BP Oil Spill Surpasses Exxon Valdez

Submitted by Austin

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Someone better check out the safety of oil industries, production and transport in the Caribbean region: before it’s too late.

Today many news outlets are covering the success of the US space program with focus on the shuttle. Ironically I find it absolutely amazing that we can fly too and from outer space, yet we can’t plug a hole in de ground (noting the oil spill off the US coast).

Just for one minute imagine how we in the Caribbean region would be impacted if a similar thing occurred off our shores.  Our tourism and fishing industries would be crippled if not destroyed, not to mention the money we don’t have for clean up efforts.
As a region we better check out any coast line oil production and transport, noting how close in proximity many Caribbean nations are relatively speaking.

With all BP’s record profits in recent years clearly not enough was put into ensuring safe and environmentally friendly innovation and research. BP has become to the environment what firms like Goldman Sachs was to the financial crisis,  “Too big to fail” has been extended to “Too rich to be held accountable”.

147 responses to “BP Oil Spill Surpasses Exxon Valdez

  1. @ MME

    Your comments are noted, but you appear to be, like BP a little out of your depth here my son…….

    I am not sure what size envelope you would have used in your ‘back of envelope’ calculations ….. you sure you did not use tissue? of the toilet variety…? LOL

    Bush men usually try to avoid being too technical, but at a flow rate of 12000-19000 barrels per day exiting a 18 inch diameter pipe, do you have any idea of what force it will take to effectively decelerate the mass of oil in that riser coming up to the BOP to standstill?
    What BOP compromised by the explosion what??!!
    the valve mechanism failed, but this does not affect the structural integrity of the basic metal shell.

    Have you ever tried to seal a half-inch water pipe under flow?

    ….trust me MME, you either turn the flow off, or install a valve in the OPEN position, ensure a proper fit, and then gradually decelerate the flow by slowly closing the new valve.

    I will be pleasantly surprised if this ‘cut an cap’ crap works for the above reason.

    With reference to the top kill – Of course it was nonsense! it had NO chance of working whatsoever. It was just gobbledygook from the very start.

    Since you asked, Bush Tea can offer a ‘top kill’ solution which would work – but which would NOT interest BP for obvious reasons.

    First, instead of cutting off that riser pipe, the robots should have drilled several large drill-bits all the way through a small section of the pipe at various angles and left them in place.
    The ‘junk shot’ of shredded tyres etc should then have been injected under pressure into the BOP and subsequently allowed to be forced by the oil out the riser pipe to be blocked by the drill bits.

    Any o’level student can see how this would have closed off the oil flow.

    ….but as you can see, BP is not interested in any solution that does not involve continued pumping….

  2. …..amazing how I can never seem to find MME when the bushman wants to brag about being right -again….

    …so now BP comes along and plugs a cork into the leaking oil well, with a little straw out the top…. and manages to extract 10% of the oil leaking into the gulf, and we are told it is a ‘partial success’….

    So next time Waterworks have a burst main in Bridgetown they can come along and put a big rock on top of the leak after sticking a garden hose into the hole to capture some of the leaking water…… Well I never!!

    So MME, what happened to simply pinching the pipe close with a hydraulic crimp – like the one they used to cut through the same pipe? ..can’t believe that you support these engineering novices….

    …..either these BP people are total and complete imbeciles, or they are some of bin laden’s top Al-qaida boys….

  3. @Bush Tea

    There is the conspiracy theory to consider.

    It is the right-wing Republican Boston Tea Party element at work to assure a defeat for Obama…lol.

  4. Georgie Porgie

    No one is conspiring to defeat Obama.

    He is doing a very very good job on his own.

  5. “So MME, what happened to simply pinching the pipe close with a hydraulic crimp ”

    That would surely depend on the whether the pipe material is sufficiently ductile,

    And the existence of such a crimping tool.

  6. “….but as you can see, BP is not interested in any solution that does not involve continued pumping….”

    Care to elaborate?

  7. As if Jamaica needed more grieve the media is reporting that the coastline of Jamaica and the Bahamas could be affected by this disaster inflicted on us by BP.

