God Made Me Lose!

Submitted by Charles Knighton

It has been reported in various sections of the press that Jamaica’s Prime Minister-elect, Portia Simpson Miller, plans to rely on divine guidance in her decisions on government policy, and has strongly suggested other members of government the same strategy. After all, if God is personally providing guidance, how can one possibly go wrong?

How many are aware that four Republican candidates were personally recruited by God to run for for President? Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, Herman Cain and Michele Bachman each provided detailed stories about where they were and what they were doing when God gave them the nod.  So just what kind of game was God playing? He told four people to run for president, but (barring a miracle, I guess) all four of them are going to end up disappointed. Imagine the situation: God himself told you to run for President. What an endorsement! What a boon to their fund-raising! And what a downer when he fails to deliver!

While I would hope the cognitive dissonance produced by the outcome of this test of faith might serve to disabuse at least these four “chosen ones” of such thinking, there rationalizations, I am sure, will keep them firmly attached to their delusional beliefs.  Should Prime Minister Simpson-Miller persist in governing according to the dictates of divine providence, one wonders what game “God” may play with the Jamaican people. A look at the world’s theocracies may offer some perspective.

62 responses to “God Made Me Lose!

  1. Colonel Buggy

    chocolate city hussle | January 17, 2012 at 4:24 PM |
    @islandgal246 | January 14, 2012 at 6:42 PM |
    “God must have spoken to Jippy Doyle before he raped the young girl because if God didn’t who did? Like God spoke to him again when he was released………Stupse …… Like God working overtime nuff overtime.”

    else. God will NEVER ask you about Jippy Doyle, hitler, etc he will ask u about u – what u did with Christ.
    God’s message to Jippy Doyle was to go into the world and be a Therapist. Unfortunately, Jippy misread the script,and thought He said The Rapist.

  2. Buck A. Fuzzard

    Wow, that’s a lot of words spent arguing over imaginary friends.