God Made Me Lose!

Submitted by Charles Knighton

It has been reported in various sections of the press that Jamaica’s Prime Minister-elect, Portia Simpson Miller, plans to rely on divine guidance in her decisions on government policy, and has strongly suggested other members of government the same strategy. After all, if God is personally providing guidance, how can one possibly go wrong?

How many are aware that four Republican candidates were personally recruited by God to run for for President? Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, Herman Cain and Michele Bachman each provided detailed stories about where they were and what they were doing when God gave them the nod.  So just what kind of game was God playing? He told four people to run for president, but (barring a miracle, I guess) all four of them are going to end up disappointed. Imagine the situation: God himself told you to run for President. What an endorsement! What a boon to their fund-raising! And what a downer when he fails to deliver!

While I would hope the cognitive dissonance produced by the outcome of this test of faith might serve to disabuse at least these four “chosen ones” of such thinking, there rationalizations, I am sure, will keep them firmly attached to their delusional beliefs.  Should Prime Minister Simpson-Miller persist in governing according to the dictates of divine providence, one wonders what game “God” may play with the Jamaican people. A look at the world’s theocracies may offer some perspective.

62 responses to “God Made Me Lose!

  1. @Charles

    A conclusion steeped in logic but will be controversial nonetheless.

  2. God has no place, NO place in Governance …

  3. @ BAFBFP
    You going soon see what place God have in governance….LOL

    …you would do well to hush yuh mouth when dealing with issues that are above you…. ie that does not involve FOREX or US policy.

    If you want to know BBE’s position you only need ask the bushman. As as aspiring carwasher in BBE’s kingdom, Bushie can offer a bit of guidance on the subject.

    …just listening to those Republican candidates is enough to clearly show that they are all complete idiots – devoid of any knowledge of God or of the things of God…

  4. Smooth Chocolate

    @”He told four people to run for president, but (barring a miracle, I guess) all four of them are going to end up disappointed.”

    u are attempting to bring God down to ur level of understanding. He told 4 to run, did he said he expected them all to win? if u have and i doubt u do, a relationship with God, u would know that sometimes He commands us to go somewhere, where we end u getting disappointed but it is in that place that we accomplished exactly what we had been asking him for. stop trying to understand God. build a relationship with him first. no where in the old testament will u see that Jesus Christ would have risen from the dead. u see always that the died on the cross. now looking back in history, u realised that it was God’s purpose for Christ to conquer death but if He had made it known, satan would have done all in his power to stop Christ going to the cross. i said all that to say that God does not always show us his hand because the enemy would do all he can to frustrate it and God knowing humans, we more than likely will bend to satan’s tactics. yes i believe all 4 of them all but it only means that in them fighting for the presidency, they will end up exactly where He wants them to be – on some path to something they would want but in order to get it, that was the path they would need to follow.

    i am sure u would have experienced something like that in ur life. u got disappointed in one area but it was thru that area that u accomplished ur heart’s desire. cheers – he has more experience than u

  5. Random Thoughts

    Quoting Charles KNighton “God himself told you to run for President. What an endorsement! What a boon to their fund-raising! ”

    Actually not a boon for fundraising at all.

    The last time I checked God does NOT chip in one red cent to election campaigns.

    Ya tink God so foolish as to involve himself with rascally polititions.

  6. Smooth Chocolate

    @ “BAFBFP | January 14, 2012 at 10:24 AM |
    God has no place, NO place in Governance …”

    i pity u, there is none so blind as he who will not see. God created governance. He started it with Saul. pleaaassseee. i really hope for ur sake that u leave this world covered in the blood of Jesus. (ur soul i mean). yes i know u will respond with something short of an insult but when u do close ur eyes for the last time, u will face this same God – it has nothing to do with whether u believe in a God or not

  7. Does anyone believe that God inspired these humans to do anything except perhaps Portia? Why is it they always agree to separate Church and State if so?