  8. Micro Mock Engineer


    Wait… you drinking that bush or smoking it? What exactly are you bragging about? You prefer the option with the highest risk… that’s why it hasn’t been tried yet… it was on the cards from the beginning. Hold your horses… if all else fails, the second BOP may be tried. By the way, you do realize that the BOP is a big crimping device, right? Also, did you notice how close to the existing BOP the damaged riser had buckled? To me, it doesn’t look like there is enough pipe available for fitting a second BOP or crimping… but I’m sure you and BP know something that I’ve overlooked.

    I don’t think you fully appreciate the pressures and risks involved here… hence the frequent water authority and garden hose analogies you keep drawing LOL… the integrity of the BOP (and the wellhead for that matter) have to be a major concern right now, and if these fail there is no ‘do-over’.

    The ‘top hat’ now in place above the BOP is designed with vents which allow BP to regulate the flow rate in the drill pipe carrying oil and gas back up to the ship for separation, oil storage and gas flaring. This is important, as there are limitations on the flows and pressures that the ship can handle. The oil/gas mix leaving the well is variable, resulting in variable flows and pressures experienced at the ship… higher proportions of gas in the drill pipe will result in higher flows and pressures at the ship. Here are animation and video clips of the procedure that may be helpful:


    Over the first 24 hours, the top hat vents were regulated to allow for 30% capture of the leaking oil and gas. The process from here involves continued regulation and monitoring of the vents and pressures to optimize flow in the drill pipe. How much higher will they get the capture rates? Your guess is as good as mine… actually I retract that… my guess is probably better LOL

  9. @ MME
    “Your guess is as good as mine… actually I retract that… my guess is probably better LOL”
    No it isn’t, but that will come out in the wash….

    I refer to garden hose pressures to illustrate the point that if one can appreciate the challenges of the techniques being applied by BP even in a garden hose scenario – surely it is lame to expect it to work in this nightmare scenario…… “top kill” indeed!!

    Man MME, I am a bit surprised at your gullibility. …. but then again you still feel that the three buildings in 911 fell as a result of the two planes…..right???!! LOL

    @ NS
    Crimping is standard practice. As MME says, this is how the BOP actually works.

    There IS in existence a crimping tool, and it HAS been done before. In fact, the tool used to cut the riser need only have a crimping rather than a cutting bit installed to do the job. Furthermore, there is no need for any extended length of riser to successfully crimp it close as MME suggest.

    Even if the crimp was not 100% closed, THEN a ‘junk shot’ would finish the closure.

    ……But these options result in no more oil from this particular well……

  10. @ MME
    Surely you can clearly discern from your clip that the issue being addressed is not how to prevent leakage of oil into the gulf, but how to maximize flow of oil inter the Enterprise.

    In fact, the idiot commentator is so bold as to explain that they “must allow” some of the oil to escape below the cap in order to maintain a net positive pressure which ‘prevents sea water from entering’ and causing blockage of the flow of recovered oil.

    Our world is being run by fools. Who in their right mind would allow a criminal to exercise full control of the process of arresting, cleaning up and reversing the impact of their own criminal deeds?

    The fundamental problem here is that BP is more focused on their bottom line than on any environmental concerns.

    When the oil slick begins to overtake the beaches of Miami this will become clearer to everyone.

  11. “……But these options result in no more oil from this particular well……”

    Care to explain?

    BP now claimed today that the containment cap is recovering 10,000 barrels a day or the “majority” of the oil.

  12. @NS

    What is to explain…?

    I thought the BP said the spill was 5000 barrels per day? If the cap is recovering 10,000 barrels per day how is that now a ‘majority’? You actually BELIEVE anything they say…?
    BTW, MME said that the recovery was about 30% -probably a different BP source…. LOL

    I can’t believe two brilliant minds like you and MME fall for such propaganda nonsense.

    Here are a bunch of incompetent morons who burst a hole in the earth in search of crude oil and gas UNDER HIGH PRESSURE. They take some risky, money-grabbing, shortcut approach which results in the death of 11 men, millions of wild life and likely, thousands of livelihoods…..

