Owing Taxes

Submitted by People’s Democratic Congress

The notion that “more than $200 million is said to be OWED to Government in VAT and Income Tax by several major enterprises, professional, and business people” (Weekend Nation, Friday, February 11, 2008), is absolute rubbish.

The principal reason why we in the PDC make this criticism is because the government has long been STEALING (TAXING) on a daily basis countless portions of the incomes of those enterprises, professional and business people that are referred to in the Weekend Nation newspaper story, as well as it has been STEALING (TAXING) on an every day basis countless more portions of the incomes of thousands of other people and entities  in this country.

Whilst the PDC will not get side tracked by that $ 200 million figure, the fact of the matter is that none of those people/entities, as well as no one else in this country OWES the government any amount of TAXATION, or anything in TAXATION at any time. None of them or none of us in the general publics of this country OWES  NOT ONE RED CENT to the government of Barbados in TAXATION!!! For, you owe nothing to a thief.

If anything it is the damn government that owes every TAX VICTIM in this country a fundamental duty to stop/to cease violating the income and property rights of our people as well as our businesses, owing to the unvarnished fact that our incomes are our incomes and NOT the government’s. And, if any thing too it is the government that OWES businesses and OWES its own workers for business and work done for it, and that must therefore make sure that these persons are compensated by fair means, e.g. by making sure that the money value of the people is utilized for such purposes, and NOT by stealing from the general income of the relevant individuals, businesses and others in this country.

For, the term to OWE – for purposes of this discussion – means the condition of a person or entity agreeing with another to render money or some thing else for some thing other that was  previously done/given, or that has to be done still, wholly or partially.

Therefore, anything else that is said to be owed by some person/entity to another is as a primary result of some form of tyrannical thinking or sympathy imposed or conditioned by political autocrats, thugs and their supporters; or is as a consequence of some form of thinking that relates to sheer robbery, theft, deception, etc. Hence, TAXATION in Barbados and elsewhere is in existence for those and other reasons. Too, no doubt such thinking, and, more so, any such human actions consistent with such thinking, will certainly too be enough to be in violent contradistinction with any such agreements that form part of that condition.

What is far worse than the latter is that some of these same people and the representatives of these entities actually think that they OWE the Government what IS IN FACT theirs ( their income). This is a most vicious form of  abnormal psychology that is associated with an extreme type of the victimhood, wherefore the victim does not properly understand that he or she is a victim of a particular disgusting inhuman process, i.e. this TAXATION process, and therefore largely mouths some of the vile language of that is taught to him by the oppressor – the TAX MAN. So, these people and these representatives must reverse entirely this psychology and must stop denying what is theirs – their income (rights)  – and must defend it (them) not only in relationship to the average person, business, entity, but also in relationship to the government at all cost constitutionally legally.

So, while we hold no brief for the following businesses, we in the PDC would like to know what is it that Rayside Construction Co Ltd, Clarke’s Auto Express, Spektakula Promotions, Pierce Furniture and Furnishings, Sazzy Boutique, Wild Pair Shoes, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Divi South Winds, Grant’s Hotels, and so many others really OWE this TAX-thieving TAX-robbing Government in the form of income, for things that the government previously clearly did for them (sic), and which were things that were seen to be done and were hitherto agreed to between the government and them?

Now, will the real attorneys political engineers  in this country stand up and be counted!! Where does the issue of legal consideration emerge in these joke cases? Where does the fundamental matter of consent on the part of TAX-victims come in  in relation to such TAX-GRABBING behaviour? What fundamental fairness can any one of those companies business named in the said Weekend Nation article expect to be handed out to them in Courts in Barbados that are financed by the same stupid TAXATION system?? What is the nature of the relationship between a government that diabolically pushes up the costs of operating businesses and persons living in this country via TAXATION, and the TAX-VICTIMS whose incomes become terribly less once TAXATION continues to be imposed (matter of equity)?

Clearly, the onus of government is entirely to show and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt for the benefit of the education of the public, what it is that it would have clearly done for these particular people and entities, that in the final analysis they would be said by the Minister of Finance to so-called  owe the government whatever amounts in TAXATION.

