Rawle Eastmond It Is Time To Go You Good And Faithful Servant

Rawle Eastmond MP

The imbroglio at the Alexandra School conspired to push Barbados Labour Party (BLP) politics from the national radar. Who can fault the BLP strategy to quietly squeeze political mileage from  the perpetual turmoil associated with government. Ironically it was the selection of the flamboyant Noel ‘Barney’ Lynch on the weekend to represent the BLP in the constituency of St. Michael South which served as a reminder that a few issues are simmering on the BLP side.

One of the issues, the revelation that long serving BLP candidate Rawle Eastmond was asked to participate in an open nomination to select the candidate to represent the BLP in the upcoming general election. Bear in mind Eastmond has been the representative for St. James North for 20+ years. Observers are left to conclude that the BLP intends to ‘retire’ Eastmond despite his willingness to run for another term. There is speculation that Eastmond’s encounter a few years ago with diabolical forces, the fact he is a Mia Mottley sympathizer or Arthur wanting to insert his man are among the reasons for the BLP wanting to give the shove to Eastmond. If we are to judge from Rawle Eastmond’s recent public statements on the matter,  he intends to caucus with his constituents at the end of the month to decide the way forward. He has spiced up the controversy by alluding to the need for the BLP to make changes to prevent vote padding which would act to his disadvantage in an open nomination. This is a very serious charge to be made by a long serving BLP member.

What has been interesting to date is to observe how party leader Owen Arthur has conducted himself through the process. A quote which is attributed to him on the matter: “There is a distinction between the leader of the party and organs that are required to deal with these things. This is a matter that falls within the jurisdiction of the executive and the national council of the Barbados labour Party” . Does anyone believe that Arthur is timid about using his influence within the party?

There is precedent in BLP politics to suggest that Arthur has not been afraid to back a candidate in the nomination process. The most visible case is in 2003 when William Duguid, Jessica Odle and Kerri Symmonds fiercely competed for the nomination in Christ Church West to replace Henry Forde. Political pundits would recall that Kerri Symmonds was known to be Arthur’s pick. Like Eastmond, Duguid and Odle refused to be intimidated by Arthur and Symmonds had to withdraw. The rest as they say is history. Rawle Eastmond can take heart from that case. The difference maybe that a young and energetic Duguid was able to mobilize a well oiled PR campaign which eventually earned him the nod.

Does Eastmond have the energy to confront Owen Arthur as leader of the party and the BLP party machinery to win the battle to represent St. James North? Is the BLP willing to encourage a confrontation with Eastmond which might have the effect of offsetting the Eager 11 issue  in the minds of Barbadians? We will soon know.

87 responses to “Rawle Eastmond It Is Time To Go You Good And Faithful Servant

  1. Why would Mia go public if she was refused privately?

    The only answer she is looking to ‘pick’ a noise.

  2. well well well. the pendulum, has swung back. I was never a fan of a third party but clearly our two established parties making a mockery of this thing and taking we for jackasses….stupse.

  3. @Observing

    On the face of it you have to agree with Arthur, why would he allow this matter to play out in public?

    Mottley is politically naive to expect otherwise.

  4. only one side of the story was told that was Owen! the other side has not been heard that of Mia. ! the saga continues not heard the end yet! wait for the whole truth not the one Owen told!

  5. However one spins it, it is an internal party matter should not be played out in the public as salacious as it it for the public.

    This goes for both parties.

    It serves as a distraction at a time when more important issues abound.

  6. well maybe so in the real world but the “political world” has its own agenda and Mia is no fool she knows why!

  7. old onion bags

    As I see it , all’s well that ends well…

  8. A clear indication that Owen Arthur understands leadership, Mia misunderstands strategic positioning, and Rawle has overplayed his hand. The astute Arthur will take no hostages; he has hinted that if they want to commit political suicide, let them do just that.

  9. The BLP full up wid some power hungry lowlife dogs, who pays gangsters to do dum dirty work.

  10. @David
    I think it’s just sad when the media has to be the conduit for communications between the highest leaders of our land (political, labour, business etc.).

    If we as grown men and women in a mature society, with a proud history and tradition, can’t see it fit to pick up a phone and call or sit at a table and drink a brandy or go puff a cigar and sort shit out, what the hell do we really expect from our people???

  11. @Observing

    The obvious answer is that our politicians originate from the same place we come from.

  12. Where is that OLD WINDBAG..oops I mean OLD ONION BAGS on this story of NO Mia !

    Mia just put another nail in Owen’s coffin.

    I guess by the time PM Stuart reveal to the country the details of what transpired at the Pegasus Hotel in Jamaica….it would be all over.

    Stay tune to this station.