    …now ‘intelligent leaders’ have allowed the same criminals to be in charge of the cleanup and recovery- and we actually LISTEN to their PR excuses. The way BT sees it, their continued leaking of oil into the gulf has ‘brought’ them over a month of time to clean up their crime scene.
    Had they capped the flow, the FBI and other hounds would have been all over their records by now and probably had a few persons in custody.

    I can’t figure out what you would like explained NS….? that BP’s only overriding interests in this matter are (1) – protecting their behinds and (2) maximizing the oil recovery ($$$) from their well.
    …anything else is a distraction.

  13. @BT

    “What is to explain…?”

    I want you to explain the following comment:

    “……But these options result in no more oil from this particular well……”

    How do these “options” [ the ones you prefer/recommend] stop the well from producing oil ever again?

    PS. The “10,000 per day” is the just the latest update.

  14. @ NS

    My emphasis is on closing down the well urgently to prevent further leakage of oil into the environment.
    If and when this is done, you can rest assured (and BP knows) that the EPA, Homeland Security, White House and even spider man will be down on the oil company’s back like white on rice….
    …from BP’s perspective, the dog will be dead…… not to mention the clean up bills – BP will be history.

    BP’s solution to this dilemma is simple:


    They therefore refuse to contemplate any ‘solution’ that does not ‘REQUIRE’ their continued extraction of oil from the well.

    Note that EVERY option that they seriously explored involved them having to continue producing oil from the well (Except for the ‘top Kill’ Joke which any third form science student could see was nonsense)

    MME actually buys their crap that the “BOP on bop” solution is ‘too risky’ LOL.
    Like hell it is!!……. it risks closing down BP.


    ….rotfl – I just love conspiracy theories!!

  15. BT………

    “Note that EVERY option that they seriously explored involved them having to continue producing oil from the well…………

    ………… (Except for the ‘top Kill’ …………”


  16. “Had they capped the flow, the FBI and other hounds would have been all over their records by now and probably had a few persons in custody.”

    Can you explain why it is necessary to cap the flow for the “FBI and other hounds” to investigate?

  17. “(Except for the ‘top Kill’ Joke which any third form science student could see was nonsense)”

    You do know that “top kill” is a “standard practice”?

    You seem to direct all of your ire against BP. None for Transocean?

  18. …You serious NS? Ya nah see’t?

    Not a man dares to take responsibility for that mess while the leak is active. You hear Obama? ….he refers to it as BP’s mess…..’ Never mind what will happen to the US coast.

    Would YOU be man enough to take over responsibility for that problem while the leak is ongoing?

    I think not……LOL

    Now if it was deemed safe……. and no testes are required….then all the boys and girls can jump right in…..

    …if you keep asking for explanations to such obvious issues, Bush Tea will have to consider downgrading you from MME’s AAA+ classification level yuh…. especially since you shaky with the evolution thing already….LOL

  19. “They [BP] therefore refuse to contemplate any ‘solution’ that does not ‘REQUIRE’ their continued extraction of oil from the well.”

    But BT, I do think the well was a producer at the time of the explosion.

    Being an experienced “googler” like MME, I found this little detail on the web……….

    “At the time of the explosion the rig was drilling an exploratory well.[11] The planned well was to be drilled to 18,000 feet (5,500 m) below sea level, and was to be plugged and suspended for subsequent completion as a subsea producer.[10] Production casing was being run and cemented at the time of the accident. Once the cementing was complete, it was due to be tested for integrity and a cement plug set to temporarily abandon the well for later completion as a subsea producer.[12]”

  20. That should have been “I do NOT think the well was a producer….”

  21. AAA+ !!

    Such flattery !


  22. “Not a man dares to take responsibility for that mess while the leak is active. ”

    I do not that is a fair comment.

    Is this report false?

    “It wasn’t our accident, but we are absolutely responsible for the oil, for cleaning it up, and that’s what we intend to do,” BP Group CEO Tony Hayward told NBC’s “TODAY” show.

    BP dodging blame for the cause but they seem not to be dodging “responsibility for the mess”

  23. My Bad, NS!!

    I should have said “not a boy from another entity would dare to take responsibility….”