But, surely, we would expect that oppressive DLP and BLP governments in this country to continue – at least until a future PDC Government comes into existence  – with this evil anti-poor anti-middle class practice of wickedly unproductively stealing income from the relevant people and other entities in this country based on false fictitious government expenditure figures, and, furthermore, to continue with this odious political practice of when these people and other entities having become so unable to, or when having not been in positions to hand over portions of their own incomes to the government, for the government to say to these people and other entities that they OWE the government in TAXATION, and furthermore that if they do not hand over whatever amounts of incomes to the government they would be threatened with property auctions, garnishee actions, etc.., by the government. What is any more fascist than these types of barbarous behaviour? What a sick joke!

In closing, we must appeal fervently to those businesses like Rayside Construction Co. Ltd, Cress, Spektakula Promotions, Pierce Furniture and Furnishings, Sazzy Boutique, Wild Pair Shoes, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Divi South Winds, Grant’s Hotels, and so many other businesses and other  people that are getting destroyed discredited by this TAXATION system, to consider that they are far more powerful that this or any other government, and that they must come and join the PDC in this great big national thrust to once and for all remove from the political landscape of this country, this very evil scourge of TAXATION, so that the greater liberation and enfranchisement of our people in Barbados will be assured.

35 responses to “Owing Taxes

  1. The report by government that the economy grew marginally by .3% should be of interest. Look forward to some discussion.

  2. Adrian J L Randall

    Having read many of the previous articles from WordPress I am surprised that an article as poor as this has been posted. It is so badly written and contains no coherent logical argument so that it should be confined to the wpb!

  3. David there is a simple answer re the growth in the economy.

    Increased spending by Tourists and possibly increased revenue from Canadian offshore business.

    I see the BLP started a series of Media talks with 5 wise men and no women. Mia still M I A or she is not suitable to speak on economic issues?

  4. “THE OPPOSITION SAYS the news is simply too good to be true, but Government’s lead economic planners are over the moon today with revised figures showing the economy grew by 0.3 per cent at the end of last year and had not contracted by 0.4 per cent as earlier believed.” Sunday Sun, Sunday, February 13, 2011.


    Can you properly decipher the three last sentences in the above quote? What can you deduce?

    The two main arguments therein seem completely diametrical to each other given the below analysis.

    One argument says that the economy grew by 0.3% AT THE END OF LAST YEAR. What is the end of last year, December? November to December? What is it?

    The other argument says that the economy had not contracted by 0.4%. The assumption being made here is that the story refers to the 0.4% contraction in the entire performance of the Barbados economy LAST YEAR.


  5. PDC
    I know you are more intelligent than your last post.
    Any logical interpretation would show that
    It was projected that the economy would have contracted by at least 0.4% but it grew by .3%
    Growth is better that contraction any day.

  6. Charlie,

    Your two cents worth simply makes the whole thing seems more amusing.

    Which Governor or Deputy Governor of the Central Bank projected that the economy would have contracted by 0.4%? And for what period? When was this done?

    Who stated that the economy grew by 0.3%? For what period? Where is the supporting economic and financial statistical data?


  7. Under-Disguise

    PIG SHIT !

  8. Mobertthegreat

    ” that they are far more powerful that this or any other government, and that they must come and join the PDC in this great big national thrust to once and for all remove from the political landscape of this country, this very evil scourge of TAXATION, so that the greater liberation and enfranchisement of our people ”


    A call to anarchy if I ever saw one. PDC, to write that .hit, your Saturday afternoon off must have been spent smoking the strong stuff, even too strong to be just grass.

    Real nonsense flowing there, well done. You have outdone yourself with that load of xrap.

    What a moronic article, this is why people generally stick to the two main parties, because fringe lunatics end up spoiling the opinions of the public against third parties, that they are mlumped together as crackpots.

    Have a nice Sunday though,k but layoff the strong stuff, if you gotta be at work Monday.

  9. PDC does have some points. they haven’t stated over what period of was the growth. So it is a bit ambiguous. We know from the annual central bank report the -0.4% growth was over the entire year. the 0.3% growth was given to “at the end of last year”. Guess we have to wait for the central bank report again.