  8. “i pity u, there is none so blind as he who will not see. God created governance. He started it with Saul. pleaaassseee. i really hope for ur sake that u leave this world covered in the blood of Jesus. (ur soul i mean). yes i know u will respond with something short of an insult but when u do close ur eyes for the last time, u will face this same God – it has nothing to do with whether u believe in a God or not”

    Can someone be this STUPID?

    “stop trying to understand God. build a relationship with him first. no where in the old testament will u see that Jesus Christ would have risen from the dead. u see always that the died on the cross. now looking back in history, u realised that it was God’s purpose for Christ to conquer death but if He had made it known, satan would have done all in his power to stop Christ going to the cross.”

    Can someone be so STUPID?

  9. Smooth Chocolate…… please go and take your medication or go to the pharmacy for a refill! You are babbling and incoherent!

  10. @ Islandgal

    You is the Bushie BU-sister, but you never fail to amaze….
    Do you know that there are multiple reasons why someone may appear to be ‘babbling and incoherent”…?

    1 – They may indeed be babbling and incoherent
    2 – They may be a brilliant genius – but speak an unknown language
    3 – They may be brilliant and YOU may be too dumb to understand
    4 – You may CHOOSE not to understand what they are saying
    5 – You may be so BLINDED that even if you wanted to – you do not get it….

    …and there are more.

    Now how would you assess someone who would jump up ‘just so’ and start to abuse a blogger who simply states a position that YOU find to be ‘babbling and incoherent..’

    …a mature BU sister would apologize…

  11. @ David
    “Does anyone believe that God inspired these humans to do anything…”
    You mean “Does anyone believe that these claims are anything more than PR gibberish, designed to attract sympathy from gullible voters”… (and there are many – especially in the USA.)

    EXCEPT Portia…???!!! LOLOL HA HA ROTFL….
    Man David, I feel that the REAL BU David gone on holiday and you is an imposter holding on for the last few days…

  12. @Bushie

    But Portia won the election!

    Plus she will not touch the homosexual legislation on the books.

  13. Smooth Chocolate

    @islandgal246 | January 14, 2012 at 11:58 AM |

    “Can someone be this STUPID?”

    if u choose to call it STUPID well then, yes i am 100%. because i know who i serve, a living God, who speaks to His people. I know the devil is saying about u and others of ur non-belief –

    “Can someone be this STUPID?”

  14. “But Portia won the election!”
    ….and this tells you that God called her…?
    Who in their right mind would want to be PM of Anywhere right now? – far less of Jamaica… unless of course it was the only available means of ensuring a steady salary for a while…

    Mind you, some persons ARE called to specific roles from time to time, but Bushie can tell you without ANY fear of contradiction, that BBE at present, is exercising a “hands off” policy with our affairs – except in a few very specific cases…. and you can see the consequences for yourself ALL OVER the world.

  15. @BT

    Just testing Charles thesis.

  16. St George's Dragon

    I would get worried if I heard voices in my head and I certainly wouldn’t vote for someone who said they had.

  17. Smooth Chocolate

    You is a woman … This year you get a free pass … Ga long do ..!

    Bush Tea

    If all you want is a car washing position well you really ain’ de man to be talking to me now nuh … 🙂

  18. @ David
    Charles’s Thesis?!! If we talking about the same Charles you are going to the extreme…. a clear case for Black Rock…

    @ The Dragon
    ….That is because you have a level head. Probably one in a hundred.

    @ BAFBFP
    Skippa, first you need to ask what kind of cars Bushie likely to be washing… But Bushie ain’t surprised by your position. You won’t listen to the carpenter either….
    LOL, Bushie see that yuh got this HTML thing down pat now nuh…

  19. @Bush Tea

    One just has to do a search ‘Using HTML for Dummies’ ;-0

  20. “3 – They may be brilliant and YOU may be too dumb to understand’

    I may be just too dumb to understand your position or Smooth chocolate’s.

  21. @David….. the Advocate’s editorial today touches on this same vein.