    What would you expect BP to say?

    Besides that is exactly my point. THEY need to remain in control – for the long term viability of BP, as well as to clean up the evidence so that people like Hayward can stay out of Jail.

  24. Update!


    BP is a dead company after this matter is done.

    BP Increased Oil-Capture Rate to 10,500 Barrels a Day (Update2)
    Share Business ExchangeTwitterFacebook| Email | Print | A A A
    By Edward Klump

    June 6 (Bloomberg) — BP Plc said it increased the amount of oil being captured from its leaking well in the Gulf of Mexico to 10,500 barrels a day from 6,077 barrels in the previous 24-hour period ending at midnight June 4.

    The well is estimated by government scientists to be gushing 12,000 to 19,000 barrels a day into the Gulf. The spill is the worst oil spill in U.S. history.

    A “cap” over the well is capturing “probably the vast majority” of the leaking oil, Chief Executive Officer Tony Hayward told the Broadcasting Corp. today in a live interview in London. BP has “a further containment system to implement this week,” he said, adding that a permanent and hurricane-proof mechanism will be in place by the end of the month.

    U.S. Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen said yesterday in a news conference that four vents on the cap remained open, allowing oil to flow through the cap and into the ocean. BP will try to close the vents when pressure is stabilized, Allen said. On June 4, Allen said BP was recovering oil at the rate of about 1,000 barrels a day. BP said yesterday that it collected 6,077 barrels of crude in the 24-hour period of June 4.

    “They are making adjustments to the systems and making sure they don’t increase the production rate until it’s safe to do so,” Allen said.

    Improvement Expected

    After the cap was put in place the night of June 3, gas reached a surface ship at about 11 p.m. local time, and oil was being piped to the ship about 10 minutes later, BP said yesterday on its website.

    “Improvement in oil collection is expected over the next several days,” the London-based company said yesterday on its website.

    The system can capture as much as 15,000 barrels a day, and BP will push toward that limit, Allen said.

    “I’d like to see us capture 90-plus percent of this flow,” Doug Suttles, BP’s chief operating officer for exploration and production, said June 4 on CBS’s “Early Show.” “That’s possible with this design.”

    The shears used to prepare the well for the cap created a cut that was more jagged than had been hoped for, so there is isn’t a perfect seal between the cap and the well, Allen said. The company won’t know how bad the leakage is until it is capturing more oil, he said.

    History Lesson

    “History has taught us here to be cautiously optimistic, not overly optimistic,” Dan Pickering, an analyst at investment bank Tudor Pickering Holt & Co. in Houston, said yesterday. He said capturing 90 percent of the flow would be a “huge home run.”

    The spill, which has cost BP more than $1 billion, has soiled about 140 miles of shoreline in Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi, along with some 80 miles in Florida, the Coast Guard said yesterday.

    Gulf winds are moving the oil now in the water closer to the coasts of Mississippi, Alabama and Florida, Allen said. He said oil in tar balls and patties is affecting areas from western Mississippi to Pensacola, Florida.

    The well began gushing oil after the Deepwater Horizon rig BP leased from Transocean Ltd. exploded on April 20 and sank two days later, resulting in the deaths of 11 workers. The leak is 40 miles (64 kilometers) off Louisiana’s coast under about 5,000 feet of water.

    Obama, Hayward

    President Barack Obama said communities along the Gulf Coast suffering because of the oil spill will be “made whole” with payments from BP and government aid. In his weekly address on the radio and Internet, which was taped June 4 in Grand Isle, Louisiana, Obama said livelihoods that have spanned generations are in danger of being lost.

    BP’s Hayward told the BBC he hadn’t spoken directly to Obama since the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded.

    “There is no need for that,” Hayward said. “I have spoken to his key lieutenants.” BP and the Obama administration are working “hand-in-hand” to resolve the spill, Hayward said.

    The company has paid about half of the 35,000 claims submitted by Gulf residents and companies for income lost because of the spill, Darryl Willis, vice president of resources at BP America, said yesterday on a conference call. BP is awaiting documentation for the other claims, he said. Willis said the company’s claims spending through June may top $84 million.