  10. The Canadian economy has been doing well. Naturally, Barbados offshore sector should be improving as some Canadian corporations pass their money through Barbados.

    More Tourists went to Barbados over Christmas and in January.

    That is the likely reason for the “0.3% growth.

    PDC stop talking shaving cream and start doing. Create a little business and employ more of your comrades.

  11. St George's Dragon

    This is a ridiculous article which does nothing for the BU reputation.
    On the growth figures, from the Advocate:
    “revised estimates… show…..a growth rate of 0.3% during 2010…” …. “preliminary estimates suggested that the economy contracted 0.4% in 2010…”.

  12. Hants,

    Almost all of our members are involved in business. For those members this period is the worst period we have ever had so far in business.

    We do not believe in little businesses for ourselves but big ones.

    We are constrained spiritually, politically, financially, materially by some of the adverse effects of the operation of systems and cultures like WORK, TAXATION, INTEREST RATES, WESTERN FINANCE, POLITICAL ECONOMICS, PATRON-CLIENT POLITICS, CORPORATISM, ELITISM, IMPERIALISM, RACISM, CLASSISM, etc. in and across our own country.

    We preach and practice partnerships not the employment of anybody.


  13. We absolutely do NOT believe that the economy grew by 0.3% in 2010 according to some so-called revised estimates on the performance of the Barbados economy.

    We do NOT believe that in contrast to preliminary estimates that suggested the Barbados economy contracted by 0.4% in 2010, that it actually grew by the said 0.3% for the said 2010, according to the revised estimates.

    Really and truly we smell a very stink dead rat here indeed!!

    The truth is that we depend quite a lot on our own observations as well as on those of many others about what is happening in various areas of commerce, business and finance in Barbados.

    As well we do have our own information gathering methods, techniques for analyzing and determining whether this so-called Barbados economy is up or on the down or stagnating.

    Ever since the Central Bank’s remeasuring of this so-called economy – over a year ago – we have not had faith in many of the figures coming out of the Central Bank.

    The report on the performance of the Barbados economy in 2010 was riddled with so many inconsistencies and inexactitudes, that we would have had to ask ourselves and many others what purpose was it really serving.


  14. Mobertthegreat

    Okay, okay. Who opened Jenkins gate? Come on own up. Whoever did, it is up to you to catch the fruitcake. Not sure if a pharmacy will sell anti- psychotic drugs that you can take along though, definitely not without the prescription. You may have problems collecting subject for transportation back to Jenkins.

  15. @St. George’s Dragon

    What do you recommend, we should refuse posting PDC’s submissions?

    The post is there for all to offer opinions, hopefully the guys from the PDC are capable of evaluating feedback.

  16. On the subject of the .3% revised growth it should be clear that it is of statistical insignificance and does not warrant any hype at this stage.

    Let us see sustainability, let is see work to transform the productive sectors, let us see work to improve/build food security, let us build out an alternative sector, let us enable the environment to encourage an entrepreneurial class…

  17. Indeed. I would commend Dr. Estwick on his push for new praedial larceny legislature and his plans to stamp it out. Hopefully they are actually carried out. That be a step in building food security.

  18. @anthony

    Minister Estwick has been huffing and puffing the right words but let us wait for some action. That James Paul got himself hot under the collar last week with a well known sheep farmer does not augur well but let us see. People are getting tired with the old talk.

    By the way anybody notice the DLP operatives have gone silent? Instructions from Fruendel perhaps? While Thompson was known to read the blogs and post sometimes Stuart appears to be of a different position.

  19. @ david

    Well we can all hope for the best yes ? If he doesn’t well it just be norm 😦 , but at least he looking in the right direction more than some of his colleagues yes ?

  20. PDC — Professional Dunce Collective

  21. David wrote,”By the way anybody notice the DLP operatives have gone silent?”


  22. St George's Dragon

    Should BU refuse to post articles? Yes, unless they reach the standards that you think are appropriate.
    You have to make the decision, as you have editorial control, but ultimately, the quality of what you post will affect how people view the website.
    That applies to responses to articles as well. There are things people post here which should get deleted as they are just too extreme.