  22. ” i know who i serve, a living God, who speaks to His people. I know the devil is saying about u and others of ur non-belief -”

    But who cares? You have already stated that it doesn’t matter whether a person believes or not they will face the same God…..bunch of sick crap IMO

  23. Here is The BarbadosAdvocate’s editorial:

    Religion and politics


    As the United States’ Republican Party continues the long process of picking their candidate for the next election, outside observers like ourselves here in Barbados can learn a lot about the nature of American politics and Americans themselves. One of the first things one notices is the significant role religion plays in politics. That role will be even more pronounced as the primaries race moves on to South Carolina, where evangelical Christians make up a significant portion of the population.

    A candidate’s religious views are of paramount interest to some sections of the electorate, and candidates often find that their religious views can be a helping hand or a stumbling block in their political careers. President Obama found this out during his presidential campaign, at two different junctures. Mitt Romney, the present front-runner, has also faced opposition because of his religious beliefs. So much so, that some church leaders have come out publicly to say they will not endorse him because he is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints, better known as the Mormons.

    To the foreign observer, this emphasis on religious issues seems at odds with the very specific references of freedom of religion in the US constitution. It may seem strange that in a country which is so dedicated to keeping religious influences out of the public sphere, religion is one of the first litmus tests potential leaders must pass.

    However, there is a perfectly sensible reason for religion to play such an important role. Those who are elected to public office are taking charge of a sacred trust. The people have essentially hired them to look after their interests for a period of time. The electorate must do what it can to ensure that those it chooses for this important job will carry it out faithfully. In other words, the electorate must pick men and women with strong values and morals, who can be trusted to look out for the common good. It makes sense, therefore, to judge candidates, at least in part, on their religious beliefs because presumably they will be guided by these principles when in office.

    And yet, when one observes US presidential elections, it must be noted that while religious beliefs come under scrutiny, the focus tends to be on a few hot button issues – abortion and gay marriage, for example. Candidates are expected to have a viewpoint on these issues that the majority of the electorate will find acceptable. Candidates are often asked about their views on evolution or climate change. While these are important issues, the fact that these are the topics on which a candidate’s religious sincerity is judged is not a reflection of the electorate’s wish to ensure that honest and trustworthy persons occupy the highest office in the land, but rather are a reflection of the extent to which a certain section of the nation, conservative evangelicals, have come to dominate the political arena. That fact that climate change, for example, is considered a topic of religious discussion springs from the fact that many American evangelicals do not believe in it. Therefore, a candidate’s statement that he does not believe in climate change has nothing to do with Christianity and everything to do with securing the votes of evangelical Christians. The same could be said for other issues.

    While these contentious topics gain a lot of media attention and create a lot of controversy, they are not the only ways to judge a candidate’s character. Other Christian values like honesty, humility, respect for others and compassion should also be considered. However, these values tend to get lost in the fray as everyone focuses on contentious issues like gay marriage. And yet, these are the qualities which make great leaders. Perhaps American voters should also consider these traits when selecting their candidates.

  24. I guess atheist are not invited here.After all I am sure you all here have proof beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is a GOD.Every day I look around me I am more convince the devil is real.

  25. Here is a quote from the The Barbados Advocate which may cause one to choke:

    However, there is a perfectly sensible reason for religion to play such an important role. Those who are elected to public office are taking charge of a sacred trust. The people have essentially hired them to look after their interests for a period of time. The electorate must do what it can to ensure that those it chooses for this important job will carry it out faithfully. In other words, the electorate must pick men and women with strong values and morals, who can be trusted to look out for the common good. It makes sense, therefore, to judge candidates, at least in part, on their religious beliefs because presumably they will be guided by these principles when in office.

  26. It seems like bushie got the ear of BBE and the last man to have that positon of authority was cast out into the wilderness and that was Lucifier. LOL

  27. Colonel Buggy

    The politicians are just playing catch- up with the men of the cloth. We are now hearing from Apostle Wayne T.Bishop that God sent a message to him via Jippy Doyle to buy the Globe Cinema. Jesus !!