    ‘First Call’

    Hayward told investors June 4 on a conference call the spill has the “first call” on the company’s funds and financial consequences of the spill will be “severe.”

    Allen said relief-well operations to stop the leak will involve pumping mud to reduce pressure and placing a cement plug. He said this effort will be the “bottom kill exercise.” Allen said the “worst case” he sees is that a discharge continues until relief wells are completed in August.

    “In the long term, the threat from this well will not go away until the relief well has been drilled, pressure has been taken off and the well has been plugged,” Allen said. “In the meantime, we need to optimize our containment efforts.”

    To contact the reporter on this story: Edward Klump in Houston at eklump@bloomberg.net.

    Last Updated: June 6, 2010 10:34 EDT

  25. Exactly my point David!

    So that means that Hayward and his crew are walking deads right?

    Do you think that THEY may have figured that out too!!!!

    …and meanwhile, they are in charge of the current operation …. how reassuring!

    Surely, they will have all of our best interest at heart. At least that is what MME is telling the bush man lol

  26. @All…

    Do the math…

    If BT have increased the capture rate to 10,500 barrels a day, and yet there is still a leak, would this not suggest there has always been more than 10,500 barrels a day being leaked in the past?

  27. @ Chris
    First it is BP that have increased the capture rate … not BT!

    Second, your brilliant conclusion was meant to be taken as obvious.

    Third, you sure you want to tackle those triple A+ boys MME and NS…?

  28. @Bush Tea…

    I stand corrected, and am wetting myself….

  29. Micro Mock Engineer

    “Surely, they will have all of our best interest at heart. At least that is what MME is telling the bush man”

    Man BT… I don’t know where to start with you. I never said BP had your best interest at heart… I said that I agree with the their current course of action to contain the leak… in fact, several weeks ago, I told you that containment until a relief well is completed was my preferred approach. I did not share their optimism about the top kill attempt, but unlike you I don’t think it was a ploy to buy time. That is completely irrational, as they had nothing to gain and much to lose… it did not stop the US Government from launching a criminal investigation, the lost time increased the environmental damage they are ultimately responsible for, and, like every successive failure, it further damaged their share value.

    “But these options result in no more oil from this particular well”

    LOL… it is ok to love conspiracy theories or to hate BP, but there is no need to be irrational. A relief well is the only permanent fix and will be constructed whether the compromised well is contained or plugged. As already pointed out, the lost time has only made matters worse for BP and its executives. Looking at it from an economic standpoint, your conclusion also belies logic. It would be more cost effective for BP to plug the well eliminating all spillage until the relief wells are completed, than to try to capture oil in the interim. But, it doesn’t seem like you are building your conspiracy theory on economic grounds, so I won’t worry with breaking down the economics of containment versus a second BOP… suffice it to say the latter, if successful, would be more cost effective… however the risks and consequences of failure are more severe.

  30. Micro Mock Engineer


    The flow rate technical group established by the US Government and led by the head of the US Geological Survey, revised the spill estimate on May 27… they gave a range of 12 to 19,000 barrels per day based on the results of three separate models (mass balance model, plume model and riser insertion tube model). That has been the official estimate used since then.

  31. Micro Mock Engineer

    … it is entirely possible that after cutting the riser the flow rate increased (some have estimated by as much as 20%)… in that case the 10,500 would only represent just around 46%, but as mentioned earlier, the capture rate should improve as they slowly close off the vents on the top hat.

  32. @MME…

    Thanks for that.

    Perhaps you can tell me this…

    Has BP ever given an estimate of the flow rate higher than the Government’s estimate?

  33. @MME et al

    Politics aside do you believe there is a greater role for the government to play in this exercise?

  34. Micro Mock Engineer

    “Has BP ever given an estimate of the flow rate higher than the Government’s estimate?”

    No. With the exception of the last estimate, they were all issued in joint BP/Government statements… the first jointly with the Coast Guard, the second jointly with NOAA.

  35. Micro Mock Engineer

    “Politics aside do you believe there is a greater role for the government to play in this exercise?”