  13. I cannot understand what Mottley would expect. Why would Mottley believe that she can speak on behalf of Rawle in this matter? Rawle is a veteran politican who can speak lucidly on any topic. She has to realise that she is no longer a leader in the party. She cannot divide the party in her own mind and she must understand that she has no standing in this matter. My question is does she feel she should have a monination in her own riding? or should she be given a free pass? Cynthia Forde said earlier that she is willing to take on all commers so Cynthia understands the rules . That,s why she says he is supporting Rawle to win..As I have said before there should be a postponement of the contest so that Rawle could canvass all those in the list while he himself is able to solicit new members so that the fairness of the contest is clear and apparent.

  14. She has kept quiet for a long so much so it was thought that she has learnt her lesson that she does not own the BLP. She has been publicly associating mainly with the Dems so what does she expect? Does she want news to give to them as someone above alleges she has done. If she needed to speak to the leader privately, why did she had to make it public, all she needed to do is to attend the Monday night parliamentary group meeting!

  15. RE
    Tareddy | January 31, 2012 at 9:27 AM |

    The BLP full up wid some power hungry lowlife dogs, who pays gangsters to do dum dirty work.

    And the DEMS are sqeaky clean paragons of virtue??!!! Dont insult people’s intelligence, the skulduggery in the Dems goes back to its origins….remember Harold Blackman’s public put down of Sandi, Richie Haynes and his men, the downfall of Sandi by his own men, the public cursing between the dead king and Kellman, the dead king and Mascoll and most recent the eager 11.

    Tell me who have the most gangsters???

  16. Prodigal Son | January 31, 2012 at 12:43 PM

    tell me who have the most gangsters???
    Owen Arthur and the BLP by a long shot !

  17. old onion bags

    @ Wizard
    Hush…….Hush…..Hush…come Sunday all will be hushed.
    We must all realize that we live in a democracy.Everyone must learn to conform.This whole shambuzal is nothing more than political rostering Playing this out in public, is just healthy banter.Come Sunday all should be back to normal.
    It just shows what yard birds would choose to pick up when they can find no issues.When the bell rings…others will have,..for sure.. nuff .
    Boy what you call onions name for?…. thought you dug up something.

  18. I hope everyone realises this dearth of consistently effective and commanding leaders who can communicate, motivate and inspire doesn’t bode well for Barbados on a whole. Just read a few of Barrow’s speeches for leisure..ironic that their content is as relevant now as it was then….and inspires more than anything heard recently… go figure.

    Rawle and Mia should accept the result of the nomination or carry clear proof of padding to the executive, then Arthur, then the press if necessary as a last resort. This Nation Newspaper message passing is pure bollocks.

  19. Whoever uses the Bible to tell a committed servant of any constituency that it’s time to go is a fool because that is flying in the face of God or purporting to know when a servant of the people should go. That is a matter for God first (nb David Thompson – may his soul find favour with God) …and the servant next. Keep out of matters that do not call to you and me.

  20. And while we are at it, well then…is Owen ‘new blood’? Some of you are ‘real’ thinkers! I say: let the old and the new move on together! Don’t we have a lesson in too much new blood in the current government? Thank God for Fruendel …only if the new blood would learn to follow rather than trying to upstage; but that too will be resolved as is happening in the “old man’s” favour.

  21. From Nationnews.com “Arthur also said he would not be meeting with Mottley regarding any other issues.”

    So is Arthur saying he will not meet with a duly elected member of parliament who is an outstanding member of his party?

    Time to go Mia. Your constituents will forgive you.

  22. You notice it too Hants. Owen adamant he isnt meeting with Mia period. What manner of leadership is that pray tell.

    His party member wants to meet with him on matters of utmost importantance to the BLP and he refuses to do so privately or publicly.

    The eager 11 story was child’s play in comparison to Owen’s dictatorial short me crutch man modus operendi.
    Mia , Cynthia and Rawle should cross the floor and send Owen and his cronies six feet under politically speaking next election in 2013.

  23. @BU.David: “Thank God for Fruendel …only if the new blood would learn to follow rather than trying to upstage.

    That’s not the nature of the new blood.

  24. Note David of BU comments are posted next to a BU logo.

    Next blog to be posted shortly deals with the Mia Arthur matter.

  25. @the real BU David
    Y not do a blog and wrap everybody together for fun. All is d sam sh#**. 11 v. Freundel, Freundel v. BAPPSS, BSTU v. Broome, Mottley v. Arthur, Rawle v. the party, Sinckler v. Sinckler, Worrell v. The facts.

    Uh mean geese. These are our leaders. Stupse I say again.

  26. Owen Arthur is the Leader of the Opposition, he is not the Chairman of the BLP. Hence, Mia is seeking a meeting with the wrong person if it is to discuss the candidacy or non-electability of Rawle Eastmond. Thought lawyers would have known that the Chairman and his executive are the only ones capable of giving those aggrieved an ear.
    No wonder Owen is the leader!