  28. @Colonel

    Should we be amazed at the Apostle or the 100+ souls in the congregation?

  29. Smooth Chocolate

    @islandgal246 | January 14, 2012 at 2:06 PM |
    “3 – They may be brilliant and YOU may be too dumb to understand’
    I may be just too dumb to understand your position or Smooth chocolate’s.”

    if u are dumb (more blind than dumb) u need to ask God for wisdom to know the truth before u leave this world. ’cause the second ur soul departs ur body without a relationship with ur creator, u CANNOT change ur eternal position which is eternal damnation. again i pity u

  30. Smooth Chocolate

    @BAFBFP | January 14, 2012 at 1:28 PM |
    Smooth Chocolate

    You is a woman … This year you get a free pass … Ga long do ..!”

    don’t understand but yes, a young, mixed race, smooth skin, chocolate coloured female and extremely pleasing on the eyes..need i say more? 😉 my God has blessed me and i know it

  31. Wah I mean is that you could tell me any shite you want, I gun leave you be … that is all,. that is all, that is all (ps. I hope yah stacked …) What a waste that you saving all that goodness for a deity …

  32. @ Bush Tea

    “I see how David is hang on to your every word. Like he is your friend fah true.”

    Pun de other hand you ever notice how the man is talk down to me …?

  33. @ ac
    LOL… Wait!! you hadn’t promised to ‘done with the bushman….’ ?What happen boozzie? You just could not resist condemning Bushie to Hell nuh…

    Don’t waste your time sis, Bushie done fix up already with a spot in the other place….just waiting for the boss to return with the key…

    ac, Why you could not compare the bushman with David the Shepard boy. He turned out to be a fairly wutless fellow (could not resist the ” smooth chocolates” of his time….) but he was a man after BBE’s own heart…

  34. @BAFBFP

    Don’t be offended, it is just that we have a soft spot for the Bush man because when the blog was fledgling in the early days he was one of the first to submit articles 🙂

  35. @ BAFBFP
    You hear the man is Bushie pal…. Well at least the original David before the AX issue….
    …he does talk down at you? LOL. … He ain’t as bad as Ellis though?! LOLOLOLOL you got the men frighten wid dem multiple personalities…

  36. …and here the bushman thinking it was because Bushie used to talk sense…

  37. @Bushie

    You know the talking sense part can be subjective…according to ac lol.

  38. Smooth Chocolate

    @BAFBFP | January 14, 2012 at 4:28 PM |
    ” What a waste that you saving all that goodness for a deity”

    My deity has my soul, my spirit and my body (his temple). these i share with my husband. no love lost i should think

  39. Smooth Chocolate…please do not pity me . What you are saying does not make any sense to me, one man’s religion is another man’s much poison like politics.

    Anyone and everyone can say God has spoken to them why can’t it be Satan speaking. It can’t change the outcome.

    God must have spoken to Jippy Doyle before he raped the young girl because if God didn’t who did? Like God spoke to him again when he was released………Stupse …… Like God working overtime nuff overtime.

  40. By saying God told them to get into politics many politicians believe that will give them credibility with voters. It is like someone coming for a job interview saying that they are a Christian up front to get a head start….. Stupse And some people will fall for that old trick until they see for themselves that this same Christian they will still steal from you. It is difficult to separate the yolk from the albumen.

  41. de truth is i still waiting to get de bush bath dat is why i so mad at he!

  42. Random Thoughts

    Quoting the Advocate “In other words, the electorate must pick men and women with strong values and morals, who can be trusted to look out for the common good. It makes sense, therefore, to judge candidates, at least in part, on their religious beliefs because presumably they will be guided by these principles when in office.”

    And this description fits the much married, much divorced Newt Gingrich?


    It would seem from reading the book of Daniel in the OT that God does set up and take down Governments.

    In the book of Daniel in the OT we see that God predicted who would be in the ascendancy in world power…………and that his predictions ALL came to pass.

