Thank GOD The Windy Season Only Comes ONCE Per Year, Why, Kites with “Bulldogs”

Submitted by Annoyed Visitor

I’m sure it originated out of Africa, must have, every Massi Warrior needed to scare his dinner to death rather than use skill to hut same. Now today there are Bajans that think their neighbors need to be harassed with noise pollution day and night so they can show off their Kite (Chinese manufactured) flying skills ( kite comes with instructions).

Do our island visitors think this practice is acceptable, not from what I’ve been hearing at hotel pools, bars, beaches, restaurants etc. Most find this kite flying with noisy bulldogs most annoying and disturbing. I heard one lady state that she phoned the Hasting Police Department to complain and was told if it’s not interfering with aircraft then there’s “NOTHING WE CAN DO”. About what I’d expect from the Barbados Police Department knowing Bajan mentality. Like the saying goes “Barbados has a rule for everything and enforcement of nothing”, think I’m wrong, just check out today’s Nation Newspaper for a list of outstanding Income Tax and VAT business’s and individuals that remain uncollected for several——– years.

If Barbados has any ambitions of being classified as a First World Country then they have to step up to the plate and “WALK THE TALK.

81 responses to “Thank GOD The Windy Season Only Comes ONCE Per Year, Why, Kites with “Bulldogs”

  1. Welcome back Bony dear! By the way I am the original Red Bull, first cousin of VR, Village Ram.

  2. so is it legal for the police to come and cut the kite if they get complaints for the kite?

  3. @confused. Illegal or not it would be irresponsible of the police to just cut the kite,as it could end up in a power line causing a major power outage.

  4. ac
    doan get BAF rong, he is ‘de bull’. de udda ‘bull’ is jus he back-up. jess in case.

    My darling, ya got ma brekkin dung n holing up ma clothes.Good ting nabody in home wid ma. ya got ma cryinnnnnnnnnnn.ya is de wuss. I luv ya badddddddd. I did gone fa a while causen de ‘puta’ did down. Had ta get a whole new system. But i gun be gone again soonly causen i gotta get surg’ry pun de eyez. Hopefully I gun be able ta see you betta. ya too swoiteeeeeeeeee. Keep in touch, Hun.

    how de Police would find de kite ta cut de kord? dem kites does be miles away, i tink. de body dat um bodderin could go n cut de kord too. I doan even kno how ya is do um.

  5. @Bonny P
    Wuh you trying to say my BAF needs backup in the sezzz department.dats why he give me a kite wid bulls. Cud Dear!

  6. ac this sezz department thing got me comfortably uncomfortable … I still willing tho’, horns an’ all …

  7. Random Thoughts

    Dear confused:

    No it is NOT legal for the police to enter (without a warrant) on to private property and cut somenody’s kite.

    You think that this is a police state?

    The police can only enter with a warant intoprivate properties with a search warrant given by the courts.

    Or if they can enter if they have reasonable and probable reason to believe that a crime is about to be committed.

    And kite flying is NOT a crime.

    You should stop calling and annoying the police. They can do NOTHING for yo in this instance,

    You can cut the kite yourself if it is bothering you instead of worrying the police with nonsense.

    But if the kite owner finds out that you cut his kite cord, then the IRATE owner will probaly deal directly with you and won’t even bother to call the police. And by the way if you cut somebody’s kite cord YOU can be charged with causing criminal damage to somebody’s private property.

    The senaky Bajan way to cut a kite cord is to make a kite yourself, one that is bigger and better that the one annoying you, the attach some razors to your kite, and fly your kite near to the annoying kite and cause the razors to cut the annoying kite’s cord.

    Then haul in your kite, and dispose of the razors before the other owner find out that you cut his kite cord and I’ll repeat the IRATE owner will probaly deal directly with you and won’t even bother to call the police. And by the way if you cut somebody’s kite cord YOU can be charged with causing criminal damage to somebody’s private property.

    I repeat this for you confused because I get the feeling thatyou are a true, true foreigner and are truly confused.

    This is Bajan culture, including dealing with annoyances in a sneaky way because after all that same annoying kite flyer may be a friend or relative, or the son of the woman who cooks your food or minds your children.

    And one NEVER offends one’s cook (nor child minder)

  8. Bosun (in responding to Confused) wrote:

    “@confused. Illegal or not it would be irresponsible of the police to just cut the kite,as it could end up in a power line causing a major power outage.”

