Tag Archives: Greystone

Nation Newspaper Breaks Blackwater Story Almost Eleven Months After Original Story

The Nation’s Jeremy Scahill describes the rise of Blackwater USA, the world’s most powerful mercenary army.

Blackwater in Barbados?
Published on: 8/24/08.


BLACKWATER WORLDWIDE, one of the globe’s best-known but highly controversial security companies, has established a corporate presence in Barbados. That’s according to the Guardian, a leading British newspaper and online news service published in London. It told its readers that the United States company, which has found itself embroiled in several controversial and deadly incidents in Iraq and Afghanistan, has established an offshore company, “Greystone Limited,” in Bridgetown.

Source: Nation Newspaper

We don’t intend to bore the BU family by continuing to bash our friends on Fontebelle but when a BU family member sent us the heads-up this morning, we could not resist sharing. The Nation newspaper highly decorated US correspondent Mr. Tony Best has highlighted in his Sunday Sun column today, the Blackwater connection to Barbados. The BU family can have a read for those who are not aware of the connection. It is a story which Mr. Best gives credit to the Guardian newspaper. Continue reading