Tag Archives: Security

10:10:10: The Eco-Terrorists Threat – Will The Dark Forces Of Global Tyranny Use This Date To Create Havoc And Mayhem Or Is This A Preamble For The 2012 Apocalyptic Prophecies?

Submitted by Terence Blackett

“Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny” – Robert A. Heinlein

On Friday October 1st a purported tape of Osama bin Laden surfaced with a rather coy but veiled message of a Mumbai-style attack on [3] European cities – Britain, Germany and France. Visitors are being warned to avoid unnecessary travel to these destinations.

National security agencies in the EU & USA have gone on to a heightened state of alert bracing for possible attacks by Al Qaeda type militants or sleeper-cells lying dormant in the hubris of most European cities.

But is all this a smokescreen? Are we being played by Hollywood, the news media and the shadowy conspiratorial forces of government bureaucracy? Or is there a more sinister “spirit” at work slithering underneath the radar of cognitive human perception and understanding – working according to a well laid out plan centuries in the making?

Bin Laden’s supposed statement was rather interesting given that this is a man for whom the world has painted a rather dubious yet diabolical picture of and careful analysis of his words is usually frothed over with a fine-tooth comb.

In this 11-minute audio tape from bin Laden which emerged on the internet called “Reflections on the Method of Relief Work” concentrated specifically on global warming and the floods in Pakistan.

But why? Is bin Laden softening? And if this is really him – is this a veiled, coded message based on the Eastern astrological significance of 10: 10: 10?

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We Hope That All Is Well Mr. Prime Minister…

Prime Minister of Barbados, David Thompson

Prime Minister of Barbados, David Thompson

A member of the BU family attended the recent Remembrance Day parade and was forced to asked the following questions:

  • Who was the guy in the dark suit shadowing the Prime Minister at the Remembrance Day Parade ?
  • Why was he shadowing our leader secret service style?
  • Why were they sniper-like lookouts from the clock tower at the parade as seen in today’s nation newspaper?
  • Why was MP2 trailed by an unmarked vehicle when the PM left the parade?
  • Have they been a credible threat again the Prime Minister?
  • Have these enhanced security measures been used for former Prime Ministers?  If no, why now?

We hope that the BU family member is being paronoid and there is nothing which has happened in recent times to have threatened the security of our Prime Minister.

Nation Newspaper Breaks Blackwater Story Almost Eleven Months After Original Story

The Nation’s Jeremy Scahill describes the rise of Blackwater USA, the world’s most powerful mercenary army.

Blackwater in Barbados?
Published on: 8/24/08.


BLACKWATER WORLDWIDE, one of the globe’s best-known but highly controversial security companies, has established a corporate presence in Barbados. That’s according to the Guardian, a leading British newspaper and online news service published in London. It told its readers that the United States company, which has found itself embroiled in several controversial and deadly incidents in Iraq and Afghanistan, has established an offshore company, “Greystone Limited,” in Bridgetown.

Source: Nation Newspaper

We don’t intend to bore the BU family by continuing to bash our friends on Fontebelle but when a BU family member sent us the heads-up this morning, we could not resist sharing. The Nation newspaper highly decorated US correspondent Mr. Tony Best has highlighted in his Sunday Sun column today, the Blackwater connection to Barbados. The BU family can have a read for those who are not aware of the connection. It is a story which Mr. Best gives credit to the Guardian newspaper. Continue reading

Airport Security Being Operated By A Fly-By Night Operator

The following email was received from a BU Reader.

Dear Sir:
Airport Security is being operated by a fly by night operator, a person that has never operated in this field of business before, amazingly he gets awarded a major contract for the airport as a proving ground. While we are on the subject of being ripped off and corruption etc I have a few questions to ask with regards to the awarding of the contract for the security at Grantley Adams International Airport.
This contract has been awarded to a Mr Ishi Huque for the security of the entire airport this was coordinated with the help of Glyne Clarke of wuk for wuk fame and Glyne Murray two elite members of the ruling party.
Let me put it to you that he has never before operated or run a Security Business in his life before, but he manages to land the contract for something as important as the airport security contract. Why would one of the other professional security companies not get a look in at this contract I ask? My feeling is that this is one of those cases of I will scratch your back if you scratch mine.
He is a loyal supporter of the party and lives in St.George you put two and two together and see how it adds up, the airport has many more cases of party loyals getting hooked up in work at this location, think for a minute and tell me who has the duty free shops contract for the same airport???
Haloute just happened to be the best bid for the restaurant I am sure.