    Now what about kites, staked out overnight thus left unattended, which fall when the wind dies down (which it often does at night)? The telephone cable to my home has been damaged by kite string slicing through the insulation. Whenever there is heavy rainfall the water apparently seeps into the line causing disruption to the service. When I was a boy I was instructed to fly my kite away from power lines and thus away from peoples’ homes. I was also instructed to not leave my kite up overnight. There are obviously different Bajan “cultures” in existence. One which is considerate of others and another which doesn’t give a damn about anybody else. Defend your “kulchah”.

  9. i think u guys misunderstood me. I am not the one complaining of peoples kites, i am asking due to the fact that the police came to my neighbours house who flies kites at night and told him plain and simple that look we will come and cut your kite the next time u leave it out and we get complaints but then when my neighbour instructed to tell them that they were 10 others flying and how can it be his when the rest were keeping more noise, the police told him yuh got talk for me i gine cut it right now.Anyways i know guys who had theirs by the police already and when yuh try to mek a point to d police, they want lock yuh up for some foolishness.Oh yeah they bring d person who complain along with them to show where d house was but then turn round and claim that they follow d kite cord

  10. Speaking of another flyer. I live in the Ch.Ch area and since the passage of Tomas, I hardly see any ‘House Flies’, the few around are very small. This is worrying ,as this could be a sign that overuse or exposure of some chemicals in this area could be the underlying cause.

  11. police can’t cut nobody kite. there is no law against having bulls on the kite. If any one dem police cut my kite I am goona put two bulls on dem called lawyers and that ain’t no bull.

  12. Nationalist
    you seem to like flies dat you missin dem. i hate flies. i sorry dat de african snail din suffa de same fate as dem flies. dem tings does scrawl my skin man. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

    LOL, murdahhhhhhhhhhhh, ya baddddddddd.

    “Kalling all Kite-Police, Kalling all Kite-Police’.

  13. @Bonny
    you know wuh i hate is people talking loud on a cell phone! dem cell phones gotta go ! a real noise hazard! Some people need to go to cell phone school and get a certificate of validation before they allow to buy and use a cell phone. It is madness out here. It is like living in lala land!

  14. @Bonny
    but bonny de kite BAF got me fuh de valentine. I flew dat one yesterday and talking about noise.i had to take my own advice and buy de earplugs . It took 7 men to hoist dat ting. anyhow i luv de de men even suggest that i put a parachute at the end so dat when it come down it won”t crash .

  15. ac
    girl, cell-fones is one a dem necessary evils dat i cannnnn leff home widout. i gotta got my cell wid me jess in case I brek dong pun de road or get a flat. all dese years i driving n still cannnn change a tire. so i would be in shoite-street if anyting happen wid me pun de rode n i widout my cell. my job entail nuff drivin or walkin. but eff I anyway n sumbody tawkin loud pun dem whun, i does mek sure dat dem see me lookin at dem rale stink n turnin up my mout. i doan drive n nuse minez doe. U got a Blackberry too? I got a Bajancherry.

    it tek 7 men ta hoist BAF ting? I luv a man dat is well-blessed. Bless you BAF.

  16. ac
    girl, cell-fones is one a dem necessary evils dat i cannnnn leff home widout. i gotta got my cell wid me jess in case I brek dong pun de road or get a flat. all dese years i driving n still cannnn change a tire. so i would be in shoite-street if anyting happen wid me pun de rode n i widout my cell. my job entail nuff drivin or walkin. but eff I anyway n sumbody tawkin loud pun dem whun, i does mek sure dat dem see me lookin at dem rale stink n turnin up my mout. i doan drive n nuse minez doe. U got a Blackberry too? I got a Bajancherry.

  17. ac
    I doan kno wah happen day. BAF kite got me ramblin.

  18. ”police can’t cut nobody kite. there is no law against having bulls on the kite.”

    Incorrect, public nuisance can be addressed.

  19. Kites can be brought down easily using a relatively cheap Noise Sensing Laser Gun.

  20. @crsuoe
    Yeah like how we addressing it here on BU. But show me the law!

  21. Would like to know how to make a singing angel kite – just to open a can of worms 🙂 any ideas, any pictures? don’t worry, we won’t leave it out there all night long 🙂