Another Father’s Day Goes By

Submitted by The Scout

Happy Father’s Day

Every year on Mothers’ Day, they are pampered and rightly so. They are special mothers who receive awards and gifts in abundance. However, when it is the turn of fathers on this day, the whole affair is very low-keyed. Even when there is an address by someone, the tune is always very negative.

The Bureau of Gender Affairs over the last few years have held a week of activities – this it would appear – was done simply because there was a budget for it.  Because there was never a great demand by them (Gender Affairs) to market the activities hence poor response.

This year I’ve heard nothing about the Fathers Day activities by the Bureau, but it seems the budget was spent on a women’s island wide promotion . To make matters worse, I heard my Prime Minister today in his address to his party followers castigating men on their unwillingness to accept their responsibilities. The negative way the Prime Minister spoke about fathers and men in general today makes one to believe that Bajan men are all bad. Every day, I see fathers/men taking their children/babies to school/nursery, to the doctor, even the more adult children to sporting activities and most of all to church.

It is time our leaders and the news media start highlighting the good that fathers/men do in this society. Yes, there are bad fathers but equally, there are bad mothers too, there are mothers in this society who would used getting pregnant for different men as a means of not working, and rely on the court to demand money from the babies’ father.  Yet in most cases the fathers doesn’t even know if the child is alive or dead. Sometimes the issue of paternity arises. The Courts are bias towards mothers therefore it seems fathers are always on the losing end.

Time fathers are seen in a more positive way. Let’s make this Father’s Day a day when we celebrate the good that fathers do in raising there children.

80 responses to “Another Father’s Day Goes By

  1. simple simone
    The Bible also says, husbands must leave their mother and father and cling to his wife. Did you forget that part? how on God’s earth can two young men in 24/7 jobs still find time to do day to day duties for their father. Remember, they offered to have a qualified nurse/helper to assist but the wife refused. No the wife sent for her daughter from overseas with no quailifications in nursing . Wasn’t she a stranger in the old man’s house too?

  2. @Scout
    your are so silly ! wouldn’t it be funny that after your death that your children marry someone of similar character as the woman you have portrayed in the story? THEN WHAT!

  3. Congrats to my Prime Minister for declaring that Barbados is going to be the leading GREEN country in the Americas and the caribbean. Therefore, when we put the DLP back to govern, there will be no more driving behind a diesel vehicle, especially mini-busses, and have to roll up my car windows to escape the foul black smut coming from the exhaust. I will no longer walk up River Rd and inhale, the smoke coming from the furnace at the QEH. No longer will we be seeing dead animals left to rot alongside the highway,or cups, bowes and paper bags thrown from passing vehicles. Oh what a GREEN place, this country is going to become, when the DLP and P.M Stuart regains government.

  4. I forgot, no longer will we see men and women urinating at the side of the road.

  5. old onion bags

    who bother anymore scout…… is beyond recall

  6. ac
    I think I made that point clear earlier in this same blog, my property , ALL OF IT, goes to my estate for the use of by offspringand their offspring. That is already taken care of.

  7. In other words, no man or woman can marry any of my children, then divorce and pay them out and keep the house; the house belong to the estate. It is not what you do but how it is done.

  8. look scout a lot of family houses in barbados fall to the ground because the responsibilty and upkeepof the property is not always serviced equally i know that you think you have all the answers but sometimes when you thinki you fix one thing you break another and a lot of the time you end with more than you bargained for.

  9. Simple Simon

    @scout”The Bible also says, husbands must leave their mother and father and cling to his wife. Did you forget that part?”

    No I did not.

    The first wife had inherited the property from her blood relatives and chose to leave it not to a blood relative, but to her chosen husband.

    That husband in turn chose to leave the property not to a blood relative, but to his chosen wife.

    The church, the law, custom, and most people put husbands and wives over blood relatives.

    The husband did not do anything wrong, since he did EXACTLY the same thing as his first wife.

    I still don’t understand why the sons and their friend scout are surprised.

