have been D’SKINNED by both PM Stuart and a dynamic Finance Minister – General Sinckler. It is not as simple as elect Owen Arthur and every Barbadians will suddenly get $1 million in your bank account

  9. @ Bajan Panty

    Go right ahead, yuh climbing real high! And de higher yuh climb de more yuh expose yuh.. . . . . . . .

  10. Fifty (50) days after the gang of five ousted Mia Mottley as Political Leader of the BLP and Leader of the Opposition, Owen Arthur seem to be finding it impossible to announce a Shadow Cabinet. Why?

    Owen Arthur is now seeking to manufacture an image for Dale Marshall to make him appealing to the public as a serious contender for national leadership, while trying to sell him to the BLP as a serious contender to lead them.

    This panic by Owen Arthur seems necessary and it might be part of that β€œPrior Park Accord,” but more so because Owen Arthur realises that he does not have the energy to match Sinckler in the House.

    It would seem that instead of healing, this desperation to rehearse Dale Marshall on matters of economics is intended to serve two other purposes. (1) to force the hand of Mia Mottley and (2) to try to neutralize Mia Mottley’s appeal within the BLP and to Barbadians. This shows the desperation of Owen Arthur to give the appearance that there is a clamour for him.

    In a recent Nation Newspaper/ Wickham poll, Dale Marshall approval rating was a mere 3%. This is not funny because that same poll show that 1% of the people of Barbados feel that Hammie Lah should be Prime Minister.

    This actually shows how weak Dale Marshall is, because not only is he the Deputy Leader of the Opposition, but (as I found out) he was also First Vice Chairman of the BLP for some time. This means that he has both administrative and political exposure and visibility when that poll was conducted.

    They ousted Mia Mottley and are now in a panic because they look around and found that they are weak and tired and lack the capacity to be appealing to the people of Barbados.

    In the recent Nation/Cadres Poll, Barbadians were interested in (1) cost of living and (2) crime, security and gangs, not the economy. This shows how out of tough the BLP, under its present rule, is.

  11. Bajan Panty said:- “Owen Arthur realises that he does not have the energy to match Sinckler in the House.”
    I would like to know just what would the RHOSA have to match Sinckler with in the house? You mean you would like to see the
    RHOSA hollering and screaming and making a general clown of himself like what Sinckler did during the budget debate? Is that the level to which you would have Parliamentary debate sink? You want it at that RUMSHOP level?? Maybe you really do!

  12. You just don’t get it, so here is your question again. Why is it that Fifty (50) days after the gang of five ousted Mia Mottley as Political Leader of the BLP and Leader of the Opposition, Owen Arthur seems to be finding it impossible to announce a Shadow Cabinet?


  13. bajan Panday
    Fruendel Stuart became P.M soon after Owen took back up the post of opposition leader. yet P.M Stuart can’t name a deputy either, plus he seem scared to accept more ministerial responsibilties. Stop focussing on the BLP and Owen and get the DLP and Stuart working.