Tag Archives: BP

BP Oil Spill Surpasses Exxon Valdez

Submitted by Austin

Click on image to view live underwater feed

Someone better check out the safety of oil industries, production and transport in the Caribbean region: before it’s too late.

Today many news outlets are covering the success of the US space program with focus on the shuttle. Ironically I find it absolutely amazing that we can fly too and from outer space, yet we can’t plug a hole in de ground (noting the oil spill off the US coast).

Just for one minute imagine how we in the Caribbean region would be impacted if a similar thing occurred off our shores.  Our tourism and fishing industries would be crippled if not destroyed, not to mention the money we don’t have for clean up efforts.
As a region we better check out any coast line oil production and transport, noting how close in proximity many Caribbean nations are relatively speaking.

With all BP’s record profits in recent years clearly not enough was put into ensuring safe and environmentally friendly innovation and research. BP has become to the environment what firms like Goldman Sachs was to the financial crisis,  “Too big to fail” has been extended to “Too rich to be held accountable”.

Hung, Drawn And Quartered: Modern Politics At The Crossroads In an Age Of Stasis And Instability

Submitted by Terence Blackett

Credit: Creative Art Inspiration Website

If we are to believe the media’s analysis on the state of British politics based entirely upon the General Election results of Thursday night into Friday – one would assume that the gridlock often seen in Capitol Hill, Washington DC was now dawning on the shores of Britain for the first time in a generation causing an already beleaguered market to go into a Greek-style tailspin.

But this is what the Athenian model of democracy has resulted in. Much can be said about Greek culture (the cradle of democracy and civilization) but moreover as we witness the bedlam, anarchy and economic seismology in Greece at the moment – we can take little comfort in the modern machinations of political intrigue.

On another equally troubling note, BP (British Petroleum) is in the news AGAIN. We must conclude that these oil companies are criminal enterprises propped up by evil governments for the sake of wanton profit and excess. Look at SHELL* and its antics! Has Southern Farmers in Barbados been adequately compensated in a 15 year-old saga which has robbed many of their livelihoods? What about the Ogoni people of Niger Delta? What about these folks in my neck of the woods?

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