    Yes… IMHO a Government selected team drawn from experts across industry (including BP of course) and academia should be leading the effort. This would not absolve BP of their financial responsibilities.

  36. @ Chris
    Touche! …..you are becoming one of bush tea’s favourite family members.

    @ David
    “…do you believe there is a greater role for the government to play in this exercise?”

    This is a brilliant question for MME. For my part, the US Government should have responded to this in the same way they would have mobilized for a terrorist attack or any other major event that put citizens life, livelihoods and well being at risk.

    Instead, they sat back and said essentially “It was not me, it was BP”

    Meanwhile, the likely criminals who are RESPONSIBLE for the ‘attack’ (even if it was just professional carelessness) gets to clean up the crime scene

    @ MME

    You know full well that my conspiracy theory in NOT economic in basis. It is criminal.
    What I said was that by maintaining the ’emergency’ and creating ‘solutions’ that require BP’s continued management of the location, they get to maintain control of the crime scene.

    Had they capped that well, ALL LIKE NOW SO, someone would have been keeping Allan Stanford’s company.
    ….you may not believe that, but trust me….. THEY DO!

    By the time the well is safely under control, no clear evidence will exist to prove negligence on anyone’s part, and indeed, we may actually have a few ‘heroes’ evolving from the great containment success by BP.

  37. Micro Mock Engineer

    “Had they capped that well, ALL LIKE NOW SO, someone would have been keeping Allan Stanford’s company”

    That is not true, and you know it. A criminal investigation of this incident would not have been completed “ALL LIKE NOW SO”… LOL

    Furthermore, had they capped the well very early on, the spill would never have made landfall and we probably wouldn’t even be discussing it right now.

    “By the time the well is safely under control, no clear evidence will exist to prove negligence on anyone’s part, and indeed, we may actually have a few ‘heroes’ evolving from the great containment success by BP.”

    More incoherence… the criminal investigation has already started… it doesn’t matter what corrective options BP employ or don’t employ now.

  38. @MME

    Thanks for that response although we are not understanding your point about BP would be absolved of financial responsibility.

    The greater point to be made is to question what culpability can the US government now ascribe to BP if there is a lack of a governance framework to mine in deep waters. Can you advise what policy framework exist.

  39. The finger pointing has been going on for more than a week with a high level government politician wanting to introduce legislation in congress asking that the company who lease the equipment to bp be held respnsible for damages. However the company says the maintaining the equipment is solely the resonsibility of BP. Bp also knew that their was a problem but choose not to have it fixed as was suggseted by one of the inspectors, but however choose to seek the approval of another agency in the delayingof repair.

  40. Micro Mock Engineer

    My point about BP not being financially absolved, is just to reinforce that there is no good reason for the US Government to have taken such a hands off approach to this. It doesn’t make economic or political sense, and shows extremely poor leadership.

    The second part of your question is a very good one, as the Government has been arguably complicit in the events leading up to the incident, not so much because of the absence of regulation, but due to poor enforcement.

    Case in point, in the Environmental Impact Assessment for this project submitted to the US Minerals Management Service (MMS), the following statement was made by BP and ACCEPTED by MMS:

    “In the event of an unanticipated blowout resulting in an oil spill, it is unlikely to have an impact based on the industry wide standards for using proven equipment and technology for such responses, implementation of BP’s Regional Oil Spill Response Plan which address [sic] available equipment and personnel, techniques for containment and recovery and removal of the oil spill.”

    In short I don’t agree with you regarding the “lack of a framework to mine in deep waters”… the fact that they were required to respond to that specific issue shows that the framework was there (at least as far as this particular risk was concerned)… but the response shows incompetence and/or unethical behaviour on the part of both BP and MMS… the courts will decide whether it was also criminal.

  41. @BT,

    “You know full well that my conspiracy theory in NOT economic in basis. It is criminal.”

    That is not what you told us earlier. You claimed…

    “… that BP’s only overriding interests in this matter are (1) – protecting their behinds and (2) maximizing the oil recovery ($$$) from their well.”