  23. @ St George’s Dragon

    You advocating censorship ? Don’t read anything that offends you.

  24. Too many persons have said what Dr Estwick is saying again. No action from those policies.
    Yet farmers are losing crops and animals left right and Center.
    The Prime Minister should show some leadership at this stage instead of wasting time planning cabinet changes or who is to be deputy PM
    Order the Defense force out their Barracks to protect the food security of Barbados. Get them patrolling Agricultural areas at night. Get them out, to hunt down and shoot stray dogs at night that destroys people’s animals. Mr. Hoad would be glad for some help in catching and killing those dogs that are killing his goats.
    Too many Barbadians want easy money and therefore have no intention of planting anything just reaping what does not belong to them. Therefore if they get shoot harvesting what they did not plant then so be it.
    Problem solved.

  25. We have got a serious message for the few intellectually challenged, terminally diagnosed non-thinkers on here who otherwise themselves demonstrate the symptoms of a patent false yearning that hopelessly presages our eventual easing up in our criticisms of these two visionless, idiotic intellectually bankrupt DLP and BLP factions, evil TAXATION, Interest Rates, and so on – GO AND DO SOME SERIOUS SOUL SEARCHING AND SOME SERIOUS CRITICAL READING AND THINKING.

    For, you and your type of sheepish neanderthal political and intellectual outpourinas are precisely some of the reasons why Barbados is in the very severe intellectual political rigor mortis crisis that it is in right now. Some of you do not even recognize when the media have duped you with false information about the growth of an economy in the last year! – 2010, and do not even realize why this down-rightly failed DLP Government has been feeding the media and by extension you this false information!!!

    Too, let us say that you have failed to fulfill the hopes of the lates Errol Barrow, Cameron Tudor, Gladstone Holder, Leroy Harewood, for a better more educated more thinking sophisticated egalitarian Barbadian society. Your common sense is lacking even greatermore. But, as if those great Barbadians were still alive, we must follow in their footsteps, and in some cases attempt to better them wherever possible.

    So, we will NEVER EVER LOWER OUR STANDARDS to accommodate any gross backwater thinking that emerges from minds of a few simpletons on BU who fear even to say who their names are on here. What trash!! FORWARDS EVER BACKWARDS NEVER.

    In regard OF YOUR TOTAL IRRELEVANCE WITHIN THIS BARBADIAN SOCIETY, you yourselves are huge chunks of demonstrable evidence of a Barbados – or better yet said – a generation of younger Barbadians – that YOU CONTINUE TO FAIL SO SPECTACULARLY, while at the same time you continue to fool yourselves that you are of some real worth ( any longer) to Barbados.

    But a proper analysis of your writings would show that you have failed to become more educated in the true sense of the word; you are however thankfully part of a dying breed of people in Barbados who have been unyieldingly content to uncritically accept and practice pure euro-centric hogwash to the detriment of your half spirited, increasingly putrefying souls. You belong to the darkness of hedonism. You have also failed the Gods of success!!

    Make no doubt about it, we are little moved by your intellectual political incapacities, but far more concerned about the Barbados that lies ahead between now and the next twenty to thirty years, and of course we are far too taken up with where Barbadians must be heading in the next twenty to thirty years, socially, politically, materially, to afford the time to properly deal with your foolish crap on here. Hence, the reasons why we are so progressive imaginative so structured in the way how we think. If you are envious of such, it means then that you have still failed the Gods of success!!

    Nevertheless, the truth is that these two joke ramshackled DLP and BLP factions, diabolic TAXATION, Interest Rates and such like have been in their own ways doing untold and, in some cases, irreparable harm to the further growth and development of the broad masses and middle classes in Barbados and to prospects for the further development of our country.

    But, whereas, you have been mindlessly wallowing in many of the unbridled effects of these scourges, we in the PDC and so many of our supporters are about doing some serious things about them in the national interest.

    Therefore, it must be clear to so many that we are not into the puerile superficial politics of a by gone era, nor are we about practicing rediscovering reliving the ungainly undelightful politics of the Barbadian past.

