Caribbean Court of Justice Shanique Myrie Decision

Shanique Myrie

Follow the Shanique Myrie decision to be handed down at 10AM October 4, 2013. Video streaming available from the CCJ Website


308 responses to “Caribbean Court of Justice Shanique Myrie Decision

  1. islandgal246

    Wunna blaming OSA for signing the Treaty of Chaguaramas he was continuing the work of the Hon Errol Walton Barrow started he was the forerunner for CARIFTA which later became CARICOM

  2. @Baf

    Listened to the program as well. Wondered why Nicholls was invited on the show knowing his would have been pro-Caricom CCJ view given his political stripe :-).

    Don’t be too hard on Ellis, his program today exposed the confusion.

    At least he got the scoop from Roger who is his friend.

  3. islandgal246

    If Shanique Myrie lied to immigration and was deported for that then what is the present government doing to Barbadians? Were they not lying about free University Education?About the restart of Four Seasons? About building a new hospital? That they can cover the cost of drugs for the hospital? That the budget cuts will in no way affect the hospital? What do you call these mouthings? Can we deport them for lying?

  4. David
    So Roger is Fraud Ellis’s friend … birds of a feather … (Oops, hope Amuse don’ read this ..)

  5. @islandgal

    There is a BIG difference between a social contract and an international treaty 🙂

    On 7 October 2013 22:04, Barbados Underground

  6. @Ping Pong
    In the early days of the Myrie matter was there no legal opinion offered to the B’dos Government that the CCJ could possibly come to the decision that it has? If no such opinion was proffered, would this be indicative that the Government of Barbados does not share this “right of entry” view? If however such an opinion was given then why did the B’dos government not go the route of diplomatic negotiation and save the country the likely very large legal fees now incurred?
    A legal opinion is just an “opinion’ it is not a binding judgment, even some judgments are appealed successfully so opinions come and opinions go, the law is always subject to different interpretation by different people.

  7. George C. Brathwaite

    @ Alvin Cummins

    You have sorely disappointed me in your capacity to read, understand, and summarise standard English. It is appalling that for whatever reason, you choose to abandon your years of learning and prefer to descend to the abyss of fools. I am sorry, if I did not know you I would have been more courteous. Regardless of whether you agree or disagree or like many think Barbados should abandon regionalism, there is no sense in totally distorting the judgement. I bet you would have preferred the wigs and long robes of white men telling you the same blasted thing; except that they would have been right!