    As MME explained (and I tried to point out), It is in BP’s interest to plug the well. They are not actually taking revenue from it at the time and the greater the “mess” the greater their cost. They have committed in their press releases to carry this cost.

    Closing the well does not “risk closing down BP”. Creating a larger mess does.

    David’s post with press release was anything but your “point”

    “BP’s continued management of the location, they get to maintain control of the crime scene.”

    You do know the “crime scene” has sunk? And no they are not “managing it”

    Moreover, the rig was run by Transocean. Evidence of BP’s culpability in any criminal negligence would have to exist offshore.


    How often do you find a rational conspiracy theory? LOL


    Yes of course. However, to kick BP one side (as seems to be suggested by BT?) would be counter productive.

  42. Micro Mock Engineer

    “How often do you find a rational conspiracy theory?”

    LOL NS… depends on how you define conspiracy theory, but I have to confess that BT’s conspiracies have a certain appeal to them.

    Found this list of ‘conspiracy theories’ that eventually turned out to be true… so BT just might get one right one of these days… provided of course that ‘endtimes’ don’t strike first LOL


  43. @NS
    Which part of covering their own behinds do not strike you as dealing with criminal intent?

    Crime scene has sunk? … there are tapes and videos of meetings, notes to be purged, documents to be shredded…..

    man I give up. …for you, BP means Bajan Pastor – ie can do no wrong.

    “criminal investigation would not be complete…” so Stanford investigation complete…? All those men need is some clear evidence up front, and a grand Jury in your bottom….. the investigation then takes years…

    Bush Tea has laid my conspiracy theory. I am prepared to wait for the movie….LOL

  44. Micro Mock Engineer

    “Bush Tea has laid my conspiracy theory. I am prepared to wait for the movie….LOL”

    Man BT… you mean “laid to rest” LOL… if it is any consolation, the ‘relief well’ which I just drilled into your conspiracy theory didn’t cost BU a cent. ROFL

  45. “Crime scene has sunk? … there are tapes and videos of meetings, notes to be purged, documents to be shredded…..”

    And capping or not capping the well has little influence on this.

  46. “BT just might get one right one of these days…”

    I too, am sure the ever cynical BT will strike one day.

    He throws so much mud (he should be been used to plug the well !) something will stick.


  47. OK Ing.

    ….just remember it is he who laughs last that counts…

  48. To put things in perspective, the loss of life in the Gulf will be a cakewalk when compared to Bhopal. Even after 25 years people from the area still suffer from the ill effects and children are still being born with birth defects. And if anyone thinks the course of justice runs like molasses in Barbados, the Indian Courts just handed down a verdict …………25 years after the accident.

    I suppose that’s a start, to this day the plant has not been decontaminated.


  49. BP Liar ! Liar! pants on fire! Liars can figure and figures can lie. That is just the tip of the oilberg.

  50. It would be foolish for Bajans to assume that their love affair( pun intended) with tourism will last forever. The Island was developed with tourist dollars and this came at a huge price which of course most Bajans would not want to talk about .
    The real problem on the horizon however is “peak oil” and the destabilizing effects it will have on the tourism sector if it materializes. If fuel is to expensive travel disappears.
    My view then is that Barbados will have no choice but to search for and develop its off shore oil reserves and this incident in the gulf will again allow “common sense” to be heard in the board room and should translate into regulations and quality assurance system that are designed to minimize blow out risk and manage spills. For a country like Bim to have say 7 wells and insist that relief wells be in place for all of them is a possibility in a post Gulf blow out world . What do you think?

  51. @There is an Upside for Barbados

    We are told that it is already an expensive undertaking to drill in the very deep waters where oil is said to be posited. To add relief well will add significantly to final cost not so? For it to make sense the price of oil on the world market will have to be high? Maybe MME, Bush Tea can asset.

  52. I wonder if MME has noted the recent downgrade of BP’s credit rating from triple A to triple B? …. getting close to junk.