    For, we and our supporters are delving ourselves more and more into the substantial politics of the development of a very nationally sustained, very-realigning, far-reaching model of growth for our country, Barbados, and for Barbadians.

    Just a word to you.

    Thank You.


  26. My word!

  27. We stated yesterday that “we absolutely do NOT believe that the economy grew by 0.3% in 2010 according to some so-called revised estimates on the performance of the Barbados economy, “and that “we do NOT believe that in contrast to preliminary estimates that suggested the Barbados economy contracted by 0.4% in 2010, that it actually grew by the said 0.3% for the said 2010, according to the revised estimates.”

    And went on further to say “ever since the Central Bank’s remeasuring of this so-called economy – over a year ago – we have not had faith in many of the figures coming out of the Central Bank.” and that “the report on the performance of the Barbados economy in 2010 was riddled with so many inconsistencies and inexactitudes, that we would have had to ask ourselves and many others what purpose was it really serving.”

    Now, a further examination of Table 2: GDP by sector and activity ( measured in BDS $ Millions at constant prices) of the Annual Economic Review 2010, would show why the so-called growth rate for 2010 is totally unbelievable, and why this said economic review, in some parts, and the said Table 2 remain of inherent dubious quality.

    So, when one looks at the fact that where wholesale, retail and distribution (the biggest sector in the country) is recording serious further net declines at the ground level in this country ( The Daily Nation today has in a story which reports a new car dealer as saying that the entire retail vehicle sub-sector has been down by half for the last 24 months); the Government sector – which too has been reporting declines in expenditure; the financial services sector ( the second biggest sector in the country money value wise ) also recording clear net declines in activity last year ( with this CLICO saga still upfront barking), and the construction sector ( the sixth biggest sector in Barbados ) still recording massive declines ( C O Williams, Rayside, etc complaining about the hard times too), it takes a very bold faced lied intellectually bankrupt DLP government to be telling the country that tourism ( the third biggest sector in the country), with a very marginal improvement in its performance for 2010 ( four million dollars at constant porices), would have indeed led the way in bringing about some recovery in the so-called economy, in spite of the fact that there have been and continue to be such severe declines and stagnations in many other important commercial sectors of the country.

    Such governmental behaviour must indicate the lengths to which this government will to go to tell sheer LIES and nothing else but LIES.

    Surely, these LIES have to do with avoiding another possible down grade by Standard and Poor’s which if this were done will bring further untold financial disaster to Barbados and will have dire consequences for Barbados reputation as a borrower and a financial centre operating in the international financial market.

    But, is telling lies the solution to our fundamental material financial and political difficulties? Nope.

    Somehow too this wretched DLP Government must get to the root of its very severe economic financial statistical data collection problems, and must also resolve some very biased interpretational problems thereto.


  28. PDC

    Maybe they be calculating gdp without taking constant prices into effect ?

  29. @ Charlie

    A friend of mine owns a large farm in western Canada and has signs posted all around his cattle pastures that read…….

    Trespassers WILL be SHOT, survivors WILL be Re-SHOT.

    He told me he’s never had a cow stolen, PS: He does have several licensed guns and he’s demonstrated to me he knows how to use them. Wild West maybe, deterrent YES.

  30. @ The People’s Democratic Congress

    PDC – Professional Dunce Collective

  31. Some similarities maybe?

  32. looks so david

  33. @ Wily Coyote
    A friend of mine owns a large farm in western Canada and has signs posted all around his cattle pastures that read…….
    Trespassers WILL be SHOT, survivors WILL be Re-SHOT.
    What year was this? I didn’t know that cattle rustling was a problem in Western Canada, please enlighten me

  34. Why are you all criticizing the PDC? Just because you can’t outdo them with no taxation? Keep it up fellows! We need people with brains like yours! We are blessed to have such talent in our midst.

  35. @No taxation: “Why are you all criticizing the PDC?


    Perhaps because the PDC have their heads up their own ass (breathing deeply), and don’t have a representative who could stand behind their own name and their own party in this last by-election?

    (Or, likely, similarly, the next upcoming general election?)

    Just putting that out there for discussion….