    One more prediction to be fulfilled in this line of predictions—- the ten toes of Meubuchadnezzers image. Earlier this year the Euro leaders chose ten countries and call themselves THE TEN. t seems that the writing is on the wall.

  44. Stupse … I did knocking ‘bouot BU fah years and I still can’ get nah respect …. 🙂

  45. Random Thoughts

    Happy New Year GP.

  46. Random Thoughts

    And when the woman, and the woman’s teenaged son went home to find his mother gone to America wid she man.

    God was in that do to?



  48. @ GP
    “…..and that his predictions ALL came to pass…”
    Predicting is not exactly the same as “setting up and taking down Governments”.
    It may be just a case of stating beforehand, what those who would ultimately be involved would choose to do.
    This is really no big feat for a BBE who is unconstrained by time…..

    This is not to say that there have not been examples of setting up and taking down of governments and personalities… just the specific EU example….
    …plus the bushman could never resist heckling a brainiac like GP…LOL
    Best Wishes for 2012 …. we will all need them.


    @ Bushie
    I am not a braniac man
    I just a bit more consistent than most with the reading
    I think that you know the relevant passages and the relevant history of the past……….so there is no dispute here

    I dont think that the dear Lord need intervene much these days. He just lets the morons run amuck as they accomplish his purposes.

    You no doubt can see some more predictions on this score being fulfilled as a result of the incompetence of contemporary world leaders. Fumble is not alone here

  50. Big Up Georgie Porgie Pudding and Pie kissed the girls and made them cry
    Have you been laying off the holy wine

  51. Thanks kiki for posting the martin Luther video in respective of his Birthday being celebrated tomorrow. as we watchthe of turn of events engulfing our little Barbados in Martins own Words”LET FREEDOM RING”

  52. To David:
    Are you really calling for a combination of church and state. Man experimented with that once it was called the rule of the Roman catholic Church. Without its despotic rule in Europe, we would have the USA today. Remember the inquisition, and remember that Hitler’s Pope, the current Pope, was in charge of the inquisition as it waits for the final time to reassert the RC status as the true church of god on this earth.

  53. @lemuel

    Point taken but why bother to invoke the faith in God when running?

    Seems hypocritocal!

  54. @GP

    Good to see you back here my friend. Best wishes for a blessed 2012 to you and the family.

  55. I am SOOOO disillusioned by all this. I really did think God was an old man up in the sky.

  56. To David:
    It is not being hypocritical. The average person in the USA wants their politician to say that he or she is connected in some spiritual way. If you do not say it, then you will have a hard time being seen as the type of leader to lead the “free world”. Most if not all of the politicians in the USA are born hypocrites including Barrack Obama, and I solidly support Mr. Obama. Here in Barbados very very few care two shakes of a lamb’s tail about poor people or Barbados. That is a reality we have to live with and be aware the type of animals we deal with called politicians.

  57. chocolate city hussle

    @islandgal246 | January 14, 2012 at 6:42 PM |
    “God must have spoken to Jippy Doyle before he raped the young girl because if God didn’t who did? Like God spoke to him again when he was released………Stupse …… Like God working overtime nuff overtime.”

    how could u compare the two? just because someone says they are christian and does somethings in Jesus’ name means nothing. even Christ warned of those. so being that raper Jippy Doyle into this equation only shows ur lack comprehension about things of God. u certainly need to look at how u stand up to God. don’t look at anyone else. God will NEVER ask you about Jippy Doyle, hitler, etc he will ask u about u – what u did with Christ.

  58. chocolate city hussle | January 17, 2012 at 4:24 PM |

    Like the Hindus, Buddhists, Bahai Muslims etc my God is not Christ!

  59. So how come hermain Cain got a pass to run for president or was god asleep when he cross the line. But yuh know all this foolisness about god telling them corrupt politicians to run reminds me of the crazy person who says “the devil made me do it” everybody seems to have a voice roaming around in their head maybe they all “CRAZY” and the public falls for it. CRAZY !