    No doubt he has noted that the most recent (and most accurate so far) estimate of the flow rate into the Gulf is now between 35000 to 60000 BPD

    MME’s vaunted ‘TOP CAP’ is said to be ‘capable’ of up to 18000 BPD. (actually is has been no where near to that capability and indeed was last heard to be turned off due to a fire on a drill ship)

    Bush Tea is really disappointed that it is taking my partners MME and ‘Not Saved’ so long to come out like real men, and admit that the bushman was right from the very beginning.
    It will not be easy to do, swallowing one’s pride never is, but as the facts become clearer, swallowing will become even more difficult LOL.

    This is MUCH more serious than is (deliberately) being portrayed by the authorities (especially BP). The Obama response of “insisting that BP makes everything right financially” is misguided at best, stupid at worse and probably just plain naive. BP will be broke by Thanksgiving, and will disappear just like Enron and the big crooked Wall Street brokers did.

    A few years ago (in the good old days of BOLTS, Dodds and GEMS), well before the fan was impacted by the brown stuff, Bush Tea warned BU family of the imminent closing of this phase of ‘life on earth’….and of the pain that will accompany the death of this phase and the birth of the next one.

    The Bush man tried to explain BBE, the background to the whole project, and how everything was going EXACTLY as planned, was on schedule, and well within budget…..
    Now we have reached the stage where everyone can see the writing on the wall… but few understands the big picture.

    …….see if Revelation chapter 8 does not appear to be coming to life before our very eyes…. “Something like a burning mountain (a massive burning Oil Rig?) is cast into the sea and turns the waters like blood -killing the creatures??!!.”….. Hmmmmm

    @ MMEand NS, separate yourselves from BP and their propaganda; come over and join with BT to share the true perspectives before you both suffer similar downgrades to BP…… LOL

  53. @Bush Tea
    Better yet BP can file Bankruptcy! Then what.The federal government would be forced to clean up te enviroment and some of the other mes related to the states,Cuba has already got into it after fifty years of disagreements with USA thetwo governments are talking aboutthe oil spill and how it will affect cuba shorelines. Imagine what Obama might be thinking that is why he held that “BP I’m Watching YOU” press conference. Obama have to stand firm if not the Federal goverment would be left holding the bag. I know Obama must be a nervous wreck. Those oil barons are thieves and they don’t care. When the going gets hot . The hot gets going. Obama Watchout!

  54. @Bush Tea

    Something like a burning mountain into the sea
    That can be a volcano.

  55. @ ac
    Did you see pictures of the oil rig on fire before it fell into the sea?
    Do you appreciate the size and height of these things?

    How would you expect a writer from two thousand years ago to describe that scenario if he saw it in a vision….?

    ……but it could also be a volcano. (I don’t argue with sweet women… LOL)

  56. The other angle to consider is the potential political fallout between perennial allies Great Britain and the USA. Bear in mind pension funds and other investments will go the way of BP if it becomes insolvent. So on one side you have Obama flogging BP to spend its last dollar to stop/clean up the mess and on the other side we have a new UK Prime Minister who is under pressure to defend BP for the stated reasons and others.

  57. @ ac
    …..as for Obama, Bush Tea is still trying to work out why a black man would want to be in charge of the USA at any time – far less now as president of a broke, broken indebted collection of mixed up states….
    ….the possible answers that come to mind are not flattering.

    I am interested in MME’s take of the consequences of this thing leaking until Christmas ( I expect that BP will come back and announce a delay in the relief well due to a miscalculation or other error – causing them to be off target…)

    Bush Tea feels that MME should be somewhere up in Louisiana advising BP on strategy…. LOL

  58. Georgie Porgie

    Bush Tea
    Add Revelation 18 to the Revelation 8 picture
    Tell them for me cause if GOP says it they will say GP is a moron.

    But current affairs indicate that the Revelation 18 & Revelation 8 picture is not only very possible, but very imminent. Ah gone

  59. @Bush Tea
    How about the awesome power of volcanoes and their ability to form islands

  60. Dead right David.

    …..not to mention the various ‘financial interests’ that BP holds in other entities which will undergo stressful changes if and when BP dies….

    …and NO ONE can conceive of the dastardly possibilities that could be caused by a hurricane near to the Gulf in the coming months…

    What an interesting time in which to live….