  10. Simple Simon

    There are a good number of people, including Scout who even though they acknowledge that marriage and their marriage in particular is a great thing still seem hostile to second wives. Second wives are somehow seen as greedy, monstrous, and less deserving But there is NOTHING in Scripture or in law that says that second wives should be treated as second rate.

    Second wives are just as good as first wives.

  11. Simple Simon
    You seem to be involved in or know the circumstances surrounding this misdeed and you are very defensive to this new family that has come to this country and rob a bajan family out of their property;maybe you are one of the beneficieries. Maybe you have some dislike to men, or maybe you’re not even a man;it could be simple Simine. Whatever it is, this woman is a treasure seeker who cannot at her death take nothing that she has robbed someone of with her. If you are involved in this matter, may your conscience have the better of you. That’s why fathers/men MUST be careful and don’t allow these women to fool them as they appear like a wolf in sheep clothing. I understand this is not the first time something similar has happened to bajan married men. Some women from another country, have confused these men heads, caused them to divorce, got married to them, then bring in their family, including their boyfriend disguised as a cousin, later get rid of the man and gain his property. BAJAN MEN BE WARNED.

  12. old onion bags

    @ scout
    Beware of foreign BARNACLES!!!!!!….they stick on to jettison real easily….then come to plunder n rob.Barbados needs a policy to protect its citizens from such parasites.

  13. Simple Simon

    I am not a beneficiary. I don’t know the family. I am 101% Bajan, so are my children, grandchildren, my parents, grandparents, and great grand parents. I am not a widow, wife, nor outside woman. Like all good Bajans I believe in JUSTICE.

  14. Simple Simon

    Barbados law says that even without a will a widow or widower is entitled to 2/3 share of their spouse’s estate. A spouse can of course chose to will more to their husband or wife. So do you scout or you ole onions believe that this law is defective? THINK before you write. If the law is changed it will not only affect new foreign second wives. It will also affect your own wivs, daughters and granddaughters. Is that what you really want?

  15. Simple Simon

    Would you like to see a law which prevents Bajan men (and women) who are widowed (or divorced) from marrying again? Would you like to see a law which prevents Bajan men (and women) from marrying foeigners? Is that what you really want? THINK, men, THINK. The right to marry or not to marry is one of the most treasured parts of being an adult in a democracy.

  16. Simple Simon

    Let’s set a scenario. Scout’s daughter marries and lives happily with her husband for 20 years. However they had no children together, but he had 2 with someone else before he married. One day he dies suddenly, without a will. Would you like that his property went to his blood relatives, that is his children, and that your daughter is sent naked and homeless out the door. The law as it now stands is designed to prevent this from happening. Even without a will, Scout’s daugher gets 2/3 of her husband’s estate. Her husband’s 2 adult childen get the other 1/3 between them. This seems very just to me and to those who wrote Barbados’ family law. Sometime we don’t recognize when we have EXCELLENT law.

  17. Simple Simon
    I have no quarrels with the second wife getting a share of the property, but why should the two sons who were there for their father through their formative years and be his support when his wife their mother, died. Repaired the same house when their mother was sick, provide all the swupport they could have given him during his sickness. The only other think they could have done was to give up their jobs to assist their father, and then there would have been no money because his second wife never worked in Barbados. She came out of nowhere and took advantage of the man’s lonelness when his wife died and grabbed the old man’s property. If you call this JUSTICE, then this whole world is UnJUST. From your mouthings, i think, no matter what you day, you are involved and you are Simone and not Simon, finally you don’t sound like a bajan, you have the same menatality as these foreign women who come here looking to rip off bajans.

  18. Simple Simon
    As I’ve said, this wouldn’t happen to my children, because I’ve already taken care of that legally.No MAN or WOMAN can claim any of my property after I’ve expired because it belong to my estate and not to there partner. My children will be the trustees to my estate.

  19. Simple Simon

    We can’t have one law for the Medes and another one for the Persians.

    Or in other words we can’t have one law for Bajan wives and another law for foreign wives.

    ALL marriages in Barbados must stand EQUAL before the law.

    However no law canprevent people form making foolish decisions.